Georgia Democrats and Republicans Find Common Ground, Demand Switch to Paper Ballots

This is a first—DEMOCRATS are asking for election integrity.  In Georgia the Republican AND Democrat Parties are asking for the end of the use of Dominion machines and replacing them with paper ballots.  This is similar to the Republican National Committee Platform.

In Arizona a court has ruled that voter ID’s are legal—and in Nevada, a ballot measure would mandate voter ID.  The movement toward free and honest elections are growing.  In Michigan the GOP won major court battles for honest elections and in 26 States lawsuits are pending to provide honest and fee election.

ONLY in California are we refusing to demand free elections.  When will the State GOP follow the lead of Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and the RNC Platform?

“Democrats and Republicans in Georgia have found common ground and are demanding the state election board ditch electronic voting machines and switch to paper ballots.

The two political parties in the state have called for the Georgia election board to go from using Dominion Voting Systems’ electronic voting machines to using hand-marked paper ballots, according to 11Alive News. The groups have noted how easily hackers can “manipulate elections.”

Georgia Democrats and Republicans Find Common Ground, Demand Switch to Paper Ballots

ELIZABETH WEIBEL, Breitbart,  7/29/24

Democrats and Republicans in Georgia have found common ground and are demanding the state election board ditch electronic voting machines and switch to paper ballots.

The two political parties in the state have called for the Georgia election board to go from using Dominion Voting Systems’ electronic voting machines to using hand-marked paper ballots, according to 11Alive News. The groups have noted how easily hackers can “manipulate elections.”

After the 2020 presidential election, Dominion filed a lawsuit claiming that Fox News had suggested that the company had rigged the voting machines, leading to former President Donald Trump losing the election to President Joe Biden.

“It’s madness, actually, to go into a system and have all of our ballots relying on that,” Jeanne Dufort, the chair of the Morgan County Democrat Party, said in a statement.

Dr. Rich DeMillo, the founder of Georgia Tech’s School of Cybersecurity and Privacy, described a “series of breaches” — especially ones in cybersecurity within the last “two years” — as being “story after story” of some sort of “vulnerability in a system” that had been ignored.

“If you look at the series of breaches, global breaches of cybersecurity systems over the last two years, it’s story after story like this where some vulnerability in a system was ignored,” DeMillo said in a statement.

After the 2020 presidential election, several counties in Georgia that had used Dominion Voting Systems’ software reported that they had encountered glitches during the election.

The outlet also noted that security cameras had captured Trump supporters “entering the secure area of Coffee County’s election office” and that they had copied election software.

“We believe the experts who tell us that bad guys, foreign and domestic, are interested in overturning election results or interfering with them,” Dufort added. “And we absolutely believe they now have really good tools to do that.”

2 thoughts on “Georgia Democrats and Republicans Find Common Ground, Demand Switch to Paper Ballots

  1. In California the GOP is mostly made up of RINOs. Election day should be a national paid holiday with proof of voting. Dominion and her sister organization have been front and center of voter controversy. It is time for voter ID. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

  2. I can’t figure out the mindset of CAGOP in regards to Election Integrity. We have heard all along how voter rolls are a significant part of the problem. I was on 3 video group calls just yesterday (multiple counties on each call) who we discussing how they/we are addressing the voters rolls in our respective counties and how bad of shape they are in. Everyone is spending their/our own money and somebody finally asked, why isn’t the CAGOP doing the voter roll clean up charge, or at least setting up a platform for people to get their counties cleaned up. We (and others) are working with a software developer (a Patriot) who has designed a program to identify the problem registrations (with back up of the election law they violate). This software program could be used beyond the state, yet only a few counties are using it. If CAGOP had decided to really clean up the rolls, they could have done it with this (and volunteers). CAGOP raised a lot of money for Election Integrity and I’ll ask you, besides promoting poll workers and watchers (same thing every year) what have they done to better the cause. Extremely frustrating!!

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