Hawkins: Give the Kids a Chance

Standarized test scores have gone done.  Children are forced to breathe dirty air through a mask, while playing or trying to learn.  Our scores are teaching sex classes, down at the kindergarten level—by the seventh grade they can go to work for Heidi Fleiss, if she was still in the business.  Love hate?  Then you will love California government schools training kids to be leaders in the BLM or ANTIFA.  To do so, government schools misrepresent history and try to turn the students against our flag, Constitution and the Rule of Law.

School Choice is the only way to fix government schools.  The competition from real education facilities will force government schools to either shape up—or if not, close down for lack of students.  Who would want to send their child to a failed, bigoted, sex oriented school?  As an example they are now redoing the math curriculum—because government educators and politicians think math is a white supremacist construct!  How sick is that?

 Give the Kids a Chance

Brian Hawkins, Exclusive to the California Political News and Views

Every child deserves a choice of the school they attend—the education they receive. I mean everyone. And that is only possible with “The Educational Freedom Act”.

More than two years in the drafting, the Educational Freedom Act treats everyone in California equally. Parents of every Californian child have the freedom to spend $14,000 provided by the State of California at a school of their choice—no matter how much money they make.

But implementing this policy the right way and giving our kids that choice, will require two things: (1) signatures to place it before voters and (2) votes to pass it into law. But like every great policy idea, there are other versions of school choice circulating at the moment. Please don’t be confused.

The one we need and the one you want is the Educational Freedom Act. It is sponsored by Californians for School Choice, a coalition of Parents, Taxpayers, and clergy throughout California.

The Educational Freedom Act gets it right. It makes everything equal and fair. The key is the direction of state education tax dollars into the hands of parents. That funding follows the student without conditions, mandates, or means testing. Every California family and every California student is treated equally.

What parents get with the other educational initiatives, is best described by George Orwell. In his classic book, Animal Farm, he famously said, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

Those other initiatives require annual student funding provided to be phased in by “means testing”. The home schooled are excluded from all benefits. They provide less than $14,000 per student annually. They implement a system fit for administration by Scrooge. And there will be no redemption!

Those other initiatives leave out the middle class. Only the richest and the poorest students in California have a real choice of schools for the first 4-5 years. In contrast, the Educational Freedom Act provides $14,000 to all students regardless of their parent’s “means”. Funding for middle class students is not delayed for 4-5 years like other initiatives.

Homeschoolers are not excluded or left out with the Educational Freedom Act. A homeschooled student in an accredited program may use this funding for tuition and school expenses.

Even if the homeschooled student is not participating in the program, $14,000 per year is still allocated for them. The annual funding accumulates in an account setup on the student’s behalf. Once the homeschooled student graduates from high school, the accumulated funds are available for tuition at an accredited college, university or vocational school of their choice.

The Educational Freedom Act is more inclusive than others. It’s a dramatically better deal for Californians. All students, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or religion are equally eligible for the school choice benefit.

Then there are the government-provided “public” schools.

Many have forgotten their primary mission. Their charges are failing at the basic concepts of writing, reading, and arithmetic while our tax dollars are wasted by an “out-of-touch” bureaucracy. Students are not readied for college or career. They (and their teachers) are treated like “guinea pigs” by a state mandated political agenda.

Bottom line: Our current system is failing to prepare our rising generations to succeed in life, to be independent and to contribute to the economic wellbeing of their fellow citizens and our Nation.

If we are to stop this failure, the job of children’s education must become the province of the parents and not the State. The Educational Freedom Act starts California down that path. 

The $14,000 per year provided by the Educational Freedom Act is business-friendly and unencumbered by the massive Education Code. Funds are securely transferred for tuition expenses with detailed considerations for the schools as well as the State Treasury. It protects the taxpayers with safety measures so that the unscrupulous cannot take advantage of the system.

We’ve seen that more money poured into the broken system does not yield better results. Spending more on a broken system did not solve the crisis in education.  All children deserve a quality education without delay—especially the poorest and most vulnerable among us who have suffered the most under the current system. That quality education begins with equal access.

Our children are our future. They deserve the best education that our tax dollars can buy. For some that might be public school. For others, a private or home school. Financial support from the state should be theirs to direct. The choice of school to attend should be theirs to pick. And a quality education should be theirs to receive.

Your Kids. Your Money. Our Future.

“Brian Hawkins is a Pastor, Community Activist and in his first term on the San Jacinto City Council.”