During the Viet Nam War, the cry was, “What did you do in the War, Daddy.” Today we need the same cry. Biden wanted to continue to finance the Russian invasion of Ukraine via buying oil from Russia—it took a massive outcry from the public, Congress heard it and even Pelosi came on board the policy of banning Russia oil from the U.S. Now Biden wants to get oil from Venezuela—of course he has dementia and probably forgot that the RUSSIANS own at least half of the Venezuelan oil.
“No more of this stupid stuff like Hunter Biden being paid millions of bucks to sit on the board of Barisma while Democrats put forth a ridiculous impeachment proceeding against President Trump. The bottom line is that he helped deliver 400 million dollars of military aid to Ukraine. When Joe Biden became in charge, similar aid was not made available until after Putin invaded.
This example illustrates why the United States must take bold action. We just can’t wait till sleepy Joe consults with advisers, Congress, and opinion polls prior to making any decision in these perilous times.
With this in mind to deal with Putin, the needs of Europe and the Ukraine Joe Biden must do considerably more than release 3 days of petrol from the countries strategic oil reserve. “
As a people we need to speak up to our Senators and members of Congress—give them courage to speak up to the demented President.
Screw our courage to the sticking place by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 3/10/22
In case you missed it the United States for all practical purposes is at war. Whether one prefers CNN, MSNBC, Fox, or the New York Times, our country is dealing with the most dangerous crisis since WWII.
Much like what occurred in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor and Hitler’s march across Europe, we will need to make sacrifices to deal with enemies of freedom our country stands for. This means short cuts must be utilized in the battle to save democracy as we know it.
On a national level this means circumventing bureaucracy in much the same way Donald Trump did in producing the original Covid-19 vaccine from laboratory to distribution in just over six months. In doing so the President virtually unilaterally allocated funds and fast tracked the creation of vaccines in record time.
In this case, despite criticism from the Left, Trump gambled and won. Such an approach is often needed in time like this even if one hates the guy behind the curtain.
With regards to arming the heroic Ukrainian’s, we have to stop playing politics and screw our courage to the sticking place.
No more of this stupid stuff like Hunter Biden being paid millions of bucks to sit on the board of Barisma while Democrats put forth a ridiculous impeachment proceeding against President Trump. The bottom line is that he helped deliver 400 million dollars of military aid to Ukraine. When Joe Biden became in charge, similar aid was not made available until after Putin invaded.
This example illustrates why the United States must take bold action. We just can’t wait till sleepy Joe consults with advisers, Congress, and opinion polls prior to making any decision in these perilous times.
With this in mind to deal with Putin, the needs of Europe and the Ukraine Joe Biden must do considerably more than release 3 days of petrol from the countries strategic oil reserve. Without weighing in from Progressives and Green New Deal environmentalist activists the President should:
- Resume construction on the Keystone Excel pipeline to increase production of oil from the North.
- Remove environmental restraints while approving new oil leases on Federal lands.
- Approve fracking and other techniques to extract petroleum across the country. Federalize this process by eliminating permitting process of states that slow production.
- Increase petroleum and natural gas production to make the United States self sufficient and support the needs Russia has taken care of in the past for our European allies.
These steps would go a long way to reduce the price of oil worldwide and go to ease inflation that is racking our country. This move alone would reduce the chances of a major depression or recession we are currently heading for under the inept leadership of Progressives.
At the same time we need to move quickly on dealing with basic government functions of building infrastructure, housing, and law enforcement. The federal government just can’t bog themselves down worrying about pandering to labor unions, special interest groups, crony capitalists, and worthless environmental reviews, in getting these jobs done.
This is not to say the Davis-Bacon Act should scrapped that guarantees prevailing wages on government financed projects. Decent jobs can be created that are not mired in silly diversity matters that concern themselves with inclusion above efficiency.
We must realize there will be no Green New Deal if our country ceases to exist.
In the name of dealing with national security and lowering inflation, we just don’t have money to waste on pork barrel and unnecessary social spending. We need a footing that existed during WW2. This is not to say civil rights such as the internment of those of Japanese ancestry should place. In 2022 to we need to put aside Cancel Culture PC- Woke social values and be a democracy in a Republic for a change.
An important priority should be to stop all illegal immigration on the border with Mexico. The Biden administration needs to make sure this porous place is sealed. A good place to start is using military personal and/or the National Guard to do so. Republicans want to finish putting up the wall but that can wait till after the elections this fall.
In addition the Federal Government has to put an end to Sanctuary Cities. It is no coincidence that these places are all located in democratically operated communities. ICE needs to have the ability to deport all felons without exception
Closing the border to possible terrorists and the illegal importation of fentanyl is more important at this time than human rights considerations. In addition the Federal government should eliminate economic assistance to those who have entered the country and failed to comply with instructions to report to ICE on their status.
Sneaking over the border should be discouraged at all costs.
All of these concerns should apply to California. Gavin Newsom and his Progressive cohorts must cease to act like an independent country. With the possible exception of the Golden State’s anti-smog gasoline formula, the State needs to comply with the rest of the country.
Other than abandoning Sanctuary Cities at once, California has to ease the pain of inflation for the middle class and below. A good place to start not implementing any new social programs and lowering taxes. This should involve:
- Reducing the price of fuel by eliminating sales taxes above $ 4.00 a gallon.
- Lower income taxes for individuals and families making less than $100,000 per year. Public employees included)
- Push infrastructure programs pertaining to increasing water supply and increasing electoral power. Make sure farmers are given their fair share of H2o to produce abundant crops this year even if fish are short changed in this time of crisis.
- Stop pandering to the Teachers Unions and allow parents to make the decisions on how and where their kids should be educated. If funding allows, extend the school year for students who are behind national grade levels for English, math, and science.
It is unfortunate that many people will think my proposals for putting our Country and State in a sound footing is too over the top.
These ideas do not please me on several levels as they increase the power of the Federal government. However I believe these sacrifices will be well worth it for the best interests of the Red, White, and Blue.