EV to Pay by the Mile?  Massive Costs and Government Control of Your Usage

I received this note from Ron Stein, we publish an article a week from him about the green agenda.  Note what it takes for the EV mandate to finance the lack of gas taxes.

  • Separately Metered: The UK Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021 came into force on 30th June 2022. All home installed electric vehicle chargers are required to be separately metered with Smart Meters” and send information to the Smart meter data communications network. This legislation allows the electricity used for charging EVs to be charged and taxed at a higher rate than domestic electricity. The technology enacted also enables the rationing of electricity for EV charging because the government can decide when and if an EV can be charged.”

This gives government the ability to shut your supply of electricity charging your car.  Literally government can stop you from going to work, going to a hospital, getting groceries.  Plus the cost of the electricity will be set by government, so it can assure only the rich can use a car.  Sadly, California is starting a pilot program—and we all know the bottomline is to end gas cars and give government control of your movements.

EV to Pay by the Mile?  Massive Costs and Government Control of Your Usage

Great article at  https://capoliticalnewsandviews.com/ca-pilot-program-tests-getting-ev-drivers-to-pay-up-for-road-repairs-pay-by-the-mile/#comment-17610

FYI, I just posted my comments:

California needs to look no further than the UK for a “user pay” solution to maintain the roads and protect the electrical grid.

The UK is ahead of most of the world by having users pay for road maintenance and a new grid! The UK is setting up Separate Meters for the EV charging and protecting its grid with Smart Chargers.

  • Separately Metered: The UK Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021 came into force on 30th June 2022. All home installed electric vehicle chargers are required to be separately metered with Smart Meters” and send information to the Smart meter data communications network. This legislation allows the electricity used for charging EVs to be charged and taxed at a higher rate than domestic electricity. The technology enacted also enables the rationing of electricity for EV charging because the government can decide when and if an EV can be charged.
  • Smart Chargers:  As of May 30, 2022, in the UK, new home and workplace chargers installed must be “Smart” chargers” connected to the internet and able to employ pre-sets limiting their ability to function 9 hours/day, from 8 am to 11 am, and 4 pm to 10 pm. In addition to the nine hours a day of downtime, authorities will be able to impose a “randomized delay” of 30 minutes on individual chargers in certain areas to prevent grid spikes at other times. 

Facing billions of revenue losses from diminishing use of gasoline and diesel fuels to maintain the 400,000 miles of roadways, California may be looking at revenue to be derived from the charging of EV’s, i.e., “user pays”!

In the event California implements the UK version of “user pays”, electricity rates for charging EV cars and EV trucks may go ballistic and the free lunch will be over for EV owners!

One thought on “EV to Pay by the Mile?  Massive Costs and Government Control of Your Usage

  1. Separate meters or pay by the mile. EV must pay their share of the cost of maintaining the roads. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

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