Maybe Gavin Newsom realizes he will never be President. So, why not be the North American version of Vladimir Putin? Putin is attacking the people of Ukraine. Newsom has been attacking the people of California—via masks, racist schools, confusing children about their gender, lockdowns, high taxes, mandating the end of single family homes. He allows crimes and says little about the use of government to protect bullies, criminals and terrorists. Drug dealers are protected.
“SB-866 would allow children years and above to receive a Covid Vaccination without the consent of their parents. This bill authored by Scott Wiener (D) San Francisco is a brazen attempt to transfer power from families to the State.
Any resident including illegal ones would be entitled to essentially free housing and mental health care according to SB-1446 authored by Henry Stern (D-Calabasas) Again we see the State replacing families in managing people’s lives. Of course there is no indication in this bill of who will pay for these new services. (We will get to this later)”.
Now you know why families and companies are fleeing California—juts as they would flee Russia.
Putinization of California by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 5/3/22
California Cuisine, as it is known, is a tribute to the culinary diversity of the “Golden State”. This fusion of different cultures is a phenomenon that should be celebrated at all levels.
What has occurred with food has extended to our politics as well. The results are much different than what we might fill our tummies with.
In this case we call California’s Progressive leanings to be their own brand of Putinization. To put it another way our democratic system is being quickly subverted in a dictatorial direction where government is assuming a larger role in its citizens lives.
Facing virtually no opposition in Sacramento, the left leaning Legislature is trying to turn the State into a modified version of a dictatorial banana republic. Signs of this are everywhere. Proposed new laws include:
- SB-866 would allow children years and above to receive a Covid Vaccination without the consent of their parents. This bill authored by Scott Wiener (D) San Francisco is a brazen attempt to transfer power from families to the State.
- Any resident including illegal ones would be entitled to essentially free housing and mental health care according to SB-1446 authored by Henry Stern (D-Calabasas) Again we see the State replacing families in managing people’s lives. Of course there is no indication in this bill of who will pay for these new services. (We will get to this later)
- The State government wants to take over from private enterprise the process of hiring new employees to help make the process “more transparent” SB-1162 authored Sen. Monique Limón (D-Goleta) would require employers to maintain records of all job positioning by sex, race, and ethnicity by job titles for companies of over 100 workers. Naturally, there is no consideration for the extra costs for these services for employers as costs for doing business in California escalate.
- Here we go again. A move is afoot to put a new ballot measure before voters to put in a wealth tax for millionaires who reside in California. AB-2289 sponsored by Alex Lee D-San Jose) would impose a new tax of 1% on net worth above 50 million. The only problem with this hair brained scheme is that it would encourage entrepreneurs to leave California along with businesses and jobs. While it is estimated that over 22 billion dollars in revenue would be created, the collateral damage would be horrendous.
- Non-profits in California that encourage insurrection would lose this designation per SB-834 sponsored by Progressive San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener. Those who cherish the 1st Amendment of the Constitution are concerned that this legislation would be used as a tool to discourage dissent for those who oppose the Democratic Super Majority in California.
Were this bill passed those in power would determine behavior that would be termed to encourage so called insurrection. SB-834 sounds like a close cousin of Dept. of Homeland Securities Disinformation Governance Board. Both of these proposals sure sounds like thinly veiled attempts to attack freedom of speech.
Throw in new housing legislation that takes away local control of what can be built throughout the State, it is obvious a power grab is going on to turn California into Socialistic utopia where the State controls the lives of its residents.
If Gavin Newsom and his leftist colleagues have their way, the State will provide child care virtually at birth, free lunches for kids, medical care, physiological counseling, and other services that pre-empt the role of families in raising children. Throw in vaccinations along with birth control without having to consult with parents; one has achieved a society that would be the envy of the old Soviet Union.
Not to be forgotten in this Woke-Cancel Culture World model is that Children would receive a heavy dose of Critical Race theory with briefings on transgender matters virtually from the crib.
Even better, the undocumented, AKA illegal aliens, would qualify for all the free services generated by the new millionaires assessment along with arguably the highest overall tax base in the USA
While these projections might appear to be a reach, in reality they aren’t. If current trends continue, the Putinization of California will be upon us so slowly that the body politic does not realize what is happening. If this conclusion seems to be too extreme, one might consider local control being a thing of the past.
Almost all the laws emanating from Sacramento involve decision making on housing, education, policing, utilities, and other essential services being taken over by the State. While virtually every community complains about this trend, the Legislature simply does not care. They comprise the Politburo of today.
Along with the strangling private enterprise with regulations and high taxes, the Newsom Administration does not seem to be overly concerned with businesses departing the State. They feel entrepreneurs will create new jobs while the State government will take complete control over water and energy distribution.
This economic and social services plan looks like a Five Year Plan model that surely pleases Vladimir Putin. Food, shelter, and clothing will be provided for the masses. Businesses (Oligarchs) friendly to the power elite, will prosper. A brain washed populous will have their first amendment rights crushed by State controlled social media while hate crime laws will thwart opposition to the dictatorship.
The largest hole in this Orwellian nightmare will be powerful Black Market business interests similar to what cropped up during the old Soviet Union and during Putin’s reign. Repressive environments breed mafia like enterprises in areas such as tobacco, drugs, alcohol, and heavily taxed items. Corruption becomes a way of life.
Instead of the police and close associates of Putin providing the foundation for California, government workers will take on a similar role to that of the old Communist Party held in the Soviet Union. Along with easily manipulated environmentalists and the Democratic Party, the present “blue” state may soon be turning “red”, if you know what I mean?
Unless the California Republican Party can wake up from their 2o years of hibernation and become relevant again, the Putinization of California may well come sooner than one might expect.