The United Nations is now promoting sex with minors. You call that pedophilia. The UN is at the same time promoting terrorists against Israel, put the Russians as head of the UN Security Council—to denounce the Ukraine.
“FACT-O-RAMA! The pedo-loving report is called “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”
The shocking legal “recommendations” were released purposely last month on March 8, which is International Women’s Day.
Like most global tyranny, this pedo-riffic report comes disguised as a virtue:
Today, on International Women’s Day, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) launched a new set of legal principles elaborated by jurists for a human rights-based approach to criminal laws proscribing conduct associated with sex, reproduction, drug use, HIV, homelessness and poverty.”
Does this mean that DA’s like Gascon in L.A., Price in Alameda and Bragg in NYC will no longer prosecute pehophillias?
Globalists Finally Say It Out Loud: Sex With Minors Is OK — and the UN Is Onboard

BY KEVIN DOWNEY JR., PJ Media, 4/18/23
International legal “experts” — backed by the United Nations — have released a report stating sex with minors is perfectly acceptable.
“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” according to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). You can read that part for yourself on page 12.
FACT-O-RAMA! The pedo-loving report is called “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty.”
The shocking legal “recommendations” were released purposely last month on March 8, which is International Women’s Day.
Like most global tyranny, this pedo-riffic report comes disguised as a virtue:
Today, on International Women’s Day, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) launched a new set of legal principles elaborated by jurists for a human rights-based approach to criminal laws proscribing conduct associated with sex, reproduction, drug use, HIV, homelessness and poverty.
Some of the groups involved in this five-year endeavor of evil include the usual suspects of global Marxism: the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and of course, no global nod to legal pederasty would be complete without the World Health Organization (WHO).
For those of us paying attention, watching the global commies try to normalize sex with children comes as no surprise.
The report does not call for decriminalizing sex with kids — yet — nor does it recommend an age at which kids can consent to sex. However, it does suggest children have the legal “right” and the mental capacity to agree to sex.
FACT-O-RAMA! Manhattan’s commie District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, recently offered a child rapist a sentence of only 30 days. The miscreant responded by going on to commit five sex crimes in about 90 minutes.
Angry parents — or as the Department of Justice would call them, “domestic terrorists” — around the nation have been finding pornographic books in their kids’ school libraries and reading them aloud at school board meetings to make a point: stop sexualizing kids.
The grotesque push from the far-left to normalize sex with kids isn’t new, and having an international clique of legal wizards push the agenda is shocking and yet expectable.
Speaking of which, why can’t we see Jeffrey Epstein’s client list? Maybe because it contains the names of global “elite” pedos, some of whom may be behind the vile legal “recommendations.