Political theater and Dictatorship type control of government is becoming clear to the American public. In China, Moscow and other communist or totalitarian governments, opponents to the corruption of the State are jailed. In Ecuador that do not jail opponents of corruption—they kill them. Last week the Donald Trump of Ecuador was assassinated because he opposed the cartels running the governments, just as Trump opposes the Biden Crime Family and the Communist Chinese Party controlling our government.
In these time we need to get busy, get vocal, get active—or we will find ourselves with a full on totalitarian State.
Political Isolation by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 8/15/23
As a person who takes pride in communicating with both the right and the left side of the political spectrum, I recently find this ability to be waning.
What troubles me most, defensive Progressives have broken diplomatic relations with me when the subject of Joe Biden is mentioned. Bank records, so called business associates of Hunter Biden, shell companies, and other evidence of wrong doing are of little consequence to doctrinaire Leftists.
Instead of recognizing the gravity of the situation, they prefer not to believe the mounting evidence of wrong doing of the so called “Biden Crime Family”. In their minds, the whole deal is a plot of Fox News to defame the President.
To back up this argument they point to MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBC, New York Times, Washington Post, and social media outlets, who virtually ignore the subject. Perhaps ignorance is indeed bliss?
As a last resort they can boast a Special Council in Delaware has been appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the Hunter Biden mess.. The only problem this guy is the same fellow who tendered the sweetheart plea deal t a Federal judge threw out. So much for transparency and equal justice
It does not matter to Progressive ideologues that Donald Trump’s first impeachment was predicated on Donald Trump’s enquiry of Hunter Bidens pay to play scheme with Ukraine energy conglomerate Burisma.
Even with direct evidence that a $ 5,000,000 dollars fee was received by Hunter after his Dad arranged a prosecutor investigating Burisma to be fired, not a peep could be heard from Democrats.
Instead they prefer to discuss Donald Trump’s role in supporting the January 6th incident. We have later learned the House Select Committee that lacked any real Republican input, has lost millions of documents that might exonerate the Fromer President for inciting the mob.
Is this a coincidence or another example Democratic deceit?
There is concern the documents the former President has been at his Florida residence allegedly endangered national security. Conveniently missing from this allegation is the Secret Service guarded the property. What peril might have justified criminal charges?
It was on no consequence Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Hillary Clinton held unauthorized documents protected by fewer security precautions than at Mar-a-Lago
Prosecutor Jack Smith who previously expressed his hatred of Donald Trump, is behind the document charges. He is joined by the wack job D.A. in New York Alvin Bragg who promised in his election campaign to bring Donald Trump to justice.
It is obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than tap water, that multiple prosecutions of Trump are politically motivated. These are more representative of banana republic politics, than the greatest democracy in the history of mankind.
With the current unwarranted legal proceedings against the former President falling in the Point of information category, it is no wonder Progressive Democrats no longer prefer to discuss politics with this writer.
Even if they admit to the truth about the criminal if not treasonous actions of the Biden family, including the President, his son, Brother, and other relatives, they still remain silent. In their minds Donald Trump is so evil that any means needs to be taken in keeping him from being elected President again.
Nancy Pelosi warned putting Trump back in the White House would be the end of Democracy as we know it. Given what has happened in Washington D.C. the past six years, Pelosi for all the wrong reasons may be right.
How convenient that Pelosi and Company cringe at the mental deterioration of California Senior Senator Diann Feinstein while ignoring similar characteristics exhibited by the President. Again, they don’t care if Biden is glued to his teleprompter and has not conducted a meaningful press conference in several months
Meanwhile blackout continues for myself and many other conservatives, who Leftist seem to be shunning in record numbers. I am begging to feel like disenchanted Rocker Dino Valenti in his classic Quicksilver Messenger Song What About me
… And I feel like a stranger
In the land where I was born
And I live like an outlaw.
An’ I’m always on the run…
This attitude is enhanced by the Republican Party of California denying me a press credentials to their convention in Sacramento earlier this year. While I take great pride in theirsnub, this looks a strong case of a man without a country.
Despite this, I am not quite willing to throw in the towel for being a conservative or Republican quite yet. It has always been my belief that United States Constitution is stronger than any political party or person. Even ridiculous-absurd rants from Wokes who feel our system of government is outdated, fails to make me believe American democracy is obsolete.
Even if friends, family, and acquaintances feel I am a fruitcake, I will not give up the cause of promoting freedom. Joe Biden and his scumbag son are but “a bug on the windshield of life. We have survived them and others lacking of questionable ethical standards throughout our proud history.
Donald Trump falls in a different category. He may not be a choir boy with his sleazy demeanor, but we have to respect his love of country. This is an attribute both political parties and independent voters need to embrace in the years to come.