Gov. Newsom Signs ‘Emergency’ Bill Authorizing Arizona Doctors to Perform Abortions In California

Seriously, how many people need abortions every day in California—even with Newsom importing women from other States to kill their babies in California.  That, as opposed to people who need oncology and heart doctors?

If this was about “health” he would expedite cancer and heart doctors from Arizona being able to operate in California.  Literally, he prefers to kills babies, then to save lives.  This is why the Democrats would love to have him as their candidate for President.

“Newsom and Psaki discussed a new Democrat ad aired in Alabama and Arizona showing two women driving nervously near the state border, and getting pulled over by a cop for seeking an abortion across state lines.

Then Newsom announced “emergency legislation” to allow doctors from Arizona to come to California and provide abortions to Arizona patients.

He calls abortions “reproductive care,” which is rather ironic since “reproductive” means “procreative” and “reproducing,” when abortions kill the unborn child.

We also found it ironic that he did not offer emergency legislation for the escalating crime, or the explosion of drug-addicted homeless vagrants terrorizing California cities.

Oh, h has also, by Executive Order, saved the lives of death row inmates.  Why does he hate cancer and heart victims?

Gov. Newsom Signs ‘Emergency’ Bill Authorizing Arizona Doctors to Perform Abortions In California

The governor now promotes abortion tourism

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  5/23/24

In April, California Governor Gavin Newsom, who isn’t running for president, did a MSNBC interview with former Biden Administration spokeswoman Jen Psaki, and lied claiming that if “Donald Trump becomes president of the United States he will sign a national abortion ban. Period. Full Stop.”

The media and even Vice President Harris also claimed that Donald Trump, if elected again, will sign a national abortion ban. However, Mr. Trump very clearly announced his position on abortion – that it is a state’s rights issue now that the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, sending the issue back to the states.

Newsom and Psaki discussed a new Democrat ad aired in Alabama and Arizona showing two women driving nervously near the state border, and getting pulled over by a cop for seeking an abortion across state lines.

Then Newsom announced “emergency legislation” to allow doctors from Arizona to come to California and provide abortions to Arizona patients.

He calls abortions “reproductive care,” which is rather ironic since “reproductive” means “procreative” and “reproducing,” when abortions kill the unborn child.

We also found it ironic that he did not offer emergency legislation for the escalating crime, or the explosion of drug-addicted homeless vagrants terrorizing California cities.

Thursday afternoon, Gov. Newsom announced that he signed a bill “to protect abortion care for Arizona patients in California.”

The bill, SB 233 is authored by the ghoulish Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) “to allow Arizona abortion providers to temporarily provide abortion care to patients from Arizona who travel to California for that care.”

Isn’t that special. Gov. Newsom turned California into an Abortion Sanctuary State – The Governor who shut down California’s beaches and legendary tourist attractions, churches, bars and restaurants as a response to the COVID pandemic, now promotes abortion tourism, inviting tourists to visit California and get an abortion if their own state has abortion restrictions, the Globe reported.

The governor also budgeted more than $200 million in state funding to create, cover uninsured abortion care and to support providers.

Newsom says California is absorbing an additional 17% of women seeking abortions from other states because California is an abortion sanctuary state. “Important to remind people Jen, is about 1/3 of Planned Parenthood patients in America are here in California” Newsom said excitedly in his interview with Psaki. (California is also home to 1/3 of the entire country’s welfare recipients and 1/2 of the country’s homeless.)

“Arizona Republicans tried to turn back the clock to 1864 to impose a near-total abortion ban across their state. We refuse to stand by and acquiesce to their oppressive and dangerous attacks on women,” Gov. Newsom said. “I’m grateful for the California Legislative Women’s Caucus and all our partners for moving quickly to provide this backstop. California stands ready to protect reproductive freedom.”

39 states recognize the unlawful killing of an unborn child as homicide in at least some circumstances. The federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, enacted April 1, 2004, covers unborn victims of federal and military crimes, the National Right to Life explains.

Gov. Newsom’s actual record for all his years in government is far more pronounced than his headline grabbing announcements – none of the policies that Newsom supports or produced has brought about real improvement to the state as a whole, or to Californians’ lives.

While Newsom has facilitated killing off more businesses than any governor before him, he’s made sure that the abortion industry thrives in California.

One thought on “Gov. Newsom Signs ‘Emergency’ Bill Authorizing Arizona Doctors to Perform Abortions In California

  1. The abortion issue has been argued based on emotion and not logic. This won’t resolve anything. It will just add another layer of emotion to the argument. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” Due out soon.

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