Sadly, there are Republicans who want to defeat Republicans. The Lincoln Project, who founder was protected by California Republican Party Chair Jessica Patterson, was allowed to stay a member of the CRP—though calling for the defeat of President Trump and seven Republicans running for the U.S. Senate around the nation (Mike Madrid).
Then you have Republican like Matt Jacobs, a GOP nominee for Congress from Ventura County, giving a standing ovation to Liz Cheney for her hate the GOP speech at the Reagan Library. He was rewarded by being appointed chair of the CRP Rules Committee—though NEVER have attended a meeting of the committee.
Then you have Andy Gimmeekandy, the architect of the proposed CRP Platform—which no longer opposes amnesty, voter ID, fair elections, Prop. 13, no longer opposes Prop. 47 and 57—the keystones to the current criminal tsunami. His Platform ends support of traditional marriage and allows for the killing of babies.
Is this a suicide or a murder of the Republican Party in California? Does it matter, either way the goal of killing off the Party is being reached.
The hypocrisy of “Stop Republicans” by Richard Eber
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/30/23

Recently, emails have circulated from a Political Action Committee (PAC) group called Stop Republicans.
In an obvious fund-raising ploy, they are attempting to gather signatures to implore Robert Kennedy Jr. to drop out of running in the Democratic Primaries. Stop Republicans are fearful the little-known son of Bobby Kennedy will damage the fragile renomination of Joe Biden to a second term.
What makes this interesting are the reasons the PAC has for promoting their email crusade.
They state:
- If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. goes through with his whack job campaign, he could tank Biden and accidentally elect Trump.
- You (Kennedy) spread anti-vaccine conspiracy theories that could threaten the lives of millions of Americans
- Your candidacy is nothing but a sham to sabotage President Biden. Recently, you even said “I’m proud that President Trump likes me.”
To me Stop Republicans intimidation tactics remind one of a fascist front organization. Gathering signatures to discourage participation in our Democratic process, smacks at being unwanted totalitarian behavior reminiscent of Vladimir Putin.
Historically, it has been up to voters to determine whom they care to support. Apparently not with these misguided zealots.
Most interesting is what Stop Republicans don’t say.
They have no explanation for the reasons RFK Jr. has garnered over 30% Democratic support in a recent Gallop poll. Few people care about his views (or anyone else’s) on government vaccine policies. As such, why do so many back the challenger against an incumbent President who preaches Bidenomics?
Outside of the faint possibility these Democrats are closet Republicans, could it be even liberals are frustrated with the inept Biden Administration? Perhaps these alleged “wack jobs” are upset about inflation, Immigration, energy costs, crime, foreign policy, education, and other critical issues.
Would they prefer to deal with real problems rather than attacking former President Donald Trump at every opportunity?
Are Democrats satisfied with the President’s drive-by visit to the devastation in Maui? He stupidly compared his harmless kitchen fire to hundreds of deaths in the Islands? Such behavior indicates Biden’s senility and a disengagement from reality.
Considering the weak explanations tearing down the candidacy of Mr. Kennedy, is it possible Democrats are using Bobby Kennedy’s kid to be a stalking horse to represent them until more popular candidates such as Gavin Newsom enter the fray?
A similar situation occurred in 1968. President Lyndon Johnson was forced to withdraw from the Presidential race after a disappointing finish in the New Hampshire primary against little known Vietnam critic Senator Eugene McCarthy.
Is the thought of such a scenario the real reason Stop Republicans are trying to stifle a fellow Democrat?
My instincts, tell me “yes”.
In 2024 it seems the strategy of D.C. insiders is to pull the wool over voters heads by distracting them. They want to oppose abortion as the most important topic, especially among suburban women. This along with hatred of Donald Trump provided a winning formula to prop up liberals during their off-year election success in 2022.
The “Blue Wave” hopes history will repeat itself once again.
To further these goals for 2024, malicious, if not ridiculous prosecutions of Donald Trump are intended to incite the Donkeys to victory.
To bolster what even they realize is a shaky foundation, Democrats are playing the race card as an important ingredient of their arsenal. They love to depict their Elephant advisories as bigots and KKK wan-a-bees.
Florida governor Ron DeSantis is a convenient target. He has consistently opposed a woke interpretation history where those of Caucasian descent are all considered to be overt racists. MSNBC, CNN, and social media have run with this narrative, not bothering to present the conservative perspective.
Black folks are supposed to further hate him, especially for insisting Florida schools had mandatory in person school attendance during Covid. Voter suppression is yet another myth espoused by Democrats to fill out their race card against the GOP.
Minority voters are expected to be content with Democratic solidarity at election time. Like clockwork, their candidates make perfunctory pilgrimages to African-American churches. For the next four years, frequent visits to the White House by Al Sharpton must suffice.
Democrats offer little other than rhetoric and failed social programs to receive continuous support from minorities and the poor.
It has been well documented since the end of World War II, large cities such as Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Compton, Detroit, Oakland, etc., have been stricken with poverty and high crime rates. Ironically, Democratic political leadership has been in control of these locales the entire time.
With these indisputable set of facts, it is not surprising Donald Trump made gains in African American constituencies during his re-election campaign. Job creation, economic opportunity, encouragement of family life, educational choice, and lower crime rates, provided hope for a disillusioned group of Americans.
Bringing forth these arguments to all citizens including Indians, Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, and other minorities, is job #1 for the Republican Party for 2024.
Forget about the barrage of emotional-demagogic rhetoric of Democratic PACS such as Stop Republicans. The GOP should follow Lady Macbeth ‘s advice “We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place, And we’ll not fail.”