The fastest growing political Party in America is the NON party—the independents. In California they are listed as NPP.
Most had been members of a political Party—but decided to give it up, not liking those running the Party, not liking the policies. Some just want to be independent. The November election will be decided by the “swing” vote, those who vote based on the candidate or a policy issue, not a Party.
“With these issues before them, I am confident the swing vote this November will once send Donald Trump to the White House.
As proof we have my neighbor Joanna. This Greek lady has no interest in politics. She does not watch news or read opinions of others on the internet. In the last election she voted for Joe Biden. Without prodding from me she said, “I will never support that guy again.”
She went on to say, “It costs me over a hundred bucks to fill my gas tank. Groceries are so expensive. I am dependent on using savings to support my family. Life under Trump was much better for me.”
All of the Trump bashing by Democrats isn’t working so well. The constant hit pieces from PACS and abortion paranoia will not convince independent voters to support a Socialist slate this fall.
Millions of “swingers” like Joanna will be heard.
Swingers vote based on issues—why Trump will win in November.
Swingers vote for Trump? Joanna will be heard
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 4/24/24
In the contemporary dating scene, so-called “swingers” are known for their unpredictable ways. One never knows where those from this group might rest their heads on a given night.
Similarly, independent voters tend to switch their allegiance to both Democratic and Republican candidates. They are the ferburbial wildcard in American politics.
As such, this constituency constitutes a bullseye for political campaigns and Political Action Committees (PACS). It is widely known, swing voters from swing states will determine who will reside in the White House next year.
In 2016, independent voters abandoned HIllary Clinton’s Basket of Deplorables in favor of newcomer Donald Trump. Four years later these same people switched their allegiance to Joe Biden. Exit polls showed despite the country’s prosperity, Trump’s abrasive-abusive ways switched support to Uncle Joe.
As might be expected, the battle for swing voters rages on today. Important issues include:
Repeal of Roe vs Wade: The reversal of this law by the Supreme Court was used as a bludgeon to assist a strong performance of Democrats in midterm elections. The question comes up if Suburban Women, will again support the President, solely because of his Pro-Choice views. Will a woman’s right to choose once again outweigh economic considerations?
Donald Trump’s personality: Many folks have cringed as he has belittled opponents while acting unpresidential. Will swing voters overlook Trump’s personality, even if his policies are best for the country? In recent elections Democrats were successful demonizing “The Donald”. This tactic has been used as a remedy for their unpopular stands on bread and butter matters. Can a strategy of promoting hatred of Trump still work in 2024?
Rampant inflation: This is perhaps the GOP’s best issue in 2024. The answer to Ronald Reagan’s question to Jimmy Carter; “Are you better than four years ago”, is a resounding “No”!Despite arguments in favor of Bidenomics, the price of gas, eggs, bread, fuel, and just about everything have risen far more than wages since Biden took office.
The border crisis continues to worsen: Rejecting his predecessor’s Executive Orders controlling the Southern border, approximately 10 million illegal aliens have entered the USA since Biden took office. Upon arrival this group has largely been on the public dole. In California paying welfare and medical care has helped contribute to the state’s 73 billion dollar deficit. Will this “point of information” reality translate to the ballot box?
Rising crime: The results of the defund the police movement and donor George Soros help electing Progressive District attorney’s in Blue States is evident. A nationwide decline in law and order has been recognized as is a product of Biden policies. Democrats have tried to deflect this perception by saying, according to FBI statistics, arrests and convictions are down. This does not convince those who are afraid to take public transit, have their car broken into, or witness blatant shoplifting.
Housing starts are down: While Democrats, especially in California, believe more government intervention is needed; consumers beg differ. They think needless regulations, permits, environmental reviews, and high taxes, have led to a shortage of residential units. Further exasperating this problem is the insistence of Sacramento to build high density housing, unpopular with most middle class families. The line of U-Haul vans departing the Golden State is a testament to the public’s dismay.
U.S. foreign policy: The Biden administration’s wolk strategy of appeasement have proven to be a train wreck of stupidity. From the withdrawal from Afghanistan to trying to buddy up with Iran, has been a disaster. Throwing more kerosine on to the fire are the billions spent on a proxy war in the Ukraine along with the costly conflict between Israel and their terrorist neighbors.
How the current state of the world translates to undecided voters makes for an interesting discussion. Unfortunately, Joe Biden’s diminished mental capacity will likely not allow a foreign policy debate to occur with his GOP opponent.
Public Education: A failing education system is a point of contention in many States. The question Is often asked is Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) more important than the falling literacy levels of American youth?
With these issues before them, I am confident the swing vote this November will once send Donald Trump to the White House.
As proof we have my neighbor Joanna. This Greek lady has no interest in politics. She does not watch news or read opinions of others on the internet. In the last election she voted for Joe Biden. Without prodding from me she said, “I will never support that guy again.”
She went on to say, “It costs me over a hundred bucks to fill my gas tank. Groceries are so expensive. I am dependent on using savings to support my family. Life under Trump was much better for me.”
All of the Trump bashing by Democrats isn’t working so well. The constant hit pieces from PACS and abortion paranoia will not convince independent voters to support a Socialist slate this fall.
Millions of “swingers” like Joanna will be heard.
The problem with political parties is they have been taken over by special interest groups and dictate what the voters will get. It takes money to belong to a special interest group so that you can have a strong voice in the group. The NPPers are just saying “I no longer want to play. I will just go to the polls and vote.” Unfortunately, the voters will soon realize that what they have to vote for or against is a waste of time because their options will be limited and the voting system will collapse.
The two major political parties have not solved major challenges, like the unsustainable national debt, or the richer getting richer while the poor get poorer. So, nature has found a way in no party preference voters. Hopefully, the party people will realize, “Wow, we can no longer rely on a faithful block to vote for our cockamamie agendas.”