Frank: Ventura County Republican Party Endorses L.A. Mayor Garcetti Deputy for Supervisor–Had Been NPP-—NOT an Activist Republican

Ventura County Republican Party Endorses L.A. Mayor Garcetti Deputy for Supervisor–Had Been NPP-—NOT an Activist Republican

Stephen Frank, Editorial, California Political News and Views,  2/28/22

Before the Republican Party had Chad Mayes, we had Jeff Gorrell.  Like Mayes, Gorrell, of Ventura County would often vote with the Democrats and in the clutch, the Dems could count on his vote.  Then when he lost a race for Congress—mostly because Republicans could not vote for him due to his lack of support for the Republican Platform and values, he got himself a job.

Gorrell was appointed Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles by Eric Garcetti.  As such he worked for the City and the Democrat Party.  This is from the Ventura Star:

“Gorell, 51, of Camarillo, resides in a portion of the district that was transferred from District 3 under boundary changes enacted by the board in December. He’s a self-described moderate Republican who served in the state Assembly and until recently was a deputy mayor in the office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.”

As you know the Democrats take care of their people, making sure they have a job.  So, since Garcetti would shortly leave his jo as Mayor—to become Joe Bidens Ambassador to India, Garcetti got Gorrell a job. 

“From the Star: “If elected, Gorell said he would resign from his current position as director of homeland security for the Port of Los Angeles.”

So he is still being paid, in a patronage job, by the Democrats.

Now you know why the Republican Party in California has little trust or respect.  In this case, literally the Ventura County Republican Party endorsed a candidate for Board of Supervisors who has been working with and for Democrats for several years—he opposed Trump for President.  He opposed the Newsom Recall.  Gorrell did such a good job for them that when Garcetti is going out the door, they make sure Jeff has a patronage job.

Of course this also puts in doubt the quality and Republicanism of the others endorsed by the Ventura GOP.  If they endorse someone who JUST re-registered as a Republican, after being an NPP, can you trust those endorsed are not like Gorrell?

What do you think—should the GOP endorse non-GOP’er for office?  Has this happened in your city or County.  If so, I would like you to send me the information.

BTW, in another county, the County GOP Committee convinced a Supervisor to run for Congress—a seat he can not win.  But, by running, his seat on the Board of Supervisors will be taken by a Democrat.  Why would a GOP County Committee WANT to lose a Supervisors seat?

By the way, the State Republican Chair, Patterson, lives in Ventura County—about a mile from the Gorrell endorsed district.  She has been silent on her own County Committee endorsing a Democrat operative for office.

(Disclosure:  I have not endorsed any candidate in this race)