Biden Declares a NEW American Civil War—Says Fascism is the New Democracy

Editorial by Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views, 9/5/22
(You may republish this, with credit given to the California Political News and Views)
We have crossed the Rubicon, September 1, 2022 will be remembered as much as December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001. It will be a day that lives in infamy. It will be remembered as the day Joe Biden announced war on Americans, just as his Democrat Party took a shot at Ft. Sumter and declared war on that generation of Americans.
In fact, the Biden speech was given on the 89th anniversary of the infamous Hitler Nuremberg Rally on September 1, 1933.
Powerline blog said this, “For some reason, the Democrats think portraying Slow Joe as a dark, avenging superhero (!) is a good idea. Despite the ridicule they received a few weeks ago, they tried it again last night, with predictable results.”
The Gateway Pundit had this headline: “Barstool Sports Founder Dave Portnoy: “Our President Looked Like F**king Hitler and Anyone Who Says Otherwise is Full of Sh*t!” (VIDEO)”
The article went on with this:
“Dave Portnoy: So I’m minding my own business last night watching college football. And these images, I’m not watching Biden’s speech, I didn’t even know he had a f^cking speech. But all of these images come out. And, my God, the man looks like Nazi Germany with a dash of Cold War Soviet Union with a dash of Dwight Shrute with a dash of Hunger Games. Just like the biggest dictator-looking set ever. Surreal. It’s surreal… If you can’t look at the photos and imagery that came out from Biden last night that without a doubt, it was the worst staging in the history of American politics… This man, our president, looked like f*cking Hitler. I’m not saying he’s Hitler. I didn’t even listen to a lot of his speech. He looked like a f*cking charicature. He looked like Hitler…
Adolph Hitler called all Jews Communists.
Joe Biden called all Republicans “semi-fascists”.
Hitler had the Gestapo.
Biden has the FBI, which attempted a coup in 2016-7 with the phony Russian dossier. The FBI protected the corrupt Hillary Clinton. Then the FBI SUCCEEDED in a coup by hiding the Hunter Biden laptop, its contents and protected the Biden Criminal Family. Now the FBI used Gestapo tactics on Roger Stone, Peter Navarro—and since they got away with that, used the tactics on President Trump.
Hitler had the Hitler Youth.
Biden has the BLM and Antifa—rioters that killed burned and looted American cities. Then, Kamala Harris and her Team raised money to bail out the BLM and Antifa criminals. At that point radical DA’s came into play and made sure almost no killer or rioter was prosecuted.
Then we had January 6—in which an unarmed white woman was killed by the Pelosi Capitol Police—and NO investigation was held. The question is still unanswered why hasn’t the FBI agent, Ray Epps, been arrested—he fermented the riot.
Hitler invaded Poland and other nations.
Biden has opened our borders so drug dealers, terrorists and criminals could invade our borders.
Hitler used his schools to indoctrinate the students that fascism was good and that Jews were bad.
Biden and his allies are using our schools to groom young students into the Hugh Hefner School of Sex and teach that white and Asian people are evil—and that the Constitution is bad.
On September 1.2022 Joe Biden declared the opening of the New Civil War—and never went to Congress to approve the declaration. At least Hitler went to his Reichstag to approve his wars.
Need more proof America is now a Fascist State? Please add your own examples. Oh, did I mention Biden says he will use F-14 fighter jets against the American public, since we only have guns to protect us? Is this why he is killing off our military and making sure oath taking soldiers are thrown out of the military—even using the dangerous vaccine as a reason.