Eber: The morning after

I was afraid that on Tuesday night, after it was announced Trump had won, that chaos and riots would break out.  If was wrong—it was not riots but NORMALCY that broke out all over America.

Harris Progressives are waiting at their doors for the Gestapo to arriver and send them to concentration camps.  The NY Times announced this this is the beginning of the “authoritarian era”.  These are the same people that promoted the Schiff/Russia hoax, lied about COVID, its origins and Hunters’ laptop—while calling for the jailing of Donald Trump on phony charges.

These folks will be shocked.  Trump will end the lawfare of government against its people.  He will cut taxes and put more money in the pockets of all Americans.  The border will be secured, we will drill and end dependence on oil from terrorist nations, like Iran.

These will be troubling times for the Democrats—they are mentally ill with TDS, they will be confused as the days and months go by without the cops at the door, being able to speak out without fear of censorship.  They will need therapy to adjust to a new concept to them, FREEDOM.

The morning after by Richard Eber,

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  11/7/24   www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Now that the dust has settled following Donald Trump’s triumphant return to the White House, it’s time California faces the music.

It doesn’t matter if the election was a landslide or mudslide. The Golden State must deal with the reality that the President elect not only won over 300 delegates in the Electoral College; but the popular vote as well.

For California Democrats, this means there will be little patience in Washington for their leftist antics. The new Trump Administration will simply not bankroll Gavin Newsom’s Socialistic programs that depend on co-operation from the Federal Government.

Among the biggest casualties will be:

  • Sanctuary Cities:  We can expect money to dry up for supporting these havens where illegal aliens reside.  If California continues to support migrant population centers, little  assistance can be counted on from  Uncle Sam.  Further to this inevitable development, sheltering Sanctuary Cities from I.C.E. is not to be tolerated.
  • The Bullet Train:  This project is DOA when it comes to receiving more financial assistance coming from Washington DC.  In fact the Trump may send a bill to Sacramento for past mismanagement.  The time of the Federal Government forking over taxpayer dollars to Left Coast follies is over. Most likely the State will put the Bullet Train on hold or turn over the failed project to the private sector.
  • Newsom’s Green New Deal policies:  It turns out Newsom’s efforts to phase out gasoline powered vehicles in the next decade will be short-circuited by the new GOP team.  It is likely Donald Trump citing national security concerns,  will lift California’s stringent pollution standards at California ports. This means use of diesel powered trucks to be protected.  At the same time Newsom’s edicts that have been credited with 3 refineries  producing petroleum products scheduled to be closed. Keeping these facilities remaining  open will undoubtably be a top priority of the Federal government.
  • The decline of public education:  Where do we start here with a system that is in the bottom 10% of the country when it comes to teaching  proficiency in math, English and science curriculum.  It is doubtful the Feds will continue funding Woke policies including rewriting history books, changing pronoun usage, and sex education going beyond what many parents desire.  Promoting school choice will undoubtably be on the mind of the Secretary of Education in dolling out funds to California K1-12 schools.
  • Bullying Washington D.C:  The practice of unelected bureaucrats trying to impose their will on EPA and other federal agencies needs to end.  The California Coast commission telling  Space-X to limit rocket launchings from Vandenberg Air Force base because of their dislike of Elon Musk’s support of Donald Trump, is an example of the State crossing a bridge too far.
  • Water Policy: Again because of the effects of California’s excessive conservation brought on by climate change advocates, the new Trump administration can be counted on to intervene. Neighboring States Arizona and Nevada are clamoring to receive a larger share of scarce H2O from the Colorado River. This means California will have to produce more water to meet the demands of agriculture and residential users. For the States future needs, Trump’s previous offer to increase the height of Shasta Dam and building additional water storage facilities, is a must. The continuous objections of the environmentalist lobby will need to be balanced with practical considerations. 

The list goes on.  Yet to be determined is if the Federal Government will forget about the unemployment fraud allowed by Newsom during the Covid epidemic.  Including one billion dollars given to prisoners Cal-Maters, an estimated 11billion dollars of Federal money was given to those who did not qualify for such payments.

The question remains who will be responsible for California unemployment fund shortfall?  It went from a surplus of 3 billion surplus  prior to Covid-19 to being 20 billion in the hole today.

Following the the passage of Proposition 35, the State took on more responsibility in giving free medical treatment for migrants and other low income residents. It remains to be seen how much it will cost from the general fund to pay billions for these services?

Don’t count on Trump to assist except for providing free air fair to send illegals back to where they came. 

Undoubtedly Gavin Newsom will impose new taxes to make up for the budget deficit to pay for these new financial obligations?  Even more important how many businesses and middle class households are to be forced to flee the State?

With California depending on Uncle Sam to provide over one third of their annual budget, don’t expect these funds to be bestowed without some strings attached.  As such Sacramento needs to look in the mirror and realize who won the election on November 5th 

One thing is a given. Kamala and her Progressive orthodoxy is toast!  It ’s doubtful  the new Trump administration will be inclined to rescue California. 

One thought on “Eber: The morning after

  1. Yes, fairness will hopefully come! California and other tax and spend progressive states wallow in fiscal mismanagement, expecting taxes and sacrifices from other states to help pick up the tab. And by the way, California is one of only two states that still owe billions in federal pandemic unemployment loans, surcharges for which are paid by its employers.

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