Eber: Trump Witch Hunt Exposed?

Sometime today, the farce in Manhattan will go to the jury.  Yesterday, for the first time, in closing arguments did the government claim what laws were broken.  This after the Defense gave its closing remarks—and after the Judge refused to allow the former head of the FEC to show NO laws were broken.  This kangaroo court will make Trump President, while it makes our court system little different from the courts in Russia or China—friends of the Biden family.

“Daniels has admitted under oath that she hates Trump. The porn actress, director and writer has made large sums of money discussing their alleged affair.  She will literally do anything to assure his conviction to assure future financial gains.

It’s hard for me to believe Stormy Daniels can remember intimate details about her experiences in a hotel  room almost 15 years ago when she has literally hundreds of similar incidents to recall?

Cohen is even more compromised with his various felony convictions from embezzlement to perjury.  He showed no remorse after admitting  stealing  $30,000 from Trump’s company.  Cohen is a total scumbag whose credibility ranks well below Pinocchio.

Were Gippedo his Dad, the fictional toy maker would be turning in his grave if Cohen was his son!”

This case is a textbook example of corruption of our judicial system.  Judge Mercan will be considered the Bernie Madoff of Judges.  His name will live in infamy.

Trump Witch Hunt Exposed?

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  5/29/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Having umpired baseball games for over 35 years, I’m pretty sure what a called strike should look like.

The rulebook definition of over the plate from the armpits to the knees sure ain’t two feet outside, batting helmet high, or the ball bouncing two feet in front of the batter’s box.

Applying such logic to politics, New York D.A. Alvin Bragg’s prosecution (or should we say persecution of Donald Trump)  exhibits an obtuse reality. Logic dictates it be relegated to the loony bin.

After following the trial it is obvious Trump is totally innocent of all the charges leveled against him. As Bob Dylan oncesaid,You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows“.

This means the ex-President might  be  a narcissistic jerk who  likely has been unfaithful to his wife. However, the last time I checked, none of these offenses are against the law.

MSNBC, CNN. CBS, ABC. major newspapers, and other news outlets beg differ. Their so-called panels of experts continue to pretend evidence points to Trump’s guilt for unknown crimes. Apparently they wish to use  their hatred for the former President  in the court of public opinion to apply in the real world..

Their two key witnesses Stripper Stormy Daniels and disbarred convict attorney Michel Cohen have less credibility than Richard Allen Davis or Scott Peterson. Other than the Rachael Maddow’s of the world, what jury could possibly believe either of these two sad sack characters?

Daniels has admitted under oath that she hates Trump. The porn actress, director and writer has made large sums of money discussing their alleged affair.  She will literally do anything to assure his conviction to assure future financial gains.

It’s hard for me to believe Stormy Daniels can remember intimate details about her experiences in a hotel  room almost 15 years ago when she has literally hundreds of similar incidents to recall?

Cohen is even more compromised with his various felony convictions from embezzlement to perjury.  He showed no remorse after admitting  stealing  $30,000 from Trump’s company.  Cohen is a total scumbag whose credibility ranks well below Pinocchio.

Were Gippedo his Dad, the fictional toy maker would be turning in his grave if Cohen was his son!

With this point of information set of facts, how could any jury, even in New York, be convinced a  reasonable threshold of doubt can be agreed upon to convict Trump?

Even Russian dictator Vladamir  Putin understands the folly of conducting public trials against his political rivals when believability is suspended.

Yet  pundits on cable TV are so disturbed, they can’t separate appearance from reality. They are not alone.

Several Democratic friends of mine are convinced of Trump’s guilt based on what they have witnessed on TV and reading the New York Times.  These are intelligent people whose ranks include doctors, attorney’s and professional people.

If they are right about Trump’s criminality, what does that make me?  Are the conservative principles that guide my political beliefs so distorted that I think Trump might be innocent? 

With such a leap of faith abyss of polarization existing in our society, could there still be doubt on what the verdict might be later this week?

Not with me.

Even with bigoted jury instructions given by compromised Judge Juan Merchan, I am certain of Trump being tendered a non-guilty decision.  Even a Leftist group of citizens  in New York will have no choice but to acquit. 

Though intrigued and entertained by the trial, I will be happy to see the proceedings end.  Not because of boredom;  but rather this Democratic spectacle weakens the standing of my country throughout the world.

Hopefully, things can get back to normal  when Donald Trump is elected to a second term.  We should all be able to agree the end of the world is not upon us as Progressives warn.

Strike “3” is long overdue for the Biden administration.