Like the radical Progressive/Socialist he is, the Hollywood Slicky refuses to take responsibility for his actions causing harm. Newsom in the past has blamed climate change for forest fires. Now he is blaming fossil fuel companies for forest fires.
Note he does nt mention HIS refusal to clean the forests, cut back dead trees and bushes for the intense fires—or his unwillingness to provide sufficient forest firefighters to stop fires when they begin/
“Earlier this week, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a $60-million plan to build a special “fish” channel to allow salmon and steelhead, sturgeon and lamprey to swim around a dam on the Yuba River. More on that later.
Newsom also blurted out that he blames California’s now-annual-wildfires on fossil fuel companies.
Wasn’t it only a couple of years ago the governor accused PG&E of causing wildfires, and placing profits over safety?
So now it’s fossil fuel companies? Governor Shapeshifter is trying to blame fossil fuel companies for a deadly crisis the government created by imposing environmental laws that have made forest management nearly impossible. And, with his oil and gas ban looming in the near future, he clearly needs a boogey man.
Newsom is just a con artist, a scammer—looking for votes by blaming others. This does prove he is the perfect Democrat candidate for President.
Harebrained Study Behind Gov. Newsom Blaming Fossil Fuel Companies for California Wildfires

Biased study admits conclusions are based on ‘idealized, modeled version of the world’
By Katy Grimes, California Globe, 5/18/23
Earlier this week, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a $60-million plan to build a special “fish” channel to allow salmon and steelhead, sturgeon and lamprey to swim around a dam on the Yuba River. More on that later.
Newsom also blurted out that he blames California’s now-annual-wildfires on fossil fuel companies.
Wasn’t it only a couple of years ago the governor accused PG&E of causing wildfires, and placing profits over safety?
So now it’s fossil fuel companies? Governor Shapeshifter is trying to blame fossil fuel companies for a deadly crisis the government created by imposing environmental laws that have made forest management nearly impossible. And, with his oil and gas ban looming in the near future, he clearly needs a boogey man.
Last September, Gov. Newsom signed a package of “sweeping legislation” to achieve statewide carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and no later than 2045, by establishing an 85% emissions reduction target, capping oil wells, slowing oil and gas permitting, making it impossible to increase refining capacity, and entirely phasing out oil and gas starting in two years. And that’s just the start.
In addition to California’s gas taxes, state regulations create a more demanding and exacting process on oil and gas as well.
Newsom also conveniently bases his oil company accusation on a conveniently timed study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a “leading activist group promoting left-wing public policy approaches targeting alleged catastrophic man-made global warming,” Influence Watch reports. “The group’s websites makes extreme and apocalyptic predictions about the future of the Earth’s climate, attributing a supposed increase in ‘wildfires, flooding, [and] extreme heat and drought’ to climate change and projecting the disappearance of ‘entire island nations.’”
The new study blames “a rise in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), a measure of the atmosphere’s drying power that is significantly influenced by human-caused climate change.”
The study’s authors claim “Previous research has quantified the contribution of carbon emissions traced back to a set of 88 major fossil fuel producers and cement manufacturers to historical global mean temperature rise.”
The authors even claim megadrought and record-breaking heat is drying out vegetation due to climate change. What about the fact that forest management has been halted for decades? “Draconian restrictions on logging, grazing, prescribed burns and herbicide use on public lands have made modern land management endlessly time consuming and ultimately cost prohibitive,” Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) said in January as he introduced H.R. 188, the Proven Forest Management Act.
“Beginning in the 1970s, we began imposing environmental laws that have made the management of our lands all but impossible,” McClintock said. “When we granted a categorical exclusion from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to our Tahoe Basin foresters, these provisions for the Tahoe Basin expedited the clearance of excess timber, were instrumental in slowing the Caldor fire, and need to be applied nationally.”
“H.R. 188 expands throughout the entire National Forest System the categorical exclusion for forest management projects that was secured for the Tahoe Basin in the 2016 WINN Act,” McClintock said.
Newsom’s ridiculous study by the radical climate change non-profit, which goes after “climate change deniers,” claims that “since 1901, the fossil fuel activities of these companies, including ExxonMobil and BP, among others, warmed the planet by 0.5 degrees Celsius — nearly half of the global increase during that period,” CNN reported. “Fossil fuel companies have denied the conclusions of those reports,” CNN added, linking to their own article titled “Big Oil has engaged in a long-running climate disinformation campaign while raking in record profits, lawmakers find.”
“Extreme and apocalyptic predictions” indeed.
How did the Union of Concerned Scientists climate activists come to their conclusion blaming fossil fuel companies for wildfires?
“Researchers behind the study came to their conclusions using a method that scientists have relied on in recent years to quantify how much of a role the climate crisis is playing in extreme weather and environmental disasters: They took actual climate data and compare it to an idealized, modeled version of the world where there was no fossil fuel pollution from the 88 companies,” CNN reports.
Yep – they compared actual climate data to their “idealized modeled version of the world…”
This is straight out of the “You can’t make this @#$! up” file. These “scientists” actually left science at home the day they published this study.
If these deceptive “scientists” create a study to further their leftist causes, they know CNN will report it. CNN even finds a climate scientist to say, “human-caused climate change plays a key role in making these extreme fire events worse and more likely to happen.”
Carly Phillips, a research scientist with the Science Hub for Climate Litigation at the Union of Concerned Scientists and co-author on the study said, “the key message they want people to take away from this study is that fossil fuel companies need to be held accountable for exacerbating extreme climate events like wildfires, which are putting lives at risk.”
“It didn’t have to be this way,” she said. They “should pay their fair share of the costs of these climate impacts.”
And that is where this is going: this study and others like it, will be used by the government to sue and further regulate oil and gas companies into nonexistence, if they are allowed.
Influence Watch reports between 2001 and 2018, Union of Concerned Scientists reported total revenues of $396 million and total expenditures of $332 million (lobbying). “Much of UCS’s lobbying has been directed towards nominations of individuals to science-related positions in the federal government, climate-related energy bills, and general environmentalist issues.”
Gov. Newsom’s statement about fossil fuel companies being responsible for wildfires was no accident – this is a coordinated attack on the oil and gas industry backed by some really heavy hitters.