Grifters Unite Behind Steve Garvey for Senate:  Money for Them, a Loss for Republicans

From RHH Elections: “CA-Sen: “Baseball Legend Steve Garvey” is considering running for Senate in California as a Republican.  If you’re one of the millions of people like me who are saying “Who is that?” he apparently played for the Dodgers and Padres in the 1970s and 80s, so he might have some lingering name recognition with retirees in Southern California.  At this point the CAGOP is basically scrapping the barrel for notable candidates, so I guess why not?”

Did anyone Google his history?  Did anyone see his child support issues, the numerous women he got pregnant, his financial issues?  Or his absolute lack of involvement in the political process—Google him to see his views on any policy issue for the past thirty years! 

Of course the Grifters behind this did their homework before moving forward.  But, but by the time the public catches on they would have made a mint off of Garvey.  You will note that in NO story about his candidacy quotes him—at all, about running this time.

Why?  Because as you read this, he is in “school”.  He is being taught answers to questions, how not to answer questions and when in real trouble, give a big smile (like Biden does).

Then you have note that his “advisor” is Andy Gimmeecandy—the guy that gave us Nathan Hochman who admitted he hated the Republican Party—but ran as a GOP’er for Attorney General.  Andy was part of the Whitman effort, Kaskari/Obama effort and has a long history of literally not allowing Republicans into GOP meeting (previously discussed how he refused to allow Republicans into meetings of the LAGOP).  At the same time, he is “advising” Garvey, Gimmeecandy is also advising Nathan Hochman in his run foir L.A. DA—except Hochman is now an NPP—but was begging to be allowed to speak at a large GOP dinner in the San Fernando Valley last week—but was turned down.  Andy still attended and numerous people told Andy he was in the wrong place.

Grifters, people who just want the money, have destroyed what is left of the Republican Party.  The best thing we can do is to ignore them—and their candidates.   Do not give them money, do not give them support. 

Report: Dodgers legend Steve Garvey weighs in on US Senate bid

By City News Service,   6/1/23

Dodgers legend, and Palm Desert resident, Steve Garvey is pondering a possible run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Dianne Feinstein, it was reported today.

Sources within the state Republican Party told the Los Angeles Times Garvey has been meeting with GOP donors and leaders to discuss the possibility of a run.

Republican strategist Andy Gharakhani told the paper he is advising Garvey, who has been contacted by leaders of both political parties about becoming a candidate, “and he’s seriously considering it.”

“We should have a decision made here in the next few weeks,” Gharakhani told the paper.

If he were to jump into the race as a Republican, he would immediately become the most well-known GOP hopeful, despite his lack of any elective political experience. The field of announced candidates thus far is largely dominated by Democrats, most notably Reps. Adam Schiff, Katie Porter and Barbara Lee.

Garvey, 74, would also face an uphill challenge, since no Republican has won a statewide election in California since 2006. But as a former member of both the Dodgers and Padres, his name carries significant celebrity and recognition in two major portions of the state.

“He’s a very well-known former athlete in California, and, assuming a strong and competent candidacy, I think he would absolutely have the opportunity to consolidate the Republican vote in the primary,” GOP strategist Rob Stutzman told The Times.

The paper noted that Garvey went on record in 1981 saying he had been approached about running for Senate. He later attended the Republican National Convention and raised money for then-candidate George H.W. Bush.

In May, he attended a state Republican donor event in Rancho Mirage, and his potential candidacy was “openly discussed at the event,” an attendee told The Times. Earlier this week, he took part in a fundraiser for Orange County Rep. Michelle Steel in Newport Beach.