Eber: Politics 101

If you are a GOP candidate in a deep blue district, do not count on the CRP helping.  In many cases you will not even get your calls or emails returned—and if you do, it will take time.  This problem goes back a long time, sadly.  The Party appears not to care about building the Party, but ignoring whole areas of the State.  As this has been done, the GOP has become more irrelevant every year in California.

Even at this past convention, Rich Eber, the author of this article (and a weekly columnist) asked for press credentials—they were denied.  This makes no sense.  We did not discuss national security secrets.  Listening to Gov. Noem or Lara Trump is not a national secret.  State laws protects bloggers as if they were mainstream reporters.  What would it hurt—what was the reason—for not allowing a Press Credential.  Eber has been writing at least once a week for the California Political News and Views—and before that, for another publication.

Politics 101

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/23/24   www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

With the fall Presidential campaign upon us, attention shifts from the primaries to actually electing candidates.

In California, except when two Democrats are facing one another, electing them is more like a coronation than an actual competitive event.   For Republicans, it’s a different story.

Receiving virtually no assistance from the State GOP, most candidates face an uphill battle. They compete against opponents who are well financed with support coming from a statewide organization dedicated to pushing a Left Wing agenda.

So what can conservative candidates do to conduct viable races against the Democratic machine?

In 2024 liberals no longer the represent the working man and middle class.  Instead, they are  an entity  composed of socialists, organized labor, illegal aliens, most of the news media, and fringe environmentalist groups.

This constituency is not nearly a majority in the Golden State. Additionally, the growing budget deficit and deteriorating business climate makes the Democratic status quo vulnerable to Republican attack.

Political outsiders, in most cases lack the financial resources to compete against the Democratic juggernaut, Republicans should unite to support conservative office seekers. 

To do so those carrying the GOP banner must address and attacl without remorse:  

Connections to special interests represented by labor unions.  Point out campaign donations made by crafts, public employees, and Teachers unions.  These organizations represent less than 5% of the population; yet  they are the major force of Democratic power in Sacramento and Washington D.C. 

Public education continues to flounder. Nationwide, California is near the bottom in math and reading skills. The California Teachers Association (CTA) fear meaningful reform.  They oppose Charter Schools and School Choice because of more opportunities given to non-union employees. As a result of no child left ahead policies, there is little hope for change with Gavin Newsom, the legislature, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond in charge.

The housing shortage in the State is directly related to excess government intervention.   Between repetitious  environmental impact reports, costly permit expenses, and restrictive zoning policies, construction costs are rivaled by only Alaska and Hawaii. Added to the equation are   Project Labor Agreements (PLA)  that give an unfair advantage to crafts unions  reducing competition.  They are used on most government contracts to exclude competent workers to participate outside their ranks. The collateral damage is increasing construction costs from between 20 to 25%.  

A court system that encourages frivolous lawsuits by wacko environmentalists This increases costs for every construction project while delaying progress for years with needless litigation and lawsuits.  This might help explain why constructing reservoirs, roads, power plants, and affordable housing is nearly impossible in California.

Supporting Sanctuary Cities must end. This involves subsidizing illegal migrants with sparse State government funds. Facing a budget deficit of over 83 billion dollars in the coming year, the needs of citizens should come first.  This situation will likely worsen if Federal subsidies disappear if Donald Trump is elected.

Law enforcement should no longer protect illegal aliens and habitual criminals who commit felonies. Leniency to law breakers, especially in big cities with Progressive George Sorus elected D.A.’s in charge, must end. Law enforcement personnel need to be treated with the respect they deserve. The phrase “Book em Dano”,has been virtually eliminated.  Instead, a majority of accused felons are released without bail and seldom charged.  The “defund the police” movement should be ended. Republican candidates, who respect the work of law enforcement, need to impart their beliefs to voters.

Businesses are fleeing California in record numbers to other States where they have a more favorable environment for taxes, energy costs, government regulation, housing prices, better performing schools and high crime rates. For California, this means loss of tax revenues and mounting budget deficits. Republican candidates need to educate the public in their advertising. A new generation of office holders should be  partners rather than advisories of business

Support must be given to viable GOP candidates who have a chance to win.  As an example where I live in Costa County Republicans are facing  opponents who are out of touch with most of their constituents. In the open 14th District Assembly District, Progressive Democrat Annamarie Farias, has been boycotting the 4th of July celebration for several years.  If elected, she will no doubt be a lapdog to the Progressive causes of Governor NewsomRobert Rivas, Scott Weiner, etc.

Republican Sonya Ledo, who provides an alternative to Marxist Lite government, shares the values of most voters. With a well financed campaign, she can defeat a flawed largely unpopular Democrat.

Unfortunately, the State GOP organization under the leadership of Chairwomen, Jessica Paterson has a dismal record in electing deserving Republicans such as  Ledo at any level of government.  Apparently not registering voters, placating the Establishment, and paying bloated salaries to themselves, is more important than winning.

This is where the GOP, should they wish to increase their share of  representation in the Legislature, come to the rescue.  Thus far, Sonya Ledo’s campaign has been hindered by benign neglect of the Republican Party as a whole. This trend has gone on so long that in local elections, conservatives in most cases have had to run as independents or become Democrats to have any chance to win.

With a little more than five months until election day, is there still enough time for Republicans to right the ship? But will they?

One thought on “Eber: Politics 101

  1. All absolutely true. But Republican candidates do not seem to be emphasizing those subjects loud enough. And, worse, progressives work at making Republicans seem like scary folks (“They will take away your Medicare! They want women barefoot and pregnant! They will deport your old Granny!”). So, voters rather stick with the devil they know.

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