Governor Newsom Admits Democrats’ Policies Destroyed California

Finally, as honest admission from Gavin Newsom.  He admits he is responsible for policies that have economically destroyed California.  Importantly his destructive policies are the same as Harris and Biden.  So if you like destruction, Harris is your candidate.

“During an interview with Newsmax, Newsom admitted that the homeless crisis plaguing California is the direct result of his party’s own policies and neglect.

When asked how California reached such alarming levels of homelessness, Newsom didn’t mince words. “I mean, because of our own policies and neglect. We put up our feet, and we’re resting on our laurels,” Newsom confessed.

Newsom also is blaming the California Democrat Party office holders for the disaster.

Governor Newsom Admits Democrats’ Policies Destroyed California

by Jim Hᴏft, The Gateway Pundit,  8/22/24

California, once the epitome of the American Dream, has become a cautionary tale of how radical policies and Democrat leadership have driven the Golden State into a state of crisis.

One of the most pressing challenges facing California is the housing affordability crisis. Despite numerous initiatives aimed at increasing affordable housing, a significant portion of the population—particularly low-income households and renters—continues to struggle under the weight of soaring rents and property prices.

According to Mother Jones:

Nearly one-third of all Americans experiencing homelessness live in California. Each night, more than 170,000 people sleep outside or in temporary shelters across the state.

The vast majority—90 percent—were living in California when they became unhoused. And 75 percent are homeless in the same county in which they lost their housing.

In cities across the state, housing has been a dominant political issue. Local leaders have bemoaned the long-term lack of supply of affordable shelter and the acute rise in the unhoused population.

In San Francisco, Mayor London Breed has battled to allow for sweeps of tent cities. A prosecutor of the county that includes Sacramento recently claimed that the capital city’s inability to remove homeless people amounted to an “utter collapse into chaos.” Culver City banned tent encampments.

During an interview with Newsmax, Newsom admitted that the homeless crisis plaguing California is the direct result of his party’s own policies and neglect.

When asked how California reached such alarming levels of homelessness, Newsom didn’t mince words. “I mean, because of our own policies and neglect. We put up our feet, and we’re resting on our laurels,” Newsom confessed.


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that illegal aliens will get interest-free home mortgage loans under a new California bill.

Democrat assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (Fresno) recently introduced Assembly Bill 1840 to extend a first-time homebuyer loan program to illegal aliens.

If the bill becomes law, illegal aliens will be eligible for a new program that offers a loan worth 20% of the purchase price of the residential property. There are no monthly payments and no interest accrues on the loan.

Rather, the loan is paid back when the borrower refinances or sells the property. The borrower will have to pay back the original loan plus a 20% increase in the value of the property.

One thought on “Governor Newsom Admits Democrats’ Policies Destroyed California

  1. Of course he does not care, he is your typical democrat.
    Newscums ego and out of control goal of being president mean everything to him, let the state and country go to hell.
    He wants to destroy our country just like he has destroyed California.
    As a long time Californian, I ask everyone to help save CA and the USA by
    He is nothing but trouble.

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