Eber: Time to move on

We need to put Biden, Newsom and the Democrats behind us.  In his first week as President, Trump has ended many of the destructive policies of the Democrats.  He still has a way to go.  Going unnoticed, for instance, is the Trump ending the Department of Education section that PROMOTES pornography in schools—and sued districts that would not allow it!  Little things like that is happening all over the government.  He also ended the Nazi/KKK DEI hatred of people.

My guess is that we will have another month of ending bad government.  In doing so, he will end mismanagement and wasteful spending.  Like the $1.8 billion for comic books, candy and other swag to make government look good.

Time to move on by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 1/27/25  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

In professional sports when a team underperforms over several years or in some cases just has one bad season, management cleans house.

This can mean firing the coach and getting rid of players who are perceived to be responsible for having a losing record.

This phenomenon be it in football, business, or in some cases marriage, is called “cleaning house”.  It is an important part of American culture.

Knowing when it is time to move on is imbedded in our politics.  Democracy allows voters to make changes when they are unhappy with their

elected office holders.

Donald Trump’s victory is emblematic to the forces of change. In winning the presidency, he ran on a program of making America Great again.

This meant getting rid of woke culture that was spreading like cancer from school classrooms to the military.  It involved changing green new

deal environmental policies that were strangling poor and middle class families.

Combined with allowing over 10 million people illegal aliens from crossing our borders to supporting the defund the police-Law Enforcement,

(don’t forget the withdrawal from Afghanistan) the people have had seen enough of Biden-Harris.

Donald Trump won in a  landslide.

In California things are different. It represents values that allowed Kamala Harris to almost occupy the White House, Two term Progressive Governor

Gavin Newsom has already survived a recall.There is little chance he will be will be forced to resign.

Newsom is totally out of step with the American people. This means:

  • Implementing Diversity, Equity, and Diversity (DEI) policies that have been soundly rejected by the national electorate.
  • Supporting Radical environmentalist efforts to ban the sale of fossil fuel in vehicles the next decade. At the same time these wackos opposed creating additional water sources needed for California’s 45 million residents to survive in the years to come. 
  • A State so over regulated that  that it is virtually impossible to build any affordable housing without government subsidies to pay for excessive Project Labor Agreements (PLA).
  • Despite billions of ineffective assistance spent on a growing homeless population, little tangible progress has been realized. This has resulted in San Francisco and Los Angeles losing a large segment of their lucrative convention-tourist trade. Hard core drug use and crime have resulted in millions of travelers visiting Las Vegas instead.
  • For California taxpayers, things are even worse with Newsom’s economic support for Sanctuary Cities.  With the Federal Government certain to end their subsidies to illegals, Newsom has promised to allocate funds for these protected enclaves. The price of paying for such services seems of little consequence to him. 
  • The question remains how much Newsom’s defiance to the Trump regime will cost his constituents in the next couple of years?

These point of information realities have barely registered in California.  A small blip of voters concerns  transpired  on November 5th. The passage of anti-crime Proposition 36 and defeat of a proposal to pass revenue bonds with only a majority, were winners.

These results were not a typo!

But on the whole it is business as usual in California, 

Retiring Congressional Representative Barbara Lee has announced she is running for the vacant Mayor’s post in Oakland. The likely next leader of this bankrupt crime ridden

community has proudly over the years supported the Castro regime in Cuba. Ideologically, she is “one toke over the line” from Bernie Sanders. 

A proud Progressive, Lee will have her hands full trying to fix Oakland’s decline. This  has  resulted in 3 professional sports franchises to flee town in the past decade.

Recently, In-N-Burger joined other businesses closing their doors in a place Gertrude Stein once remarked “There is no there, there”.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles another Marxist leader Karen Bass finds herself floundering in the wake of firestorms that have devastated her community. 

Taking a junket to Ghana just prior to when the disaster began, failing to fill a reservoir that supplied fire hydrants, and cutting fire fighting budgets has

wounded her good reputation. Putting  DEI considerations  above the public interest, is a dangerous path for her to traverse in the devastated land of movie stars

What to do?

In Newsom’s case it is virtually impossible to make him change any of his ultra-liberal ways. Gavin may be so delusional  that he might believe thinking like a Leftist

CNN or MSNBC commentator will propel him to the 2028 Democratic Presidential nomination.

Actually, it might easier to get rid of Karen Bass.  It appears the corruption going on in her city is reminiscent of the classic Jack Nicholson-Faye Dunaway

1974 movie  classic Chinatown.

If the powers that be want Bass out, their will might be realized.  Otherwise, Bass will be able to finish out her term with a disgruntled media closely hounding her at every turn.

Not all is lost insisting on change for the City of Angels,  As Shakespeare penned in his play Julius Cesar There is a tide, in the affairs of men, when taken at the flood leads on to fortune”

One can see how that turned out for Brutus and Cassius!

It’s time to move on.

3 thoughts on “Eber: Time to move on

  1. We cannot put behind us what is starring us in the face. Bidden may not be in office (if he ever was in office) but the policies of the last 4 years need to be confronted. Newsom is still Governor of California and is a continuing danger to America because of his politics. And the Democrats will always be Democrats with their social agendas.

  2. In Oakland, it probably doesn’t take a pessimist in need of a reality check to KNOW that city’s next mayor, even if it ISN’T Barbara Lee, will be a Left-wing loser, but Los Angeles will likely be awake enough to elect a non-Lefty when Bass is up for reelection and California may have been dealt a hand that will force the electorate to wake up and vote for a conservative governor. The fact that, last year, Republican voter registration in California shot up proves that our state’s electorate has, if slowly, begun to wake up. Interestingly, the largest increase in Republican voter registration has been in Los Angeles County, so Bass’s chances of being reelected are low and falling. She’ll be lucky if takes a runoff to beat her, and that’s if she QUALIFIES for a runoff.

  3. Neither Biden nor Newsom can comprehend what wind and solar can do, versus what they CANNOT do:
    1. No one uses crude oil in its raw form. ‘Big Oil’ only exists because of humanity’s addiction to the more than 6,000 products, that did not exist 200 years ago, that are now the basis for virtually all the products used for the health and well-being of humanity that support Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications, Heating and Ventilating, and Communications systems.

    2. Renewables, like wind and solar ONLY exist to generate occasional electricity, as they CANNOT manufacture any of the more than 6,000 products and various transportation fuels made from fossil fuels, that are demanded by the various infrastructures of today, the same infrastructures that did not exist 200 years ago.

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