Governor Newsom is running for Governor of California—so he has bought ad time on TV. You expect a statewide candidate to do that. But, how many of you will see it? NONE. He bought the time on FLORIDA TV. Now who says he is not running for President?
“If you need any more proof that Newsom is deadly serious, look no further than a statewide cable ad buy Newsom just made— in Florida. Newsom is so overly confident that he doesn’t have to campaign for re-election in California that he is looking ahead and pouring his resources into his 2024 campaign.
It was just last month that he told the San Francisco Chronicle that he had “subzero interest” in running for president in 2024.
Gov. Gavin Newsom said he has “subzero interest” in running for president in 2024, and highlighted his record on housing and homelessness during an interview with The Chronicle editorial board Thursday.
Once again he outed himself as a liar. We know that—soon the people of Florida will know it.
Gavin Newsom Buys Ad Space in Florida to Challenge Ron DeSantis in 2024

By Jennifer Oliver O’Connell, RedState. 6/27/22
California Governor Gavin Newsom is running for president. If you had any doubt about that, consider which state he focuses on the most, while ignoring his own. Yeah, you guessed it: Florida, along with Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis. Newsom assumes that DeSantis is who he will be opposing for President in 2024 and thinks his record of governance can best Gov. DeSantis’ work in his state.
Deluded is, as deluded does.
If you need any more proof that Newsom is deadly serious, look no further than a statewide cable ad buy Newsom just made— in Florida. Newsom is so overly confident that he doesn’t have to campaign for re-election in California that he is looking ahead and pouring his resources into his 2024 campaign.
It was just last month that he told the San Francisco Chronicle that he had “subzero interest” in running for president in 2024.
Gov. Gavin Newsom said he has “subzero interest” in running for president in 2024, and highlighted his record on housing and homelessness during an interview with The Chronicle editorial board Thursday.
Newsom is running for re-election to a second term as California governor, which would last through 2026. Asked whether he would promise to voters that he wouldn’t run for president before the end of that term, he said he believes Vice President Kamala Harris should be the next president after Joe Biden.
“Yeah, I mean, I have subzero interest,” he said. “It’s not even on my radar.”
Newsom has made similar claims about having no interest in running for president before, but it hasn’t stopped speculation that he wants to be commander in chief someday. He’s stoked those rumors by positioning himself as a national political figure and publicly sparring with prominent Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
If Newsom did want to run for president, he faces a political challenge in that Harris is Biden’s heir apparent. Newsom and Harris, who rose through the ranks of the Democratic Party in San Francisco together, have long been political allies and share many of the same supporters and donors.
What record on housing and homelessness? Newsom loves to make big, splashy announcements about him doing “something,” and assumes it is just as good as if he actually did accomplish it.
Such. A. Liar.
Newsom does have a record to run on though: his singularly-focused COVID dictatorship, unchecked homelessness, and rampant crime for starters. Then there is the state bleeding constituents, many of them moving to… you guessed it: Florida! This has played out on the national stage, and it’s a state of affairs that Newsom can neither gaslight about nor deny.
But he’s going all in. Somewhere between Memorial Day and Juneteenth, Newsom decided to not only tout his ridiculous record on housing and homelessness, but to ride the wave of Abortion’s savior. Newsom continued his government by fiat, signing an executive order guaranteeing abortion rights, just ahead of the California legislature’s vote on the actual bill creating this amendment for the state constitution.
It couldn’t wait? Apparently not.
This is business as usual for Newsom and the Democrat Supermajority. What Newsom fails to realize is that this is the same business as usual that most of America is rejecting. Even a reported million voter shift from Democrat to Republican doesn’t seem to phase him, or his party for that matter. Newsom and the Democrats are under the false impression that abortion rights will be the deciding issue of the midterms.
In a news conference that mixed sorrow, anger and resolve, Gov. Gavin Newsom, state lawmakers and women’s health advocates on Friday afternoon, June 24, condemned the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade while announcing steps to protect abortion rights in California and offer abortions to out-of-state women.
Describing himself as “a little less sorry than pissed,” Newsom signed a bill intended to make California a safe haven for abortion-seeking women in states that have outlawed or will outlaw the procedure in the wake of the high court’s momentous ruling.
In the June 7 primary election, voters rejected a competent and credible progressive candidate in author and activist Michael Shellenberger. Shellenberger challenged Newsom on his homelessness record, and got people’s attention, but not enough of vote to make the Top 2. However, this does not mean that Newsom’s laser focus on abortion and Florida is playing well to his loyal base.
Crackpot music legend Cher tweeted out this criticism:
Notice that Cher doesn’t say she won’t vote for him, But for him to even get criticism from his Hollywood base? Speaks volumes about how much he is biting the hand that feeds him.
And that hand includes the White House.
California Assemblyman and U.S. Congressional Candidate Kevin Kiley (R-Rockstar) wrote in his newsletter:
For years Newsom has tried to parlay his wrecking-ball governorship into national fame. It’s been a comedy – and tragedy – of errors. (Watch the embarrassing Mario Kart animation he made his first year; read my chapter about how he tried to use COVID to launch a presidential bid.)
Lately, the stunts have grown more frequent and more outrageous. Almost all his tweets are partisan attacks on Republicans like Ron DeSantis. Newsom also announced he’d joined Truth Social to “call out Republican lies.”
He even appears ready to push Kamala aside. Politico reports Democrats “aren’t so sure anymore that Newsom would stand down” if she runs. A top Kamala advisor called Newsom “Icarus” for “flying too close to the sun.”
Newsom will ultimately crash and burn. His failure to read the room and the state of the electorate will ultimately be his undoing. The question is, will it be by actually losing his re-election, or will his own Democrat Party take him down?