“He Ain’t Like Us” : Trump’s Coachella Rally Baffles Local Leaders

Why is Trump holding a rally in the Coachella Valley, California? 

This is NOT a rally for California.  It is a rally for America.  Trump will remind people of the disaster called California.  He will tell us about the totalitarian State, failed education, support for illegal aliens, misuse of money for the homeless—the ability to steal up to $950 and have no punishment.  This is a cautionary tale for America.

As the bumper sticker in Texas says, “Don’t Californicate Texas”.  That is why he will be in California.

“He Ain’t Like Us” : Trump’s Coachella Rally Baffles Local Leaders

California City News,  10/8/24  https://w.californiacitynews.org/2024/10/he-aint-us-trumps-coachella-rally-baffles-local-leaders.html?utm_source=California+City+News&utm_campaign=712c64de04-City_05_May_2020_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_093e2b3f3b-712c64de04-125859233&mc_cid=712c64de04&mc_eid=e146621c52

Former President Donald Trump is holding a campaign rally in the Coachella Valley on Saturday, October 12. He’s taking heat — and not just from the 103° temps expected in the region. Some strategists have questioned why the Republican presidential candidate would be campaigning in a dark blue state, 24 days out from a close election. Coachella’s mayor, Steve Hernandez, has his own issues with the campaign stop.

“The City of Coachella was proud to welcome Senator Bernie Sanders during the 2020 primary election, but news of former President Trump’s upcoming visit has been met very differently,” Mayor Hernandez said. “Trump’s attacks on immigrants, women, the LQBTQ community and the most vulnerable among us don’t align with the values of our community. He has consistently expressed disdain for the type of diversity that helps define Coachella. We don’t know why Trump is visiting near Coachella, but we know he wasn’t invited by the people who live here. He ain’t like us.”

Coachella City Councilmember Frank Figueroa and Indio City Councilmember Waymond Fermon also slammed Trump’s visit. Fermon called the former president “a threat to our needs and to democracy itself.”

Political consultant and California City News co-founder Mike Madrid thinks he knows what’s behind Trump’s campaign stop.

“Trump isn’t just rallying in Riverside County. He’s using it as an ad for Fox News. Rallying in a deep blue state with a lot of Latinos is exactly the message he wants to convey,” he said.

Madrid has written about the rightward shift among Latino voters in his acclaimed book, The Latino Century: How America’s Largest Minority Is Transforming Democracy. It’s a trend he’s been following for years, but it’s one Democrats have only recently begun to take seriously.

Read more about this weekend’s rally at The Desert Sun.

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