Eber:  Study abroad—See the REAL World

My daughters spent a couple of semesters in Spain as students abroad.  They learned a lot about Spain and Europe.  It was a great experience. 

Maybe those shouting “Kill the Jews” studied abroad they would get a better understanding.  They could not go to Moscow University if they wanted to debate freedom vs. communism—they would be jailed.  Go to China University if you want your email and phone conversations surveilled—and if you say the wrong thing, you will be jailed.

But, gay and lesbian students can not go to Iran University—since they would be stoned to death.  Women could not go to Syria University, since they would be stoned to death if they had sex in that country.

“A special Re-Education Abroad Summer Program has instituted to reverse brainwashing of youth by Marxist professors.  College credits in the Humanities will be given to students coming to their senses.

Transportation and living expenses will be modest as the prison at Guantanamo Bay will be utilized to house attendees. There is plenty of space available. Most of the terrorists previously being incarcerated at this facility have already been released in prisoner swaps engineered by Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden

 Food  for the summer camp is to be provided by farms from Cuba.  Menu options are limited  because beans and rice are the only regular dishes to be  served.  With meat being in short supply, only vegetarian cuisine is available. It will likely be organic, as fertilizer is not available to collective farms organized under the government of Fidel Castro.”

Eber:  Study abroad—See the REAL World

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  4/29/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com 

Numerous Americans of differing political persuasions have been dismayed by college students expressing Anti-Semitic-Pro- Communist sentiments during recent demonstrations against the United States and Israel.

Many parents are horrified their kids have been transformed into being bigots while attending prestigious universities. Even worse, this often entails taking out a second mortgage to pay over 100 K per year to these  hotbeds of hatred.

It is obvious anti-American views originate from what has been taught at institutions of higher learning.  This includes  U.C. Berkeley. Princeton, Yale, Columbia, and a host of other schools around the country.

Imagine forking up the funds to send your kid to an Ivy League college only to have your child arrested for supporting a terrorist group such as Hamas

How can this process be reversed?

A special Re-Education Abroad Summer Program has instituted to reverse brainwashing of youth by Marxist professors.  College credits in the Humanities will be given to students coming to their senses.

Transportation and living expenses will be modest as the prison at Guantanamo Bay will be utilized to house attendees. There is plenty of space available. Most of the terrorists previously being incarcerated at this facility have already been released in prisoner swaps engineered by Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden

 Food  for the summer camp is to be provided by farms from Cuba.  Menu options are limited  because beans and rice are the only regular dishes to be  served.  With meat being in short supply, only vegetarian cuisine is available. It will likely be organic, as fertilizer is not available to collective farms organized under the government of Fidel Castro.

Required summer study regimen includes The complete works of Ayn RandThe Declaration of Independence, The Federalist PapersU.S. ConstitutionArthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, along with  Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer.  All of these books are featured in the Mega Certified Reading List.

An anticipated seminar on the success stories of communism has been canceled due to lack of available material from existing totalitarian regimes.

Castro’s Cuba is to be featured as the prime example of the futility of Marxism in action.   A film will be shown praising a system where left wing ideology triumphs over projected starvation in 5 Year Plans.

A  Field trip to the site of concentration camps in Germany and Poland is planned.  This course is optional as it conflicts with Antifa doctrine denying the Holocaust  ever occurred under Adolf Hitler’s rule.

Democratic practices in Iran are being taught in Political Suppression 101.  A special seminar is planned on the art of demonstrating against the Islamic regime. Unfortunately, there will be no one available who has  successfully graduated. Those protesting in every case have been convicted of treason and summarily executed.

Gay students are to be taken on an escorted field trip to the “Firing Squad” Night Club in Tehran.  Because of security concerns, those partaking in this activity will  be required to dress up to look like straight people. Revolutionary Guard attire is recommended.

The Graphic movie 20 Virgins in Paradise is to be shownItchronicles  what  occurs in Heaven to young men  following a successful suicide bomb mission.  Noted Islamic folk hero Aladdin will advise how to satisfy  multiple virgin brides once they are broken in.

His well known consort on Magic Carpet excursions Princess Jasmine, is tutoring young women on how live a fulfilling  life  while serving heroes of the revolution.

To counter fears of these college students joining the other team, a special anti-brainwashing class will be required. A no-host Alcoholless-Berka party is being held to guide these misguided kids back to the realm of  traditional American values.

Deprograming Critical Race Theory, Diversity Equity & Inclusion,  (DEI) and other woke social standards will be dealt with to bring these misguided youth back to reality.

Most asked questions of wan-a-bee Jihadists

  1.  As  I am non-violent,will it still be necessary to attend the seminar on beheading technology?  Yes
  2.  If men in the movement are allowed several wives, can women do the same thing?  No.
  3. Should I become home sick at a terrorist camp, will leave be granted for a month or so to visit my family?  Hell no!

If politicizing therapy does not work, those who still desire to join the cause they demonstrated for, will be disinherited by their families. They are to be flown to Damascus on a one way flight to be resettled.  As a parting gift they will receive instruction on:

  • How to use slave labor for the good of mankind.  Required reading will  include “We make more than Shoes  and i-Phones” along with  Eliminating  the Proletariat in California.
  • Molotov Cocktail preparation for beginners This course will be taught by certified instructors provided by Hamas.  They promise no hostages will be taken unless Jewish students attend the class.
  • Holding an honest election in the Gaza Strip. The right to vote is guaranteed by Hamas.  What happens after this for those who support different leadership choices is unknown. As comrade Joe Stalin once said I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.

Thus far there is a waiting list of over 10,000 parents trying to enroll their kids in this deprogramming program.  Unlike American foreign aid, payment is required  in advance.