Eber: Things We Miss

I miss FREEDOM.  I miss the ability to discuss issues without being called a racist.  I miss food at a reasonable price.  I miss education based on educating students, not harassing their parents, lying to the students and grooming them for sex.

As for me I miss government staying out of my business.  Like what care I can drive, my use of gas for my car without going into debt to buy an unreliable EV.   I miss athletics standing and putting their hands over their hearts at the singing of the National Anthem.  I miss the days when government went after the scam artists, instead of today being the biggest scam artist—masks, social distancing, phony dangerous drugs being mandated—and financed with our tax dollars.

I miss the days when the Secret Service was not breastfeeding and ignoring gunmen on rooftops.  I miss the day when the CIA tried to overthrow other nations—today they are trying to overthrow OUR nation.  I miss the days when the FBI was not used to frame Presidents and honest citizens.


Things we Miss by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 8/20/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

As we age it is easy to fondly recount those days when the men were the men and the sheep loved it. When this false sense of euphoria is reached, we like to remember the simple pleasures of life. For me this was Right Guard spray deodorant. How unfortunate it was found aerosol was unsafe for the environment. I regrettably had to resort to roll-on odor protection. It would have gladly saved an endangered heard of Naugas from extinction that provide Naugahyde used to upholster automobiles and couches; just for the privilege of using Right Guard once again.

We would like to go back in time to when taking out a second mortgage wasn’t necessary for a family to spend a couple days at Disneyland. In a similar vein, it is unfortunate that at most professional sporting events, the cost of a beer can run $15.00 and above. It also seems the quality in goods and services was better a quarter century ago.

Today, when it is learned a product is new and improved, I always ask if the old item is still available. This is especially true with my use of high tech. Apple’s Pages program is supposed to be superior to Microsoft Word. Unfortunately, this reality has yet to be realized by my mall functioning brain. With politics things are even worse with Democratic Presidential press conferences. These rare unscripted moments when the Commander and Chief faces the news media, are a thing of the past.

As has been known for several years, Joe Biden has lacked the cognitive ability to do any more than read from a teleprompter. News conferences just don’t work for him. Thus far the President’s anointed successor is carrying on the tradition. At the time this column was written, Kamala Harris has neither done a press conference or interviews with the real working press in the 28 days since Biden dropped out. As her popularity grows, why should she engage the media? Kamala must be watching reruns of The Office sitcom.

While we are on the same subject, wouldn’t it be great to see the news media return to Journalism School standards of ethics? In this model, stories are covered in a non-partisan way. Opinions should be returned to the editorial page where they belong. No more of reporters being cheerleaders for the left and right. Here’s a blast from the past. I actually miss Jerry Brown.

Nowhere in my wildest imagination does it seem possible to nostalgically remember when he was in charge of running governmental operations in California. Brown could actually say “no” to a few of the hare brain schemes of Progressive lawmakers. Jerry would likely have vetoed the current bill (AB3162) going through the Legislature banning the growing farm raised Octopus in California. Since these mollusks have a limited intelligence, one wonders why PETA types might be upset about raising this delicacy widely used in Spanish. Mediterranean, Korean, and Japanese cuisine. I guess these blow hearts believe an Octopus mind is a terrible thing to waste!

Unlike Gavin Newsom, Governor Brown was not a complete lapdog to the teachers union in allowing Charter Schools to flourish. He also was willing to veto some wonkish legislation with his legendary frugal personality. While Brown was no choir boy with his liberal ways, he had some common sense sorely missed with Gavin Newsom. I miss hanging out in San Francisco where California’s Governor once served as Mayor. This was a great place to grew up. They actually even had a Republican mayor! Back then, The City by the Bay was vibrant with good restaurants, cultural events, and world renowned hospitality. S.F. was the city that knew how. Individuals such as Harvey Milk, who struggled elsewhere, could get a fresh start and become important members of the entire community.

Today’s San Francisco has evolved to a place where principles of Socialism and Communism (SOCOM) have merged. The collateral damage from their failed social experiment has been intense. Homeless misery, robberies, car break-ins, junkies shooting up, and failing businesses have all become a monument to SOCOM. This has led to the exodus of high paying jobs and tax revenue fleeing to more fertile grounds Combined with the infiltration of woke social values, San Francisco is no longer a very fun place to visit. Except for coming over once in awhile to attend a Giants baseball game, this locale is to be avoided. The result is myself and millions of others embracing our lifestyle in suburbia.

Things are so odd that BART is displaying a poster that asks passengers to be tolerant of panhandlers who prey on them. Apparently it is up to customers of this under utilized transit system to accommodate malcontents. You gotta be kidding! The title to Tony Bennett’s classic I Left my Heart in San Francisco might need to be changed to I left the Homeless in SF. This is not the only urban environment which has gone steadily downhill in recent years.

Parts of Los Angeles and several adjoining communities, have seen their quality of life slowly diminish. It puzzles me voters don’t seem to recognize or care about the State’s declining lifestyle. Why not kick these Progressives bums out of office? Republicans having an input in California politics once again, is still off the table. This along with saving diminished Freedom, constantly being restricted by government overreach, seems like an Impossible Dream to achieve.

2 thoughts on “Eber: Things We Miss

  1. The Snowball has rolled too far down the hill to stop it and roll it back up. We may be able to slow it down a bit if we all come together but that is just wishful thinking. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Walmart.

  2. Awww. This article takes me back. Although I love my new home state of North Carolina, I do miss the Old San Francisco. I miss Vanessi’s, and its heavenly veal Milanese. I miss Ferlinghetti’s City Lights, where you could get all the books you wanted for the little bit you could afford. I even miss walking down Sansome Street to the BART station 10pm — not being bothered by homelessness or crime. What happened to transform the Old San Francisco into a Gomorrah? Can it go back to clean and beautiful? Yes! But not via the elites, but via voters.

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