Hamas Supporters STOP Celebration of “Green” Cargo Ship—Fear of Riot

You would think the environmentalists would be upset that a celebration for a new “green” cargo ship was stopped due to Hamas/Nazi supporters and the fear of a riot (they call it a “police action”).  Instead they are quiet and prove they are just radicals and part of the effort to terrorize America any way they can and using any cause they can.

“Later Wednesday, an estimated 80 or more protestors gathered near the 22nd Street Landing Restaurant near the port with signs and banners, and then marched to Berth 46, where the Maersk ship had been docked earlier.

One of the demonstrators, Thawra Khalid with the Palestinian Youth Movement, said the group wanted to send a message to Maersk.

“Maersk was originally supposed to have an event (a ship tour celebrating) their new carbon neutral ship, and they’re really trying to put up this facade of being like this new green initiative,” Khalid said. “But you can’t be a green initiative (business) when you continue to ship bombs that are essentially destroying land in Palestine.”

Why are we kowtowing to those who support Genocide?  We didn’t allow this with the Nazi’s, why are we doing this for the modern day Nazi’s?

Word of planned protests cancel public green ship tours for Wednesday

By Donna Littlejohn, Daily Breeze, 8/28/24    https://www.dailybreeze.com/2024/08/28/word-of-planned-protests-cancel-public-green-ship-tours-for-wednesday/?utm_email=95C3E5E4E4E5A580647814C571&lctg=95C3E5E4E4E5A580647814C571&active=no&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=https%3a%2f%2fwww.dailybreeze.com%2f2024%2f08%2f28%2fword-of-planned-protests-cancel-public-green-ship-tours-for-wednesday%2f&utm_campaign=scng-db-localist&utm_content=curated

Those expecting to explore the new Maersk green cargo ship on Wednesday, Aug. 28, received a pre-dawn email saying the public tours were canceled because of planned protests — and the ship left port a few hours later.

The ship docked at the Port of Los Angeles several days ago, unloading a bit of cargo, ahead of planned celebrations this week. The vessel, which is the first green cargo ship to visit the U.S., was officially christened on Tuesday. The celebration, with hundreds in attendance, included the traditional smashing of a champagne bottle. Officials also unveiled the ship’s name, the “Alette Maersk,” for Alette Maersk Mc-Kinney Sørensen, a daughter of the company’s founding family.

The festivities were supposed to continue Wednesday with public tours — until the protests nixed those plans.

“We have recently learned that activist groups are planning protests at our event site,” said the email, which was sent out at around 1 a.m. Wednesday, “and the security assessment indicates a risk that the protests could escalate to a level that would disrupt the event and necessitate a police response.”

Maersk, in its Wednesday morning email, did not detail the nature of the protests or how they learned about them. A Maersk spokesperson, when reached for comment, quoted from the email.

But apparently, according to social media posts, the protests were about the Israel-Hamas war.

Maersk has recently become the focus of some Palestinian protests, which have accused the shipping company of sending weapons to Israel in the ongoing war in the region, though it’s unclear whether that’s true. A handful of protestors showed up at the entrance of the Outer Harbor where the ship was docked on Wednesday morning, according to a video posted at around 6 a.m. on X, formerly Twitter.

Chants included “Stop arming Israel now” and calls for a Maersk embargo.

Later Wednesday, an estimated 80 or more protestors gathered near the 22nd Street Landing Restaurant near the port with signs and banners, and then marched to Berth 46, where the Maersk ship had been docked earlier.

One of the demonstrators, Thawra Khalid with the Palestinian Youth Movement, said the group wanted to send a message to Maersk.

“Maersk was originally supposed to have an event (a ship tour celebrating) their new carbon neutral ship, and they’re really trying to put up this facade of being like this new green initiative,” Khalid said. “But you can’t be a green initiative (business) when you continue to ship bombs that are essentially destroying land in Palestine.”

While the nature of what Maersk ships — officials declined to comment beyond the initial email — the company has a head office in Tel Aviv and several local offices, according to the company’s website. And Maersk has continued operating within Israel even amid the ongoing conflict.

“Maersk is continuing to keep a close eye on the ongoing geopolitical situation involving Israel, with the main aim of ensuring the safety and well-being of our staff and the best-possible service to our customers,” Maersk said in an April update on the conflict, posted to its website. “At this time, all Maersk operations to, from and within Israel are functioning as normal without disruption. This includes ocean transport to and from Israeli ports, air services and inland transportation. All Maersk offices remain open and our staff are available to support customers with their supply chain needs.”

As for the canceled tours, local authorities recommended the cancelation, the email said.

“We are truly sorry to have to inform you that we see no other option than to cancel the public tours intended for August 28 of our newest dual-fuel methanol vessel Alette Mærsk,” the email added. “We deeply apologize for any inconvenience the cancellation may cause.”

Los Angeles Councilmember Tim McOsker, though, said he wasn’t shocked by the protests.

“The right to peaceful protest is one of America’s most important constitutional principles, and a powerful way for people to express their voices,” he said in a written statement. “Prior to these events, I’ve had my own reasons to object to Maersk business practices, so this turn of events does not come as a surprise.”

In lieu of the tours, Maersk provided an online link to those whose reservations were canceled for a behind-the-scenes video of one of the Alette’s sister ships, the Ane Maersk.

“We very much regret this situation as we had been looking forward to opening the doors to the public and showing you around this magnificent vessel – the first of its kind to call the United States, sailing on green methanol on her maiden voyage from China to Los Angeles,” the cancelation email said. “We have been in awe of the huge interest from so many people in the Los Angeles area wanting to visit the vessel and experience first-hand this very tangible proof of the green transition and a crucial step towards a greener future for our planet.

“We thank you for showing an interest in our journey towards decarbonizing shipping and logistics,” the email added, “a journey that is of outmost importance to A.P. Møller-Maersk – and once again apologize for the inconvenience following the cancellation of the event.”

Bruce Heyman, executive director of the Los Angeles Maritime Institute, was one of those scheduled to tour the ship. Instead, he could only watch the ship sail out of the port early in the morning after having read the email.

“As an engineer, I was really looking forward to my 8:14 a.m. tour this morning and very disappointed that to ensure public safety it had to be cancelled,” he said in a written statement. “It is great to see the Port of Los Angeles and Maersk investing so much time and energy and bringing forward game changing propulsion technology to help us decarbonize.”

One thought on “Hamas Supporters STOP Celebration of “Green” Cargo Ship—Fear of Riot

  1. The question is Who is running LA?” The city council and administration hides. The police are told to step down. That leaves the terrorists alive and well to terrorize the city.

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