Glad to see that the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita Valley is showing how the Administration and Board of Trustees stand on freedom and sovereignty. They have invited the noted terrorist/Communist to be a keynote speaker at the school. Davis, who has called for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government—and a provider of guns to kill people, is the perfect speaker for those who hate America.
“In 1970, guns belonging to then-26-year-old Angela Davis, including a shotgun she purchased two days earlier were used to take over a Marin County courthouse. Four people were murdered, including the Judge. Davis was held in jail for over a year before she was acquitted and released in 1972.
Three years earlier Davis joined the Black Panther party. Davis accepted the Communist Party USA’s nomination for vice president in 1980 and in 1984. For decades she’s been a confirmed Marxist and proud of it.
On April 15, 2023, Ms. Davis will be the featured speaker at our College of the Canyons. We’re not certain if her $25,000.00 speaking fee was paid by our taxpayer dollars or from COC’s donors. We also don’t know if her travel expenses were also covered.
Yes, this communist is also a capitalist—being paid by $25,000 by dupes—to preach hate and revolution. Based on her background, at least she supports the Second Amendment.
Editorial: Former Black Panther Angela Davis To Be Keynote Speaker At College Of The Canyons

Editorial by Carl Goldman, KHTS, 3/29/23
In 1970, guns belonging to then-26-year-old Angela Davis, including a shotgun she purchased two days earlier were used to take over a Marin County courthouse. Four people were murdered, including the Judge. Davis was held in jail for over a year before she was acquitted and released in 1972.
Three years earlier Davis joined the Black Panther party. Davis accepted the Communist Party USA’s nomination for vice president in 1980 and in 1984. For decades she’s been a confirmed Marxist and proud of it.
On April 15, 2023, Ms. Davis will be the featured speaker at our College of the Canyons. We’re not certain if her $25,000.00 speaking fee was paid by our taxpayer dollars or from COC’s donors. We also don’t know if her travel expenses were also covered.
We asked a COC spokesperson if plans have been made to invite a guest from the other side of the political spectrum to become a key-note speaker in the future. We were told, “no.”
What’s happening to our COC? We’ve been huge supporters of the college for the 33 years we’ve owned KHTS. But this decision has us scratching our heads. Our editorial is being released a few days before April Fools, but unfortunately, it is not a joke.
The most upsetting aspect of Ms. Davis’s speaking appearance is the college sees nothing wrong with Ms. Davis’s invitation and has no plans, and it appears no desire, to expose our students to a different point of view.
Is this another example of our kids being indoctrinated in our schools or does COC lack the filter to understand the imbalance?
COC has created the anti-racism speaker series. We applaud their efforts. We have a long list of potential speakers with a different point of view, who are also strongly against racism. Perhaps the outcry from Santa Clarita residents will force COC to see the need for balance in choosing their future guest speakers.