Eber:  Time for the Donkeys to Pay the Piper

If you use lawfare to go after your opponent, what do you expect those that hate Trump to do?

When you try to get him off the ballot, what do you expect those that hate Trump to do?

If you call Trump an existential threat to democracy, a Hitler and if elected that will be our last election—what do you expect those that hate Trump to do

Lets get back to the economy, the border, national security and debate our differences.

Eber:  Time for the Donkeys to Pay the Piper

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  7/15/24  www.capoliticalnewsand views

Something is definitely wrong with this picture.  A good medical doctor friend of mine has been telling me for months that even with Joe Biden’s declining mental condition, he is still fit to be president.

Following the debate debacle and recent press conference, this opinion was amended to say “Biden in a coma is still better than electing Donald Trump”

I then asked If the President were a doctor, would he consent to having the leader of the free world  performing an operation on him?

To this I got a crazy look and the words  ” Hell no! You got to be kidding “

This exchange  illustrates how far reality has shrunk in the Presidential campaign in 2024. Democrats continue to blame Donald Trump and his Republican colleagues for their Hopson’s Choice dilemma choosing a viable candidate.

They need to refrain from blaming Republicans for their outlandish comments and failed policies since Biden took office.  It’s time for Democrats to present voters a clear vision of the future minus demagogic tirades.

This includes:

  • Calling everyone who opposes them a racist and/or a bigot.  Understanding that believing in in the fairness of our Constitution rather than legislating Diversity-Equity-Inclusion (DEI) or embracing Woke values, does not make Republicans KKK or Proud Boy fans.
  • What’s this thing trying to equate Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler? Being a charismatic orator does not constitute a comparison between  the former President with the  fascist dictator.  At last check Trump  reaching agreement on the Abraham Accords is not a comp for exterminating over 3 million Jews or acting  like Putin in attacking his neighbors in the Ukraine.
  • Since when is protecting democracy defined as weaponizing the Justice Department to prosecute your political opponents in Kangaroo Court proceedings in New York?  How about trying to keep Trump off the ballot or opposition to checking voters to verify legality of their participation in the democratic process?
  • Why are Republicans called “Climate Deniers” because they oppose many of the precepts of the Progressive Green New Deal?  Should we ban gas stoves, be forced to drive electric cars, and be required  to live in stack and pack housing to appease radical environmentalists?  Are we expected to put our faith in a Federal Government who has allocated 3 billion dollars to construct electric charging stations but thus far have built only 7 units?
  • How can Democrats say with a straight face Donald Trump is liar and be unfit for holding the Presidency when they fail to report violent crimes in  Sanctuary Cities to protect illegal aliens and failed blue mayors?   Or the Donkey’s declaring the border is safe while allowing 20 million so called migrants to illegally enter our country during Biden’s term of office.

Added to this list is inflation that has lowered the standard of living for Americans since Biden took office.  His touted Inflation Reduction Act has done just the opposite. Biden and his advisors are clueless.

Let’s not forget the President’s horrendous foreign policy that has green lighted agression from Iran, Russia, and China.  Contrary to the boasting of the President,  respect for the United States is at its lowest level since World War I.

Making Biden’s pathetic record even worse is what has transpired in California under the leadership of Governor Gavin Newsom.  Even Progressive ideologues in Blue States fear what he might do if elected President.

Here is a guy who has steadfastly backed the Bullet Train to nowhere . He has bankrupted the State by overspending while encouraging wealthy taxpayers to move elsewhere. Newsom has taken money set aside for water storage to tear down dams.  

His energy policies highlighted by opposition to fosill fuels and nuclear energy will likely lead to future power shortages.  The Governor has raised the price of fuel so high that even  the middle class struggle to fill their gas tanks.

Newsom supports California’s failing public schools by constructing Traansgender bathrooms. Taking into account government assistance given to build affordable housing in the Golden State,expensive bureacracy  and regulations make this task near impossible.

The list goes on.  Even Kamala Harris has not been able to  accomplish these lofty un-achievements; mostly because she now resides in Washington D.C.

Even if Joe Biden were to drop out of the race, only “Marxist Lite” delegates can be expected to back a Newsom Presidential bid.

With Republican convention upon them along with their confab in Chicago looming in August, Democrats will need to do better than spreading abortion hysteria and blaming Donald Trump for everything that ails America.

Time for the Donkeys to pay the piper.

3 thoughts on “Eber:  Time for the Donkeys to Pay the Piper

  1. When political candidates and the party they represent do not have a real agenda to base their platform on, they revert to “easy campaigning” by calling their opponent names. In elementary school playgrounds we all it bulling. In politics we call it freedom of speech.

  2. The brain dead biden is getting desperate.
    After all his crooked law fare has failed, he has to resort to something worse.
    So, he put out the national call that IT IS TIME TO PUT A BULLSEYE ON TRUMP.
    And, a moron with a gun got the message.
    THANK GOD HE MISSED, which pissed off lots of disgusting democrats.
    Help save America. Stop voting for democrats NOW.

  3. Agree with everything in this article! But would add that we might have been all asleep (or focusing exclusively on our work and our families) while the progressive agenda unfolded unmolested. A couple of generations grew basically unable to function effectively — the more vulnerable (kids and young adults) zapped by the covid agenda. We should not be at all surprised when Gavin Newsom stands as a presidential contender, or when a tortured soul (possibly craving any attention) opens fire.

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