This is whom Newsoms’ wife thinks should be a role model for women:
“Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, got a jump on the Oscars by posting a TikTok video of “5 Golden State trailblazers to celebrate this Women’s History Month.” One of her top choices twice ran for vice president with the Communist Party USA, and is now a big supporter of Joe Biden.”
“Davis first gained fame for supporting violent male convicts such as Black Panther George Jackson, who killed a guard at Soledad Prison. As this article described it, Davis brought the “arsenal of weapons” to spring Jackson. On August 7, 1970, “George Jackson’s 17-year-old brother, Jonathan, charged into a Marin County courtroom and took several people hostage, including judge Harold Haley, the prosecuting assistant DA, and two jurors. The assailants taped a sawed-off shotgun to Haley’s chin. In the ensuing escape attempt, a shootout took place during which Haley’s head was blown off, and Jonathan Jackson was killed.”
Davis fled but was arrested in New York. At her 1972 trial, more than 20 witnesses implicated her in the plot to free Jackson but Davis gained acquittal. Establishment media still praise her as a civil-rights figure and Jennifer Stiebel Newsom hails Davis as Golden State trailblazer for Women’s History Month.
Forget the Russian hoax against Trump—investigate Newsom and his wife.
Gavin Newsom’s Wife Proclaims Angela Davis a ‘Golden State Trailblazer’

Communist Party 1980-84 VP candidate now gets what she wants under Biden.
Lloyd Billingsley, Front Page, 3/33/22
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Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom, got a jump on the Oscars by posting a TikTok video of “5 Golden State trailblazers to celebrate this Women’s History Month.” One of her top choices twice ran for vice president with the Communist Party USA, and is now a big supporter of Joe Biden.
“We will have to campaign for, and vote for Joe Biden,” because a vote for Biden is a vote “for ourselves.”
That was Angela Davis, in a June 15, 2020 interview with Russia Today. Davis is also on record that “history cannot be deleted like web pages,” and her own history invites a look.
The African American Davis was also a fan of dead white Europeans such as Karl Marx and Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, also known as Lenin, the prime movers of Communism. In 1979, the Soviet Union awarded Davis the Lenin Peace Prize, shortly before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The next year, Davis ran for vice president of the United States for the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Soviet Union.
Davis occupied the bottom half of the ticket under white Stalinist Gus Hall. He had been the CPUSA candidate in 1976, when college student John Brennan, a future director of the CIA, voted for Hall instead of Jimmy Carter or Gerald Ford. Hall and Davis lost to Ronald Reagan and George Bush, who also crushed the Communists in 1984. Still, there’s more to Angela Davis than a two-time loser.
Davis also supported the all-white, all-male Communist dictatorships of Eastern Europe, including the East German regime of Erich Honecker. That Stalinist regime built a wall around East Berlin and shot women and men attempting to escape. KGB agent Vladimir Putin helped Honecker repress the people and keep the regime in the Soviet orbit.
In 1968, when Czechoslovakia attempted democratic reforms, the Soviet Union invaded. In 1972, Czech dissident Jiri Pelikan invited Davis to support imprisoned dissidents, but Davis declined. If any white Stalinist dictator every did anything with which Angela Davis disagreed it’s hard to know what it might be.
Angela Davis was also a supporter of Cuba’s Communist dictatorship under white Stalinist Fidel Castro, one generation out of Spain. Castro held many black political prisoners, and as cinematographer Nestor Almendros showed in Improper Conduct, the regime also imprisoned homosexuals, many of them black, in forced labor camps.
Castro’s Communist regime, a Soviet colony, was so repressive Cubans fled at first opportunity in anything that would float. Like Erik Honecker, the porcine Castro made emigration an exciting experience. Angela Davis wanted the Cubans to stay home and love their Communist masters, who always know best. If she has any second thoughts about supporting murderous white Stalinists, the African American Marxist has kept them to herself.
Davis first gained fame for supporting violent male convicts such as Black Panther George Jackson, who killed a guard at Soledad Prison. As this article described it, Davis brought the “arsenal of weapons” to spring Jackson. On August 7, 1970, “George Jackson’s 17-year-old brother, Jonathan, charged into a Marin County courtroom and took several people hostage, including judge Harold Haley, the prosecuting assistant DA, and two jurors. The assailants taped a sawed-off shotgun to Haley’s chin. In the ensuing escape attempt, a shootout took place during which Haley’s head was blown off, and Jonathan Jackson was killed.”
Davis fled but was arrested in New York. At her 1972 trial, more than 20 witnesses implicated her in the plot to free Jackson but Davis gained acquittal. Establishment media still praise her as a civil-rights figure and Jennifer Stiebel Newsom hails Davis as Golden State trailblazer for Women’s History Month.
If anybody thought California Gov. Gavin Newsom felt the same way it would be hard to blame them. Meanwhile, Davis continues to wield influence in Washington.
“I don’t see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be able to lead us in the right direction,” Davis told Russia Today back in 2020. “It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.” That’s Joe Biden all over.
Critical Race Theory, a regurgitation of CPUSA propaganda, is now standard issue. Parents who object to the racist indoctrination of their children are branded “domestic terrorists.” So Davis got what she wanted and a lot more. In effect, the failed 1980-84 CPUSA candidate gets her first term under Joe Biden, and the United States becomes more Stalinist by the day.
Soaring energy costs and Covid restrictions hinder freedom of movement. The Department of Homeland Security ignores Islamic terrorists and deploys against “mis-dis-and mal-information.”
The January 6 proceedings have all the trappings of a Stalinist show trial. And so on.
Biden now says a looming food shortage is “gonna be real.” Biden blames the sanction he slapped on Putin but the Delaware Democrat should be looking in the mirror. As Louis Fisher said in The God That Failed, nations that are barren of liberties are also barren of groceries,” and under Joe Biden America is increasingly barren of liberties.