One element of a National Socialist Party is that unless you are part of the ruling class, you get third class health care—and no choices or second opinions allowed. Just ask the Brits or Canadian—the rich in both countries come here for quality health care. Where will you go when Newsom and Sacramento have absolutely control over your health care, hence your lives. Ohm health care will be equitable—which means discrimination via race and gender as to who gets to live and who must die.
““The law could help California obtain a waiver that would allocate federal Medicaid and Medicare funds to be used for what could eventually become a single-payer system that would cover every California resident and be financed entirely by state and federal funds,” the Los Angeles Times reported, soft-selling the socialized, government healthcare bill.
As the Globe reported in June:
Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) has authored a bill, SB 770, “to force all Californians out of their existing health coverage – including Medicare, employer-based coverage and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) plans – and into a new untested government-run system, with no ability to opt out or choose private coverage instead.”
Socialism kills. Living in a One Party State run by National Socialists kills even quicker.
Gov. Newsom Marches California Toward Socialized Health Care in Labor Union Sponsored Bill

What Senator Wiener is proposing is far worse than Obamacare, and will tax Californians an additional $300 Billion
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 10/10/23
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill Saturday that braces California for universal healthcare – most notably – as a single-payer system that leftists have been agitating for.
This is clearly a march toward fully socialized, government-run health care.
“The law could help California obtain a waiver that would allocate federal Medicaid and Medicare funds to be used for what could eventually become a single-payer system that would cover every California resident and be financed entirely by state and federal funds,” the Los Angeles Times reported, soft-selling the socialized, government healthcare bill.
As the Globe reported in June:
Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) has authored a bill, SB 770, “to force all Californians out of their existing health coverage – including Medicare, employer-based coverage and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) plans – and into a new untested government-run system, with no ability to opt out or choose private coverage instead.”
Known as “universal health care,” it really is just government-run socialized health care. And what the government gives, it can also take away.
Here is what Sen. Wiener says about SB 770:
“In the wake of COVID-19’s devastation, and as costs for working people have skyrocketed, the need to provide affordable healthcare to all Californians has never been greater,” said Senator Wiener. “This bill takes tangible steps on a concrete timeline toward achieving universal and more affordable healthcare in California, by directing state agencies to determine how to secure our full share of federal funding for the new system envisioned by the Healthy California for All Commission. Once California’s Secretary of Health and Human Services has gathered the information necessary for the Legislature to make informed decisions, it will be responsible to bring them to the Legislature for action.
In a savory word salad, the LA Times tries to sprinkle delectable fresh fruit slices on that bowl of greenery:
“Wiener’s legislation represents an incremental approach that will kick-start the process of solving one piece of a complicated puzzle, rather than attempting a massive revamp of the healthcare system.”
This should set your hair on fire:
Michael Lighty, president of Healthy California Now, the sponsor of Wiener’s bill, countered that the legislation promises a universal system, which could include a single-payer system.
“What we made clear is there is no preordained outcome,” Lighty said.
Notably, Healthy California Now, the sponsor of Wiener’s bill, is an amalgamation of California’s most prominent labor unions, Democratic Socialists, leftist progressives, Bernie Sanders loving leftists, leftist teachers and machinists, AFLCIO, AFSME, ACLU weirdos – every special interest group currently tearing apart society and the State of California under Gavin Newsom’s administration. Don’t believe me? Here’s the long list of left-wing supporters at Health California Now, who have no idea that their illiberal utopia will destroy California.
The California Nurses Association, which has agitated for single-payer/socialized, government run healthcare for several gubernatorial administrations commensurate with their rise in radicalization, opposed the measure, contending that the work the bill asks the California Health and Human Services Agency to do has already been done.
The Globe calls BS on the Nurses Association. They called SB 770 an “unnecessary” waste of state resources. But probably what they meant to say is that the bill does not go far enough for the radicalized nurses union, which is no longer about the people and patients they pretend to care for.
This bill sounds economically motivated to me… but who benefits? Certainly not the taxpayer or medical patients.
Senator Wiener claims “California has the ability to establish a system of guaranteed healthcare for all and provide better care that costs less. This bill makes this potential real by establishing a specific statutory pathway for pursuit of this goal.”
Yeah right.
Opponents of the bill offer cogent arguments to this socialization of health care:
A group of health plans, insurers, physicians groups, and the California Chamber of Commerce wrote in opposition to this bill stating that the ultimate goal is to ultimate goal is to force all Californians out of their existing health coverage – including Medicare, employer-based coverage and ACA plans – and into a new untested government-run system, with no ability to opt out or choose private coverage instead. (This is defined as Socialized medicine)
This bill also requires raising taxes by roughly $300 billion a year. (The entire state budget is about $330 billion a year – emphasis ours)
Opponents also point out that any waiver obtained through this bill would not be permanent and could be disallowed by Congress at any time, eliminating 40% of the funding for the new health care system. So California taxpayers wold be paying even more than the estimated $300 billion a year…
Finally, this bill provides little details on how the transition to this system would be achieved, how providers would be reimbursed, and could ultimately cause providers to leave the state.
Typical Scott Wiener – he shoots from the hip hoping his shot lands on its intended target. Hoping, but not caring whether it does or not. He got the required press. He really is a careless lawmaker, interested only in his own selfish pursuits rather than what’s important and good for all of the people of the State of California. Even his constituents would hate this abomination of a bill just when they need medical treatment.
Wiener barely squeaked this bill out – it’s a miracle he got it through the Legislature, and probably only was able to as long as lawmakers can exempt themselves from it (as Congress did with Obamacare). We wonder… is this a deja vu?
As the Heritage Foundation reported, Obamacare promised to “lower costs for families and for businesses and for the federal government, reducing our deficit by over $1 trillion in the next two decades. Yet after 12 years (now 15 years), Americans face even higher costs, fewer choices, and more government interference in their health care decisions.”
“Since Obamacare’s enactment, average monthly premiums have more than doubled—a 129 percent increase from 2013–2019. Deductibles are also higher, having risen from $5,100 (self-only policy) and $10,300 (family policy) in 2013 to $6,894 (self-only) and $13,949 (family) in 2021. Furthermore, the number of insurers offering coverage in the Obamacare exchanges is 25 percent less than the number that offered coverage in the individual market before Obamacare.”
Heritage says the only way to improve healthcare is to:
- Expand access to alternative coverage options
- Strengthen state flexibility to bring down premiums
- Give low-income Americans a choice in their health care
- Modernize Medicare for a new generation of seniors
- Provide consumers with price transparency and stronger consumer protections
What Senator Wiener is proposing is far worse than Obamacare, and will tax Californians an additional $300 Billion – double the state budget in total. Ouch. Is this really Sen. Wiener’s idea of “equity?”
Medicare and Medicaid enrollees are already experiencing problems with getting approval for some services, problems with setting appointments, getting referrals and wait times. Many doctors have joined medical groups who control who they see as a patient and when they are allowed to see the patient because of the limited allowances from Medicare and Medicaid. Even private insurance enrollees are experiencing problems with carrier approvals for medical procedures. People who can afford the cost will always find a way to get medical services. The rest are just stuck in the system.