Richmond, the city that outlawed well paying jobs and lower gas prices by not allowing Chevron to expand, is now on record as supporting terrorists and genocide. Please note that Guv Newsom is in china and has not spoken out against this—or the events on campuses supporting terrorism and the bullying of Jewish student. His silence makes him an apologist for Hamas and the 2023 version of the Brownshirts and the American Bund.

“WHEREAS, the City of Richmond stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza, who are currently facing a campaign of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment by the state of Israel; and
WHEREAS, collective punishment is considered a war crime under international law, and refers to a form of sanction imposed on persons or a group of persons in response to a crime committed by one of them or a member of the group; and
WHEREAS, the state of Israel is engaging in collective punishment against the Palestinian people in Gaza in response to Hamas attacks on Israel; and
WHEREAS, this collective punishment of the Palestinian people includes shutting off all access to electricity, drinking water, food, and humanitarian aid;
Not mentioned is that the people of Gaza VOTED for the Hamas to run the government. Shame on Richmond. Shame on Newsom and shame on Biden for not speaking out. If you are Jewish or Christian and still vote for the Democrats, this is what you are supporting.
The Un-Holy Alliance by Richard Eber
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 10/27/23
Following the attack of Hamas terrorists against Israel October 7th, Mayor Eduardo Martinez proposed a resolution supporting the Palestine cause. It apparently did not matter that the invaders murdered in cold blood more than 1400 civilians and kidnapped over 220 hostages.
Introduced by Martinez and Vice Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, the document concluded “The City of Richmond vows to combat antisemitism and ethno-nationalism in all its forms.” For many, this disclaimer was not enough to mask hatred of Jews felt by opponents of the resolution.
Despite leading a city government that has hovered near bankruptcy, Martinez has felt that being leader of the Richmond Progressive Alliance (PRA) also includes conducting his own foreign policy.
His resolution Affirming Richmond’s Support and Solidarity with the Palestinian People of Gaza began:
WHEREAS, the City of Richmond stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza, who are currently facing a campaign of ethnic cleansing and collective punishment by the state of Israel; and
WHEREAS, collective punishment is considered a war crime under international law, and refers to a form of sanction imposed on persons or a group of persons in response to a crime committed by one of them or a member of the group; and
WHEREAS, the state of Israel is engaging in collective punishment against the Palestinian people in Gaza in response to Hamas attacks on Israel; and
WHEREAS, this collective punishment of the Palestinian people includes shutting off all access to electricity, drinking water, food, and humanitarian aid;
Reading this document one might believe it was authored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC) (D-N.Y.) Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) Such a notion is not true.
Many so called mainstream Democrats have come out of the woodwork to support the Humas attack on Israel. Going back to when Nancy Pelosi was in charge, there has never been a strong condemnation of AOC and her band of Progressive racist bigots.
Richmond’s Congressman Mark DeSaunier (D-Concord) has declared himself a supporter of Israel yet declined to say aye on a resolution congratulating them on their 75th anniversary. The Congressman cited the alleged ill treatment of those living under Hamas rule for his negative vote.
Thia contrasts an article in the San Francisco Chronicle that quoted the rabbi at nearby Temple Beth Hillel, Synagogue in Richmond. In posting a letter sent to council members, he lambasting them for using “vile, untrue, and antisemitic” accusations against Israel.
With emotions running high the resolution was taken up by the Richmond City Council at their regular meeting on October 24th. The venue briefly unraveled when Mayor Martinez made reference to the Israeli government being an apartheid entity that was guilty of war crimes.
Order was soon restored although several speakers in public comment noted that the Palestine resolution was being debated while local firefighters lacked leadership, the police were not being properly funded while hookers (sex workers) were plying their trade in residential neighborhoods.
Members of the public were given one minute to give their views on the Israeli-Hamas conflict. With a poster supporting the Palestine cause in the background, nothing much was resolved after more than 150 speakers were heard.
After several hours at 1:07 A.M., a slightly watered down resolution was passed. With only one negative vote, the Richmond City Council gave their support for a group that has vowed to drive Israel into the sea.
Leftist Democrats had triumphed.
The Richmond Progressive Coalition and the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America) have long been Marxist leaning groups that have promoted:
- Anti-law enforcement sentiment going back to support for Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the defund the police movement. When this policy failed, the RPC countered with luck warm support of law and order while restricting the authority of those carrying badges.
- Distrust of business illustrated by hostility aimed at Richmond’s largest taxpayer and employer, the Chevron Refinery.
- The strictest rent control laws in the State paired with hatred directed towards property owners and landlords.
- Support for the failing Richmond School District recently run by current California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Tony Thurmond
- A general policy aimed towards the redistribution of wealth associated with the most extremist elements of the Democratic Party.
Calling Mayor Martinez and his Progressive Democratic Coalition “Marxist Lite”, might be an understatement. With this being the case, it is no surprise for their tacit support for Hamas and their murder spree against women and children on October 7th.
If this were merely an isolated incident in a city bordered by radical Berkeley, it would be no big deal. Unfortunately, the resolution put forth by the Mayor of Richmond represents the sentiments not only of the so called “Squad”, but also thousands of college students and antisemites throughout the country.
If anything, this illustrates how far the Fascist cancer of political thought has spread. Such a reality directly contradicts in what was formally called the” land of the free and the brave.”
Unfortunately, it will take more than a few carefully worded press releases from college Presidents to placate disgruntled alumni who threaten to withdraw financial support given institutions of higher learning.
But wait there’s more!
Taking into account failure to guard our borders against unlawful immigration, horrendous foreign policy, declining education standards, and fascist political thought, America has some important decisions to soon make.
We must be reminded what Longshoreman political philosopher Eric Hoffer warned in his classic book The True Believer. Citing examples of Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin, he found there is very little difference between the two dictators.
And so, it goes with Antifa, BLM, and now the Democratic Party as well.