Are we watching the end of the modern day Democrat Party? They are defending waste, abuse and fraud in government. They have been caught using tax dollars to censor the news and to buy the news. Congressman Garcia of California wants to use “actual weapons” to stop Trump.
Like the Democrat Party that defended slavery and started the Civil War, todays’ Democrats want to use CRT, DEI and affirmative action to promote racism and social division. Government schools are failures and monopolies.
Voter registration since the November election has dramatically gone to the GOP. In Pennsylvania, just since the election the Democrat voter margin shrank from 306,000 to 120,000. As long as the Democrats imitate the old Soviet Union in policy and values, it will sooner, rather than later be an asterisk in history.
The Parties over by Richard Eber
Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 2/18/25
So many times, I ask the question who is running the asylum? Low level Federal Courts have taken it upon themselves to moderate President Donald Trump’s efforts to cut government waste. Spurred by labor unions and Progressive political leaders, several judges have declared the activities of the Department of Government Efficiency (GOGE) violates the Constitution.
From local jurisdictions they have become arbitrators of the Trump administration on a national level. So much for the balance of power between the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government Results of the President’s cost cutting efforts appear to be less important to Democrats than the crude manor which Trump and Elon Musk unmask billions in wasteful spending, Judges are making decisions well beyond their pay grade.
“Excuse me while I kiss the sky”, but whose side is our legal system on? What logic dictates temporary injunctions be issued to hinder Trump from carrying out promises made in last years presidential campaign? Why all the allegations of Musk being “Co-President” by the likes of Chuck Schumer, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters, and the other usual Progressive suspects. Don’t they know all of this name calling and comparisons to Hitler didn’t resonate attempting to elect Kamala Harris?
Repeating these slogans today is sophomoric and dumb. Other than the mentally impaired hosts/writers employed by CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, etc.., no one is buying this demagogic banter any longer. These fools have self-imprisoned themselves in a teon coated jail cell. Their baseless charges just don’t stick to the walls. Trump Derangement System (TDS) is for all practical purposes dead.
The current tactic of getting Leftist judges issuing temporary injunctions against DOGE will not pass scrutiny. Higher courts will inevitably toss these baseless lawfare antics in the political shredder. Gavin Newsom and the political hierarchy in California still have not received the message.
They still think appointed entities such as the Air Resources Board and the Coastal Commission can continue running roughshod over the public Appeals cost time, legal fees, delays, and added construction expenses. After rulings imposed by unelected boards, very little gets built. The only way their overreach can be effectively dealt with is through the judicial system. In addition, The Coast Commission tried to limit SpaceX’s launches because they didn’t care for its CEO Elon Musk’s political views.
Following this charade, no resignations were asked from the Governor. One major reason the cost of building houses is so high are lawsuits being led on everything from zoning, planning, labor, racial composition of developments, and open space, (just to name a few.) All one needs to do is hire an attorney, then allow the legal system to do the rest. It must be asked if this process, other than adding at least 15% to construction costs, benefits anyone but lawyers and consultants?
The fruits of this process extends further than a contracts final price. In building infrastructure projects, from power plants to dams, delays ensue While lawsuits are arbitrated, it takes years for ceremonial rst shovels of dirt to be lifted An excellent example is the proposed Sites Reservoir. It is intended to store 1.5 billion acre feet of water to be diverted from the Sacramento River to Southern California.
This transfer is supposed to occur when the Sierra snow melt is currently being dumped into San Francisco Bay. Building Sites should be a no brainer because no wildlife is endangered nor rivers impacted This will not be the case because of lawsuits brought forth by organizations who complain the new reservoir would damage the eco system of S.F. Bay. It should be asked by government the cause/effect relationship to these group’s complaints. Apparently precious water being delivered where it is badly needed has not been a priority.
These court pleadings almost never result in those ling these motions ever being held accountable for ling frivolous lawsuits. It has been suggested to discourage these proceedings, A remedy might accusers being held responsible for legal fees, should courts reject their arguments. Passage of SB 149 limits time frames for ling suits. This was a good start; but more needs to be done. Tort reform will likely never occur in sue happy California.
Outside of a large segment of the legislature being attorneys, defending the Green New Deal-Climate Change agenda is used like a crutch to make sure autocratic Democratic control is exerted in the development process. With backing from sympathetic judges, only connected crony capitalist builders can gain approval to construct large projects. Additional expenses leads for the need of government subsidies. This means union labor is required from Project Labor Agreements (PLA) that follow.
They can add up to 20% to the final price. Two bedroom condos with one parking space often have price tags of $800,000 or more per unit. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), and his colleagues in the legislature have over regulated housing starts to oblivion. Who wants to pay or even live in these dwellings? What most families desire is to live in single family homes with private backyards.
They don’t want to be force fed into apartment life in the name of combatting climate change. For proof, just count the number of U-Hauls departing the Golden State each month. Even worse, these Marxist dummies in Sacramento believe luxury penthouses and Section 8 housing are compatible in the same complex.
Throw in a homeless shelter and a true DEI utopia can be realized. If this sad state of affairs does not call for a complete makeover in California politics, what else might it mean?
We are not watching the end of the MODERN Democrat party. They have always been this way. Unfortunately for them but fortunately for the voter base, they have become so brazen that they no longer try to hide all of the gamesmanship they play. For the past 16 years, it became “In Your Face Harold”
It’s nice to see somebody stick it to the Left by calling their less reasonable candidates just what they are; “demagogues”. The Left is so conceited they even think the word “demagogue” is the ANTITHESIS of the Left when little is further from the truth.