Editorial: Prop. H will punish Boudin, but it won’t solve San Fran’s real problems

The SF Examiner editorial is right—the Recall of the terrorist DA Boudin will only punish him for his promotion of crime, criminals and making San Fran one of the most unsafe places in America.  It will not solve the problem.  That will happen when they have a DA that puts criminals behind bars and demand more cops for the city.

Note the article does not mention his refusal to prosecute criminals, his support for lessened sentences and not fully charging vicious criminals—that is why San Fran is dangerous—and the Editorial Board ignored these facts.

Editorial: Prop. H will punish Boudin, but it won’t solve San Francisco’s real problems

S.F. district attorney recall based on falsehoods, won’t fix crime or homelessness

by The Examiner Editorial Board, 5/13/22  

The recall campaign’s case against San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin tends to be light on facts but heavy on anecdote, emotion and accusations that usually prove untrue. For example, take the charges leveled at Boudin in two new television ads supporting Proposition H, which would remove Boudin from office.

In one ad, a former deputy DA gives viewers the impression Boudin disbanded a unit dedicated to solving auto burglaries. In reality, the auto burglary investigations continue and recently busted a major distributor of stolen goods who worked out of a boba shop in the Tenderloin.

In the other ad, a former business owner named Max Young says he had to close his Mid-Market cocktail lounge due to rampant drug dealing in the area. Yet Young’s establishment, Mr. Smith’s, closed months before Boudin won election to office in 2019.

“Even when they were arrested, they’d be right back here,” says Young in the ad, providing definitive evidence that the revolving door of drug sales in The City preceded Boudin’s tenure.