This is what El Paso has done. Soon, the Democrat Mayor of San Diego is going to have to do the same—Biden is shipping about 1400 illegal aliens a day into San Diego—and that does not count the illegal aliens that come to SD on their own.
“Next thing you know, El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser decided to send out some migrant buses on his own. El Paso is frequently overrun by illegal aliens. The city’s resources are stretched beyond their limits. There is not enough shelters to house them. They are often just turned out on the street because there are no beds available. Leeser appealed to the Biden administration for help. El Paso does get help from FEMA but not enough. So he is using migrant buses separate from Governor Abbott’s program.
Leeser has ramped things up lately. He has sent 178 busloads of illegal aliens to New York, Chicago and Denver in less than a month. Good for him.
Here’s the kicker. No one is saying a word about Leeser’s migrant buses. The sanctuary city mayors spew all kinds of ugly diatribes every time a bus that Abbott sends arrives in a blue city. Not when the buses from El Paso arrive. Leeser says the difference is that he is hosting and working with leaders from the Chicago area.
Then you have NYC Mayor Adams screaming about Gov. Abbott bussing illegal aliens into his city—and Adams turns around and tries to bus the illegals into upstate New York cities. The best answer is to close the border and deport the law breakers. But Biden has no idea what is going on, so expect millions more to come here next year.
El Paso Mayor Sends 178 Buses of Illegal Aliens to Sanctuary Cities But Not a Peep From Critics

KAREN TOWNSEND, HotAir, 10/19/23
El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser escapes the critical rhetoric that is thrown at Governor Greg Abbott over sending migrant buses to sanctuary cities. Why is that?
Is it because Leeser is a Democrat and Governor Abbott is a Republican? Probably. Governor Abbott began sending migrant buses to sanctuary cities to help ease the overcrowding in border communities through his Operation Lone Star initiative. Texas taxpayers fund the migrant buses. Big blue sanctuary cities across the country have preened as though they are better than everyone else by spouting popular progressive talking points. All are welcome here, they say, and legal status doesn’t matter. The mayors of the sanctuary cities said they would have services ready to handle illegal aliens. So, Governor Abbott took them up on their offers of hospitality. Migrant buses rolled from Texas to New York City, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Denver.
Next thing you know, El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser decided to send out some migrant buses on his own. El Paso is frequently overrun by illegal aliens. The city’s resources are stretched beyond their limits. There is not enough shelters to house them. They are often just turned out on the street because there are no beds available. Leeser appealed to the Biden administration for help. El Paso does get help from FEMA but not enough. So he is using migrant buses separate from Governor Abbott’s program.
Leeser has ramped things up lately. He has sent 178 busloads of illegal aliens to New York, Chicago and Denver in less than a month. Good for him.
Here’s the kicker. No one is saying a word about Leeser’s migrant buses. The sanctuary city mayors spew all kinds of ugly diatribes every time a bus that Abbott sends arrives in a blue city. Not when the buses from El Paso arrive. Leeser says the difference is that he is hosting and working with leaders from the Chicago area.
‘We will continue conversations with Mayor Johnson and his team to ensure a coordinated and collaborative response among our cities to the humanitarian crisis we are facing,’ said Estrella Escobar, Lesser’s chief of staff said in a statement.
Elected leaders from Chicago claim they have made it clear they don’t want El Paso to send anymore asylum-seekers north
‘What we have shared with the mayor of El Paso is that there is no more room in Chicago,’ Alderman Will Hall told the ABC station in Chicago.
‘He gets it. What we have expressed is for whatever partners they have in Texas to help us in Chicago, which he is assigning now, and we started the conversations with the not for profits here to help us.’
We know Leeser isn’t hosting Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson because he has backed out of his promise to visit the southern border to see Biden’s border crisis for himself. Leeser may be talking about and coordinating migrant buses with Chicago officials but he has not said he will stop the buses going to Chicago.
More than 7,700 illegal aliens have been bussed out of El Paso since the city began its busing program on September 22. Chicago has received the most buses – 73. There have been 55 buses sent to New York City and 50 have gone to Denver. These are not part of Abbott’s program. Abbott also buses illegal aliens from El Paso, as he does from other border towns.
Governor Abbott has sent 58,000 illegal aliens to Democrat cities since last year.
The rate that Mayor Leeser is going, he’ll catch up with Abbott’s migrant bus program in no time. Even when he doesn’t stop sending them to Chicago, as that city’s politicians are asking, he won’t receive the treatment from critics that Abbott receives. Democrats stick together and are very reluctant to criticize each other. That’s how it is.
Abbott says the migrant buses will not stop until the border is secured. I assume Mayor Leeser is on the same page.