Will Newsom sign AB 455, which mandates you must be fully vaccinated to go to any public place, gym, stadium, movie, restaurant or retail store—only drug and grocery stores are at question. In conjunction with AB 1102, a bill that mandates employers may only hire the fully vaccinated, those who are unvaccinated will be the 2021 version of Jews in Nazi Germany—only thing missing is the concentration camps—and do not think the Democrats won’t do those to “protect society” just as Hitler did to Jews.
- “Crowded highways that were supposed to be fixed yet little progress has been made.
- An entrenched bureaucracy in Sacramento that allows little to be done. The DMV and unemployment department is still a mess. More regulations come from the Legislature than housing starts.
- Between Cap and Trade, high energy costs, and Green New Deal initiatives, California has the highest energy costs in the USA.
- Public employee unions from the police to fire fighters, government workers, and teachers, and transit workers being treated much better than those working in the private sector.
- Rising crime rates and homelessness in big cities that has led to a mass migration to the suburbs.
Add to this list of failed government schools—racism is the policy of the State—Newsom calls it “equity”—a fancy term for KKK style racist,. Lots of reasons to Recall Newsom—can not think of any to keep him in office.
Poor Gavin Newsom by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/26/21
Poor Gavin Newsom. The poor little Woke rich boy, who has been raising money to be Governor of California for over a decade, finds himself in the middle of a recall campaign.
Newsom considers himself to be rightfully perplexed for his precarious position. He counters his critics by saying “I haven’t done anything wrong” so why are these evil Republicans trying to boot me out of office?”
In reality Gavin is correct. He hasn’t done much of anything since replacing Jerry Brown as the State’s CEO. That might his problem. Outside of appealing to the whims of progressive supporters, the Governor has been pretty much MIA in dealing with his middle class second tier constituents. Their concerns include:
- Crowded highways that were supposed to be fixed yet little progress has been made.
- An entrenched bureaucracy in Sacramento that allows little to be done. The DMV and unemployment department is still a mess. More regulations come from the Legislature than housing starts.
- Between Cap and Trade, high energy costs, and Green New Deal initiatives, California has the highest energy costs in the USA.
- Public employee unions from the police to fire fighters, government workers, and teachers, and transit workers being treated much better than those working in the private sector.
- Rising crime rates and homelessness in big cities that has led to a mass migration to the suburbs.
If the truth be known most of California’s struggling middle class care a lot more about their children’s education, rising housing costs, and inflation, than eliminating gasoline engines or transgender restroom choice.
Meanwhile, television commercials on Newsom’s behalf clog the airways each day. Most of them feature Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) lecturing Californian’s not to recall the Democratic Golden Boy from office. Warren stern manor reminds many viewers of their mean 3rd grade teacher dispensing detention notes.
They also don’t care much about the Warren adds blaming Donald Trump supporters, Republican voter suppression, and conservatives wasting money on the recall.
It does seem a bit ironic that Warren worries about springing for 256 million for the recall while the socialist stimulus bill she and Bernie Sanders have proposed comes to over 5 trillion dollars in the next decade.
The advertisements of Warren don’t even slightly relate to concerns of likely voters. In this election they desire meat and potatoes; not organic quinoa or kale greens.
Despite most of their money from unions, high tech, and lobbying groups, Newsom’s campaign does not seem to be aware of public’s rejection of their arguments thus far. For the past decade they have been able to follow novelist Eugene Burdick’s formula in The Ninth Wave“Ignorance plus hate equals power” to easily win elections.
Why change tactics?
With zero Republican’s holding state offices in Sacramento, why in the world would they ever consider changing tactics? Just stick to past practices blaming Donald Trump’s for everything and something will stick on the walls to influence voters.
To muddy things up, the September 14th election just might have more in common with Trump’s triumph in 2016 than what has been going on with past Democratic triumphs.
One might remember Hillary Clinton far outspent the GOP candidate. At some point the electorate got sick of this repetitious hatred, (especially the basket of Deplorables) and decided to move in a different direction.
Such a situation may exist in California today. Rather than the traditional campaign rhetoric, the voters might want to hear how Newsom will improve their lives and well being. This will prove difficult because it would require that Newsom admit he has made mistakes in leading California on a path to socialism.
As part of such a disclosure, it might be necessary to turn his back on the teacher’s nurses, construction workers, and government employees who have vigorously supported him in the past. For a mainstream Progressive Democrat such as Newsom, turning to the right politically might not be a move he is comfortable with.
But then take another look at the 60% of the voters who are independents, Republicans, and conservative Democrats. They are unhappy with where things are now. What makes things worse for Newsom camp is that this group’s displeasure might not be reflected in public opinion polls.
If Newsom happens to be recalled, it will probably not be because people prefer a Republican Governor. Recall voters might be tired of being taken for granted and be treated like sheep being led to slaughter. Will the governor be their sacrificial lamb?
Voters just may have the intelligence to know that it is not “a matter of life and death” as enumerated in Newsom commercials, that the recall be rejected. They might also be interested in killing the messenger if that happens to be Elizabeth Warren. It is thought the Massachusetts Senator may be using the recall as a stepping stone to run against California’s so called Favorite Daughter Kamala Harris for President in 2024.
That would be some race to the bottom trying to figure out which candidate would be more liberal. I hope the amount of Indian blood each of them was born with is not a determining factor who occupies the White House.
And then there is Netflix CEO Reed Hastings whose fortune of 4.2 billion dollars is funding much of Newsom’s television advertising campaign. This gentleman is threatening George Soros to take on role for being the Sugar Daddy of left wing politics. Of course these guys at OK because they are not remotely related to the Koch Brothers.
In all Gavin Newsom’s recall rates pretty high in the sheer entertainment quotient department. After listening to this superficial snobby-opportunist for over a decade, it is nice to see him on the ropes for a change.
The question is if the voters are going to continue to buy his Republican conspiracy theories and hatred for Donald Trump on September 14th.