Grid operator tells Californians to prepare for power conservation

Does Gavin Newsom have any common sense or knowledge of the state of energy in California.  He continues to mandate electric cars, trucks and farm equipment.  Gavin wants all electric homes.  At the same time those running the electric grid tell us we are to prepare for rationing and limited availability of electricity.  Worse, we are not increases our electric storage—so he is calling for a Third World State with rationed energy and limited energy for families and business.

“The California Independent System Operator (ISO) on Wednesday told customers to be prepared to conserve energy as forecasts of extreme heat this week are set to raise power demand and could strain the grid.

The grid is stable right now, California ISO said, but it said events that linger for days can overtax generators and cause outages. The grid operator expects higher electricity demand on Wednesday and Thursday, with Thursday set to be the hottest day this week.”

After a generation of Democrats controlling our state, we are now like a country in Africa.

Grid operator tells Californians to prepare for power conservation

Reuters,  7/11/24

(Reuters) – The California Independent System Operator (ISO) on Wednesday told customers to be prepared to conserve energy as forecasts of extreme heat this week are set to raise power demand and could strain the grid.

The grid is stable right now, California ISO said, but it said events that linger for days can overtax generators and cause outages. The grid operator expects higher electricity demand on Wednesday and Thursday, with Thursday set to be the hottest day this week.

“If weather or grid conditions worsen, the ISO may issue a series of emergency notifications to access additional resources, and prepare market participants and the public for potential energy shortages,” the ISO said.

It said it may also issue a Flex Alert, urging consumers to voluntarily reduce electricity consumption between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. on certain days.

One thought on “Grid operator tells Californians to prepare for power conservation

  1. Grid operators tell Californians to prepare for conservation. That is political talk for we are going to cut off your power source. Read “Personal Opinions of One Common Man” due out soon.

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