Eber: Tea Party Dinner With John Eastman—the Movement Grows

Last fall the Tea Party California Caucus (TPCC) had its largest dinner during a CRP convention.  They had 154 people, hearing Laura Loomer.  That was during a very large attended convention.  This time the CRP had a very low attended convention, 522 delegates registered and 584 proxies.  Yet, the TPCC had almost 200 people attend a dinner to hear John Eastman.  The conservative movement is growing.

Importantly, the attendees heard directly from Eastman—not via the media.  Even better, he answered numerous questions.  His answers were not filtered by the media. 

Tea Party Dinner With John Eastman—the Movement Grows

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/29/24   www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

It was the last evening of the May  Republican Convention in San Mateo. Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee Lara Trump was speaking to a polite $ 300.00 per plate Chicken Deja Vu dinner for wealthy Party donors at the Hyatt Regency. 

Across town an enthusiastic sold-out gathering  of nearly 200 was taking place by the California Tea Party Caucus.  Microphones had to be turned up so speakers could be heard while a  gourmet 10 course Chinese banquet was served. 

John Eastman, who spearheaded Donald Trump’s attempt to challenge the vote in the 2020 election gave the keynote address.

The attorney, who faces a Federal indictment for assisting Trump, treated the packed audience with a detailed description of alleged Democrat tampering by stuffing the ballot boxes in several States.  He strongly recommended Republicans zealously guard the integrity of the election process this November to avoid what previously transpired.

Tea Party Chairman Randall Jordan graciously invited my wife and I as their guests at the event.  This amounted to a consolation prize after the State GOP rejected my application for press credentials for their second straight convention.

Apparently my association with CPN&V Editor Steve Frank  placed me on the State GOP “No Fly List.”

Rather than considering myself to be an outcast, it was wonderful to be in the company of patriots who share my libertarian point of view.

Although small in number compared to the statewide  Party  the California Tea Party Caucus has proven to be an important component in GOP politics,

Their conservative principles have stood in stark contrast to California Chairwomen  Jessica Patterson’s failed leadership at the helm of an institution that has seen fewer Republicans being elected to office with each passing year.  

Independently the Tea Party has endeavored to register new voters and worked hard to assist Republican office seekers competing against a stacked deck of a Democratic juggernaut.

They have also been using their grass roots enthusiasm to  gain power within the Republican Party by getting elected to key Central Committee posts. The Tea Party hopes to parlay this influence to put true conservatives in charge of the GOP when Patterson’s term of office ends early next year

In a way the California Tea Party Caucus has found itself to be in a similar position as the conditions that existed when the parent organization was founded in 2009.

At that time President Barack Obama was pushing a Socialist agenda including socialized medicine for all. Forming the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party, this splinter group called for less government spending, lowering taxes, and  the National Debt.

The original Tea Party was credited in helping  63 new Republicans  being elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 winning a majority for the GOP.

In the ensuing years, the movement stalled as both political parties swung to the left.  In the aftermath, libertarian and conservative political thought faded to become a distant memory for the once proud elephants.

Fifteen years later the California organization has returned to its grassroots origin. The Tea Party Caucus has endeavored to further their goal of returning the GOP “Back to the garden” so to speak.  This means:

  1. Overcoming the 75% majority Democrats hold in the legislature
  2. After what will amount to 16 years of Progressive overreach by Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom return California to the land of opportunity.
  3. Reduce taxes, energy cost, government bureaucracy and repeal laws that impede commerce 
  4. Elect a Governor in 2026 who will have the courage to say “no” to social engineering and moronic  woke inspired illegal DEI causes.

This might sound like a lot to accomplish  but we must always follow the wisdom of the ancient Chinese proverb. “journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

The California Tea Party Caucus just might have the answers to make this dream come true.

3 thoughts on “Eber: Tea Party Dinner With John Eastman—the Movement Grows

  1. Interesting take by Richard Eber, rejoicing his Libertarian credentials after his parties presidential nomination of a pro-choice, anti-Israel, open-border, trans-rights “former” Democrat; while accusing Laura Trump of being “party establishment.” Eber never was a Trumper— interesting he would have a platform in a “conservative” newsletter, especially when so much is at stake in our Constitutional crisis with the loss of checks-balance both in CA and America.

  2. Eber is NOT a Libertarian. He is a libertarian’ (small l) similar to Sen. Rand Paul. He is a supporter of Trump–not the Libertarian Party nominee. His is a different perspective on the conservative views. West, you misunderstood his ideology and political support.

  3. Ah, the halcyon days of the Tea Party, when that group actually made waves! Yes, it’s time for them to rise up in anger, in planning, in inspiration. By the way, in my humble opinion, the Tea Party was not “conservative,” as the conservative movement expresses itself today (and perhaps as commenter Mr. Walker exemplifies). The Tea Party was libertarian, with a small “l,” some of it independent of political party (I, a card-carrying Libertarian — with a big L — campaigned 24/7 with a fantastic Tea Party Meet-up Group at the time, so did many other Libertarians.). So, as Ron Paul, who many consider to be the Father of the Tea Party, said during his presentation at the 2024 Libertarian Party Convention, liberty-leaning folks are the ones who must stop the present unraveling of civilization. Thanks for this article, Mr. Eber.

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