Frank: The “F” Word and the Republican Party of California

In this case the “F” word is FRAUD.

At a California Republican Party Board meeting a couple of months ago, Ashlee Titus, the General Counsel of the CRP said “there was no fraud or corruption in California in the November 2020 election.”

At the CRP convention a couple of weeks ago, the Chair Jessica Patterson and others on the Board said to stop talking about fraud and corruption, that there was none.  In fact that is not true.

The “F” Word and the Republican Party of California

Stephen Frank, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views,  10/4/21 

Since September 2020 we know that at least 440,000 live ballots went to dead people and people that live out of State.  The Recall election again sent that many or more ballots to dead people and those out of State.  What would you call this?  For years the Secretary of State has refused to audit the voting rolls to get the illegal aliens off of them—how many?  We do not know because the California Republican Party has not sued to get either the dead people, those living in Indiana or illegal aliens off the rolls.

Think the 2020 election was accurate?  The Election Integrity Project CA—NOT the California Republican Party—is suing 13 counties to get an audit.  Oh, it appears that Dominion, the firm that has leased its voting system to 40 California counties controls whether or not we can have an audit.  As part of their contract with the counties—in at least one—there is a provision that no audit can be done without permission of Dominion—the firm to be audited.

EIP-CA, other private groups, county committees spent a lot of time, effort and money on poll watching—thinking that was an answer.  Sadly, it hid the real problem.  Since about 80% of the votes cast was done by absentee ballot, watching polls is so 20th Century.  Sending teams of people to the ROV office to watch absentee ballots being counted makes folks feel good.  But, if dead people, illegal aliens and folks in Iowa can send in ballots and no one knows which are illegal and which are honest, who cares if you have volunteers and lots of attorneys in an ROV office?

Then you have the kicker to all this. We know the California Republican Party knows about the fraud and corruption—which is why they set up a “Committee” to look into this.  Ever wonder what happened to all those “incident” reports they asked for?

Worse, they know there was fraud and corruption—but refuse to do anything about it.  Here is a statement to me by Randy Bergholtz, the CRP Secretary and Chair of the CRP Board election integrity program.  It was sent to me on September 13, 2021:

“RB:  Steve, note above.  What would your suit entail?  How would it be different from what EIPCa has done?  Re costs, I believe Jim Brulte received the same salary as Jess and you would have received that same salary.  Do I want to sue, yes, but to do so we would need to pick out battles carefully.  Re funds, hey we need money.  If you can help raise it, I am all ears.]” (Fact: Brulte got paid at the rate of $180,000 a year—Jessica, $250,000.)

First, as I said, I would NOT have taken a salary.   But, look at this statement:

“RB:.  Do I want to sue, yes, but to do so we would need to pick out battles carefully.  Re funds, hey we need money.  If you can help raise it, I am all ears.”

In other words we are no trying to stop fraud, corruption, dead people, illegal aliens, folks living in Texas from voting because we do not have the money.

Yet we are paying the Chair a quarter of a million dollars a years, with her knowing elections are not honest in California.  The money for the lawsuits to create honest elections are not going to attorneys, they are going to her.  Oh, the Chair of the Democrat Party Rusty Hicks, gets paid $127,500 a year.

The CRP Board has chosen a priority—pay the chair, not pay for honest elections.  At some point the GOP will no longer need to pay a Chair—because they refused to use donated money to sue for honest elections.

Failure to sue is voter suppression.  Why vote if you know dead people, etc. are getting live ballots and the CRP believes you win elections by paying salaries, not holding honest elections.

By not suing the GOP has normalized illegal aliens, the dead and those in the 49 other States being able to vote in our elections.  And, you wonder why the Democrats were so confident they could beat back a Recall and win super majorities in the Legislature.

While we need to use the “F” word (fraud), we also as a Party need to use the “S” word—SUE.  Until then it is just hot air.