GOP State Senator Scott Wilk:  Proud to Give Your Tax $$ to Hollywood Billionaires and Radicals

I have no problem with movies that promote Hate America, make anti-science claims, promote the grooming of children and hate for People of Faith.  While I do not like those movies, I do not have to see them or pay for them.  Disney in its zeal to be the most radical film and cartoon maker in Hollywood, has lost $800 million on radical films people refused to see.

Now, GOP State Senator Wilk, who used GOP donations to elect a Democrat to the State Senate, is proud that he is using your tax dollars to finance the hate and bigotry of Hollywood.

““This is fantastic news for the state that birthed the movie industry, and for local families working in TV and film production,” said Senator Wilk. “The Santa Clarita Valley and Senate District 21 have been Hollywood’s backlot for over 100 years. More productions at home is good news for our local economy, but more importantly this helps keep working families close to home.”

The tax credit was voted on in the form of budget trailer bill AB 132, with Wilk voting “Aye.” The credit was set to expire in 2025, but will now be extended through 2030.

Throughout his tenure in the legislature, Wilk has consistently been a champion for extending the tax credit and keeping productions from leaving the state.

You wonder why folks will not register or vote Republican, look for Scott Wilk.  Hollywood does not need my tax dollars to live the high life and promote Socialism.

Wilk Announces Extension of California Film & Tax Credit Secured in Budget 

State Senator Scott Wilk, 6/27/23

SACRAMENTO – Today Sen. Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) announced the extension of the California Film and Television Tax Credit has been included in the state’s 2023-24 budget.  

“This is fantastic news for the state that birthed the movie industry, and for local families working in TV and film production,” said Senator Wilk. “The Santa Clarita Valley and Senate District 21 have been Hollywood’s backlot for over 100 years. More productions at home is good news for our local economy, but more importantly this helps keep working families close to home.”  

The tax credit was voted on in the form of budget trailer bill AB 132, with Wilk voting “Aye.” The credit was set to expire in 2025, but will now be extended through 2030.   Throughout his tenure in the legislature, Wilk has consistently been a champion for extending the tax credit and keeping productions from leaving the state.   According to a 2022 study by the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, each dollar allocated by the program generates at least $24.40 in output, $16.14 in gross domestic product, and $8.60 in wages.  

The City of Santa Clarita is home to numerous soundstages and movie ranches including Disney’s Golden Oak Ranch, Melody Ranch, LA North Studios. “With other states ramping up major productions, California has to be competitive. I’m pleased to play my part once again in helping the state’s most iconic industry remain at home,” Senator Wilk concluded.