Eber:  Uncle Bosie Lives!!  But is Not Well

The demented Biden is still allowed to make public statements on behalf of the American people.  He is the one that does not know the difference between Iowa and Idaho, the Ukraine and Iran—and needs que cards to have a discussion with foreign dignitaries and the American public.  Note that he does not answer media questions any more.  As he said, “they will be upset with me if I answer”. 

He tells people his son died in a war (he died of cancer) an that his pilot Uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals—while the Pentagon records show his plane went down in the ocean, with all aboard dying in the ocean.

Uncle Bosie Lives!!  But is Not Well

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views  6/11/24  www.capoliticalnewsandviews.com

Throughout our lives it is a necessity to make changes pertaining to the selection of friends, spouses, jobs, hobbies, and other activities we deal with on a daily basis.

Such decisions are always difficult.  We often hold on to tasks well beyond their expiry dates. I can recount giving up my hobby officiating baseball games after turning 60.

For me, slowing reflexes led to poor decision making. This process took time and well deserved criticism. Retirement soon followed.

Not a big deal.  Smilar decisions are made every day as appropriate. This includes selling a business, getting rid of “ain’t it awful” complaining friends and giving up physically taxing  hobbies such as mountain climbing.

Coping with what amounts to an evolutionary process is an important component in playing the game of life.

Using such criteria. it is obvious the President of the United States Joe Bidenis getting more senile with each passing month. His slippage in speech,  constant mumbling,  confusion, and loss of memory, are only a few symptoms of Biden’s cognitive decline.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal published an expose on the President’s declining mental health.   The respected publication interviewed 45 individuals in a non-partisan manner from both political parties.  The WSJ  showed great concern for Biden’s ability to serve another 4 years in the White House.

Naturally, Washington D.C. Democrats were quick to respond, calling the article a so-called “hit piece.”  However, anyone with an IQ over tap water knows better.

Biden’s behavior during the last couple years reminds those of us who have taken care of elderly parents. It is easy for us to compare him with those who reside in assisted living-rest home institutions.

Memory loss, disorientation, mumbling, lack of mobility, and  confusion separating the past from the present, are all symptoms present where my Mom resided for over a decade. Tales of Uncle Bosie dying in a plane crash over New Guinea and being eaten by cannibals, are typical of clouded rest home reality.

A large staff is required to take care of these senior citizens.  Over time,  additional assistance is needed as physical and mental slippage is a sad part of the aging process.

I’m not a doctor or even a geriatric expert.  However, it is obvious Joe Biden fits the profile of a senior care facility resident..

He has no business being leader of the free world or making decisions associated with the Presidency. We selected him to make tough choices running the country,  Biden’s wife and close aids were not listed on the ballot.

He should step aside and turn over the keys to the Kingdom to VP Kamala Harris.  This prospect scares me as she has proven to lack the ability to handle the post.  At least Kamala has all of her marbles. (Whatever they might be?)  This alone makes Harris  more qualified to hold office than her boss.

If the truth be known, Joe Biden’s most strenuous activity should be choosing ice cream flavors and remembering to fill out his bingo card without assistance from the Secret Service.

None of this has anything to do with Donald Trump at this time.  Even though he is only four years younger than the President, the GOP frontrunner seems to still have the cognitive ability to handle the job

Age alone is not the sole criteria for evaluating if an individual can perform duties associated with the  Presidency..Trump may be a narcissistic jerk but in the words of my grandmother he is still “sharp as a tack”.

Regardless of what political pundits, including myself, might think, voters will soon  have the opportunity to judge the mental fitness of Biden and Trump. This truth serum will  be on display when the two square off in a debate on June 27th,

Playing the point spread for this event, it is difficult for me to imagine Biden putting in a credible performance without a teleprompter or aids available to assist his failing memory.  

I would not be surprised if Joe Biden drops out of the race before the end of the month.  His moment in history has come and passed.  It’s time to move on,  Uncle Bosie would not have it any other way.

3 thoughts on “Eber:  Uncle Bosie Lives!!  But is Not Well

  1. The world is not laughing at America. They feel sorry for Joe Biden and the way the administration displays him. They are laughing at the Democrat party for the way they are running the country, and they are rooting for Donald Trump to win the election and put all of this behind America.

  2. Do the Democrats continue with a corrupt mentality challenged Biden run by the deep state, or put up gruesome Newsom a member of the corrupt Palosi cartel who destroyed California? Kamala is a junior member of the corrupted California elite so be very afraid. Notice how many billionaire Democrats are buying escape property around the world?

  3. Good article, done with empathy. It feels like there is a hidden plan that will reveal itself just before elections. But, Harris, at this point, probably could not win any elected public office. So, Newsom steps in? Dr. Biden steps in?! There is a takeover?

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