Global Warming Alarmists Keep Letting Their Masks Slip, Reveal Their True Motivations

Global warming activist are not about a healthy climate—they are about a socialist/fascist/State where government controls your life, your food, your transportation, health care, education and more.

“Ranting last month before the Vermont Climate Council, David Ismay, Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker’s undersecretary for climate change, said that “60% of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles,” produced by people on “the street” and seniors on fixed incomes. 

“There is no bad guy left,” he continued, “at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, turn the screws on, and break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you, we have to break your will.”

He then added “I can’t even say that publicly.” Which itself says a lot.

The totalitarians are running our governments.  Our very lives are in danger due to the scm artist, like John Kerry, the Danish high school dropout Greta, Al Gore and others.  Is there some way we can impeach them and not allow them to harm us anymore?

Global Warming Alarmists Keep Letting Their Masks Slip, Reveal Their True Motivations

I & I Editorial Board, 2/10/21 

I&I Editorial

Give the green shirts long enough and they will reveal their true intentions. This happened most recently when a Massachusetts official said “we have to break” the will of the average person to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It’s another in a long line of admissions made by the climatistas – thank you, Steven Hayward, for adding that descriptive term to our lexicon – that inadvertently exposes their authoritarian urges.

Ranting last month before the Vermont Climate Council, David Ismay, Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker’s undersecretary for climate change, said that “60% of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles,” produced by people on “the street” and seniors on fixed incomes. 

“There is no bad guy left,” he continued, “at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at, turn the screws on, and break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you, we have to break your will.”

He then added “I can’t even say that publicly.” Which itself says a lot.

Baker appeared to be unhappy with the comments and indicated that Ismay was going to get what we hope, but cannot assume, will be a stern a lecture from another administration official. But no one can, as lawyers like to say, unring that bell. Ismay’s comments are out there, and they disclose more than the alarmists want known.

They hope to push through their agenda behind a wall of deception that is fueled by much of the media, activist researchers, unelected officeholders, and probably every Democrat in this country and their leftist counterparts in the rest of the West.

Yet at unguarded moments, global warming warriors have told us what’s behind the climate scare. Christiana Figueres, one-time executive secretary of United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the climate activists’ agenda is not to protect the environment but to pull down capitalism. In 2015, she said the task ahead was “to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

The late Rajenda Pachauri, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Chairman until 2015, is another zealot who exposed himself. He openly conceded “the protection of planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems” was “more than a mission” to him. It was his “religion” and “dharma.”

Meanwhile, the global warming narrative continues to unravel:

  • Roger Pielke Jr., a professor at the University of Colorado’s Department of Environmental Studies, says a significant volume of climate research is “untethered from the real world” while at the same time “focused on implausible scenarios of the future.” He lamented “the unstoppable momentum of outdated science.” 
  • Chinese researchers believe the warming trend we’re in now began in 1825, and, according to Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, have concluded that “man-made carbon dioxide emissions could not fully explain such an early rise” in temperatures.
  • West Virginia University biologists have found that trees are slowing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere by “consuming more carbon dioxide than previously reported.”
  • The Global Warming Policy Forum reports: “There has been no significant warming trend for 5 years, as NOAA has confirmed.”

Even though Joe Biden’s climate czar John Kerry has admitted that “we could go to zero (CO2 emissions) tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved,” there remains a manic, economically destructive urgency to “do something.” Why? Apparently we have to “break the will of the people” because, well, just because.

We hope the West, if not the world, soon sees the alarmists for what they are: Charlatans and hacks who cover up their pursuit of political and personal agendas with an ornamental layer of environmentalism. It’s no overstatement to say they pose a danger to us all.