We live in times governed by the mentally ill, drug addicts and power hungry racists, bigots and haters. Only that can explain this:
“Old timers still think George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison,should be revered as Fathers of our Country. Progressive historians beg to differ. They say these guys were evil slave owners. The Constitution, they helped craft, is now considered by woke standards to be a monument of white privilege.
Revisionist history has even been extended to Abraham Lincoln, whose Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves. In San Francisco, Lincoln High, where I attended, last year was placed under attack by their school board. They unsuccessfully tried to rename the school in claiming, “Lincoln is one of dozens of historical figures who lived a life so strained with racism, oppression of human rights violations, they do not deserve their names on school buildings,”
Even these kooks went too far in San Francisco as voters recalled them from office.
After this fiasco, we deal with similar issues pertaining to revered conservationist President Teddy Roosevelt. As a rugged individualist, he is considered too sexist for having his image etched on Mount Rushmore.”
Isn’t it time for the adults to stop this nonsense?
Victim or hero by Richard Eber

Richard Eber, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views 6/9/23
Poor Daniel Penny. He is the ex-Marine who restrained a violent, loony-tuned homeless man on the New York subway. The perpetrator was charged in 40 cases of assault. Unfortunately, during this incident, Mr. Neely died. This created a nightmare for Penny.
Was the man a hero or a heartless villain who should be charged with murder?
It might be asked how any reputable D.A. could contemplate filing a case against Penny? But then again, we must realize Alvin Bragg holds this post. He is the Leftist politically motivated prosecutor responsible for what even CNN concluded was a groundless case against Donald Trump.
Regardless of the outcome, Daniel Penny has every right to say, “Don’t shoot me. I’m only the piano player!” He is a victim of the culture war now being waged between the left and right sides of the political spectrum.
This is a perfect example of the credibility gap between Progressive-Woke Democrats and Libertarian conservatives.
The controversy is the disparity between perspectives of what transpired on January 6, 2021. Almost all the news media has declared the incident an insurrection. Most Republicans believe what occurred fits the description of what might be termed a sit-in demonstration.
With this said, Stewart Rhodes, founder of the far right Oath Keepers, was given a sentence of 18 years for being the organizer of a seditious conspiracy.
Whether this decision of the judge was appropriate remains to be seen. The magnitude of Rhodes crime is on a similar level as anti-war activists during the Vietnam war. Stiff prison terms were handed out for violent actions of The Weathermen, SDS, Black Panthers, and other radicals.
I always felt these sentences were far too harsh for acts that were political in nature.
In 2023, adhering to Woke-P.C. standards, makes it virtually impossible for the light complexioned to get a fair shake from the work place to the courthouse. Knowing when governmental diversity policies are “One toke over the line”, is difficult for the light skinned to navigate.
Much like what transpired in China during the bloody riots at Tiananmen Square in 1989, the events of January 5th continue to be dealt with as current events, rather than a footnote in history.
While many folks, including myself, believe those who occupied the capital should be appropriately punished, its time we moved on to deal with more important issues such as inflation, immigration, and crime.
Old timers still think George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, should be revered as Fathers of our Country. Progressive historians beg to differ. They say these guys were evil slave owners. The Constitution, they helped craft, is now considered by woke standards to be a monument of white privilege.
Revisionist history has even been extended to Abraham Lincoln, whose Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves. In San Francisco, Lincoln High, where I attended, last year was placed under attack by their school board. They unsuccessfully tried to rename the school in claiming, “Lincoln is one of dozens of historical figures who lived a life so strained with racism, oppression of human rights violations, they do not deserve their names on school buildings,”
Even these kooks went too far in San Francisco as voters recalled them from office.
After this fiasco, we deal with similar issues pertaining to revered conservationist President Teddy Roosevelt. As a rugged individualist, he is considered too sexist for having his image etched on Mount Rushmore.
Few historical figures, including FDR, meet strict Woke acceptance levels. They are evaluating on today’s strict standards, rather than conditions that existed many moons ago.
With this in mind, Saco and Vanzetti executed for sedition, should be issued pardons. Julius and Ethyl Rosenburg, electrocuted in 1953 for treason, selling nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, might be considered hero’s deserving for institutions of higher education to be named in their honor.
There should be some heroic figures we can worship in 2023.
How about Oscar Grant who was a victim of police misconduct? He died at the hands of a BART transit cop who accidently shot him with a revolver rather than a stun gun. The five times arrested young man served time for fleeing the scene of crime while being in procession of a .380 pistol. Other charges were pending at the time of his death.
Even considering Grant’s tough ghetto life growing up in Oakland, hardly makes him a nominee for the Gandhi Award for non-violent behavior.
Just don’t tell the news media who continues to depict Grant, who was no Ras the Destroyer from Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, to be a social justice warrior.
Unfortunately, the tragic death of Jordan Neely, is not an isolated event. There are numerous instances of the severely mentally ill, who do not receive needed treatment, being involved with senseless crimes. When such unstable individuals perished in their confrontations with law enforcement, it’s often the police who are accused of misconduct.
Little empathy is given when a cop is confronted by a suspect waving a knife or aiming a gun at them. Under duress, how can a police officer properly analyze the perps mental state while their own life is threatened?
This scenario has been used as a bludgeon by the left to defame law enforcement. In addition, similar tactics are used as a smokescreen to cover up the actions of lenient prosecutors, bail being waived for accused felons, and a failing social system.
Concern for victims of crime is rarely mentioned by the Defund the Police crowd.
Democrats have instituted globalist inspired programs and policies transforming major cities like New York, Chicago, Oakland, and Los Angeles, into dystopian hellscapes. Public safety has been cast aside in favor of inclusion, diversity, and social justice. Predatory criminals, drug addicts, and the mentally ill, roam the streets with virtual immunity.
Presumed guilt is assumed to be the fault of police. Such an attitude has resulted in many cops becoming passive spectators to growing crime. The result is law abiding citizens being left unprotected while only the wealthy can afford to pay for private security.
When heroes like Daniel Penny stand up to protect the lives of fellow citizens, they are literally thrown to a pack of vicious pit bulls.