Eber: The Party’a over for Kamala

We are a week away from a transformative election.  Each day a new poll shows Trump strengthening   and Harris losing support.  Each day we are served a word salad by Kamala in a different city.  Sometimes we get we eat the word salad on friendly stations or shows. At the same time GOP candidates for Senator are getting stronger and the final Senate number could be 54-46, for the GOP.

At the same time the Progressive organization in Pennsylvania is denouncing her for NOT promoting their values.  In Michigan, the Muslim community is not supporting her—instead their leaders showed up at a Trump rally over the weekend.  Biden and his supporters do not like her and her manipulative vile coup.

The good news is that on November 6 the Progressives will scream Kamala did not campaign as a Progressive.  The moderates will scream that she was too radical.  Biden, till the end of his days will make life miserable for Kamala, Pelosi and Obama.

The Party’a over for Kamala by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/28/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

As  Willie Nelson penned almost 50 years ago

Turn out the lights the party’s over

They say all good things must end

Call it a night the parties over

And tomorrow starts the same thing again

This tune should be the theme song for Kamala Harris as the 2024 Presidential campaign comes to a conclusion.  Undecided  voters in swing states have seen enough of the V.P.  

Her recent interviews, interactions with the media, and overall knowledge of issues facing voters has shown Ms. Harris not to be ready for prime time. Stick a fork in the Democratic nominee.  Her quest for the White House is all but over.

Strangely enough the collapse of Kamala’s campaign has very little to do with Donald Trump.  Key errors include:

  • Telling those attending rallies she is a “Change candidate” while saying on The View she would not change a thing with policy and key decisions made by the Biden-Harris Team.
  • Trying to pretend the problems at the Southern Border where some 13 million migrants crossed illegally during her term of office was somehow Trump’s fault. At the same time she took no responsibility for the effects of repealing some 61 Executive orders made by Trump that thwarted most traffic entering from Mexico when he was in charge.
  • In Kamala’s word salads, she avoids answering questions of voters and members of the media.  Typical was her response on 60 Minutes pertaining to policy towards Israel.  Harris’s was so ambiguous the news magazine allowed her to substitute a more coherent clip the following day.  It was even worse on CNN where she was unable to say which piece of legislation would be her first priority when assuming office.
  • In a rare appearance on Fox News Harris could not answer one question from the interviewer Bret Baier without losing her temper and attacking Donald Trump.  Outside of a strong stand on promoting Pro-Choice abortion policies, Harris had few specifics  of what her plans for  America’s  future might be.
  • Most disturbing is the sad perception of swing voters that if Harris is unable to deal with American journalists, how would she measure up in face to face meetings with Xi JinpingPutin, and other advisories of the United States?

After a pathetically  weak showing on her recent media blitz, it became obvious why Harris’s handlers have been protecting her with teleprompters to avoid public scrutiny.

Polls are not likely to shift very much as millions of early voting tallies are likely to seal Harris’s inevitable defeat. The bottom line is that the electorate has  made up their minds.  Kamala holding higher office is not in their plans.

For proof lets review recent public opinion polls,  Until the last week the race was in a statistical dead heat with Trump and Harris hovering at about 46%.

Harris’s gaffs have resulted her slipping 2 or 3 points in swing states and in the overall popular vote.   This is especially relevant as Trump’s final voting percentage improved by around 5 percent in both 2016 and 2020 in the final month of the campaign.  We can expect the same in 2024.

Political scientists attribute this to individuals under pressure from Left wing zealots, are afraid to publicly declare whom they hold allegiance to Trump, prior to marking their X’s.

It would appear the so called “undecided” this year have adapted the American tradition of casting their ballots once again for the better of two evils. This group is reluctantly supporting Donald Trump despite their misgivings about him.

In just a couple weeks Progressive Democrats will find out their strategy of dumping Joe Biden for even a less tasteful flavor was a mistake.  The incumbent may be senile, but is more palatable to mainstream voters than the unqualified former D.A. of  San Francisco.

After November 5th the rest of us will have to endure the onslaught of sour grapes from the media in lamenting Kamala Harris’s defeat. They will cry about Hitler being in charge once again and the end of American democracy as we know it.

They may have to bring oxygen tanks and sedatives to the studio where The View is being taped.  Comcast who owns MSNBC may have to clean house if they hope to retain their operating license,  The same holds true for Warner Brothers, for whom CNN is one of their divisions.

Jack Smith will be out of a job.  Those 51 individuals who signed the letter authored  by Tony Blinken  declaring Hunter Biden’s laptop to be Russian election interference, will need to file for unemployment as well.

The bottom line is that for the Left, except for California where Progressives still reign supreme under the leadership of Gavin Newsom, “the parties over”, at least for the next 4 years.

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