Gascon’s Prop 47 Promoted by Kamala Harris

The only difference between the Soros owned George Gascon and the Marxist ideology of Kamala Harris, is the position they hold.  Otherwise both have contempt for the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

“It began in 2011 when then-Gov. Jerry Brown received notice from the U.S. Supreme Court the overcrowding of state prisons had to be reduced from 180% of design capacity to 137.5%. Instead of contracting out to the private sector or building more prisons, Brown found support to pass AB 109 shifting responsibility for housing and supervision to local county jails. County jails, just like our prisons, were overcrowded, and AB 109 transitioned criminals from prison to county jails and 45,000 purported low-level criminals back to the streets.

Law enforcement of that era will tell us those released were those with mental illness problems and alcohol or drug addictions and may be those homeless on our streets today. Flash incarceration became a new term in our justice system. If probation found violations, the perpetrator was cited and usually served 10 days in jail, if any time at all, because of overcrowding.”

Now California is a war zone.  The Governor is spending tax dollars on PRIVATE security for some cities—government can not protect the people, per Newsom. Between the illegal aliens Harris and Newsom have brought into the Sate—and he criminals released from prison by Newsom and Harris, California is a war zone.  And they do not care.

Gascon’s Prop 47 Promoted by Kamala Harris

By Lois M. Shade, former Mayor Glendora,  SAN GABRIEL VALLEY EXAMINER,


After Joe Biden announced he’s not a candidate for President, Kamala Harris has come forward as the front runner. She has a track record in California needing scrutiny and now has a record of inflation and lack of border control with the Biden administration she needs to justify.

Kamala Harris kicked off her career with appointments by the powerful Speaker of the House, Willie Brown, and met some of the most influential people in the Sacramento/San Francisco area through Brown as they dated for several years. That eventually led Harris to become the Attorney General, State of California.

Harris served as the 32nd Attorney General of California from January 2011 to 2017. That stint in her political career has left us with two propositions undermining our Criminal Justice System in California. Proposition 47 and Proposition 57 and first let’s look at Prop 47.

It began in 2011 when then-Gov. Jerry Brown received notice from the U.S. Supreme Court the overcrowding of state prisons had to be reduced from 180% of design capacity to 137.5%. Instead of contracting out to the private sector or building more prisons, Brown found support to pass AB 109 shifting responsibility for housing and supervision to local county jails. County jails, just like our prisons, were overcrowded, and AB 109 transitioned criminals from prison to county jails and 45,000 purported low-level criminals back to the streets.

Law enforcement of that era will tell us those released were those with mental illness problems and alcohol or drug addictions and may be those homeless on our streets today. Flash incarceration became a new term in our justice system. If probation found violations, the perpetrator was cited and usually served 10 days in jail, if any time at all, because of overcrowding.

In 2014, Prop 47 was put on the ballot with the title, written by California Attorney General Kamala Harris, as Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, along with a 100-word blurb summarizing the proposal that changed felonies to misdemeanors and allowed those in prison to petition for a reduction in sentence and gain early release. 47 reduced prison population and put 13,000 more back on the streets.

Prop 47 reduced illegal drug possession of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine to misdemeanors; and, stealing less than $950 through forgery, fraud or theft got a citation – no jail time. And, criminals got away with it so over time it has escalated into the smash and grabs that are causing businesses like Walmart, Target and small mom and pops to house much of their stock behind glass cases or some just closing up shop.

A.G. Harris was also responsible for overseeing the lab that analyzes DNA collected from criminals and Sacramento D.A., Anne Marie Schubert, provided Department of Justice statistics showing those samples went from 15,000 to 5,000 a month after 47 was approved. What A.G. Kamala Harris failed to disclose in her analysis of Prop 47 was those arrested on suspicion of committing felonies have their DNA collected and thousands of people who commit less serious crimes – misdemeanors – no longer must provide their DNA. After 47 passed, 250,000 DNA samples were no longer analyzed.

Schubert contributed some of her campaign re-election money to defeat Prop 47 and ended up with a George Soros-funded candidate challenging her re-election effort. She survived and was re-elected.

Prop 47 was created by then-San Francisco District Attorney, now L.A. County D.A. George Gascon. Gascon was put in office replacing Jackie Lacey with a $2.5 million campaign contribution from George Soros.

Prop 47 received support from Gavin Newsom, a George Soros committee contributing $1,460,112 and ACLU providing $3.5 million. Average citizens told me they supported the initiative because of the title and others may have supported it because of an incomplete and unauthentic analysis.

First consideration before you support Kamala Harris for President is what she’s done to the criminal justice system in California.  Did anything you now know about Prop 47 contribute to Safe Neighborhoods and Schools or was that just to con voters? How many of our homeless are early release criminals with mental health issues and addictions that should have been treated before they were released?

Did Kamala Harris know about the elimination and restrictions on DNA that contributes to violent criminals being caught for murder, rape, spousal abuse, annoying children and more? The Sacramento Bee editorial said she was obligated to inform the public and could have done so with nine words in the analysis of Prop 47: “Will curb law enforcement’s authority to collect DNA samples.”

As California Attorney General, Kamala Harris either didn’t do her job or decided to deceive the public with the title of the proposition and not fully disclose the real impact. Did she ever take a position on Prop 47?