Fifth Graders SMARTER Than So-Called Professional Educators

It is really sad when fifth graders are smarter than adults.  Especially when the adults claim to be professional educators.  It is obvious from this story that the kids understand the teachers have been pretending to work for the past year—at full pay and benefits, while the students received no real education.  Even worse, Joe Biden did not understand that he had supported ending education for the children—I call that racism.

“A classroom of fifth-grade students in Virginia told President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden that virtual learning allowed them to take naps, snack, and avoid answering questions by pretending they had technical difficulties.

“If we were really tired, we could, like, take a little nap,” one Yorktown Elementary School student told the president and his wife on Monday. Another student said, “Sometimes, when Ms. B was, like, paying attention to something else, you could eat, and it was fun.”

A third student explained that if students didn’t know the answer to a question, they can “just pretend like your mic doesn’t work.”

Do you think the teachers did not know what the kids were doing?  Or did they not care what the kids were doing?  Obviously these folks were just collecting a paycheck—at the expense of the future of our children.

Fifth grader tells Bidens virtual learning was “terrible”

Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner,   5/4/21    

A classroom of fifth-grade students in Virginia told President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden that virtual learning allowed them to take naps, snack, and avoid answering questions by pretending they had technical difficulties.

“If we were really tired, we could, like, take a little nap,” one Yorktown Elementary School student told the president and his wife on Monday. Another student said, “Sometimes, when Ms. B was, like, paying attention to something else, you could eat, and it was fun.”

A third student explained that if students didn’t know the answer to a question, they can “just pretend like your mic doesn’t work.”

The president asked the students if they liked virtual learning, and the reactions were mixed, with one student saying he or she “liked it” but another saying that it was “terrible.”

The Yorktown Elementary School students have returned to in-person learning four days a week, but many students across the country are still unable to return to school due to coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Studies have shown that students forced to learn virtually have struggled academically, including a study from the Fairfax County Public Schools Office of Research and Strategic Improvement in Virginia showing that the number of students with multiple “F” grades rose 83% after students left the physical classroom last year.

Teachers unions have been some of the largest opponents of reopening schools, arguing that conditions are not safe despite many studies showing that children are not major spreaders of the virus.

Last week, Jill Biden declined to urge teachers unions publicly to let schools reopen and said that “it depends” when pressed on the issue.