He OWNS It: Gov. Newsom’s S-Hole Cities, Sanctuary, Crime, Drugs, Homelessness, Corruption

This past weekend, Gavin Newsom sounded like Donald Trump in his opposition to crime.  It is as if he just heard that due to HIS policies, you can steal $950 without punishment, get years cut off of your sentence, has been silent about radical DA’s like Gascon in L.A. and Price in Alameda.  I guess he just found out about the drug crisis due to HIS support of open borders, the smash and grab crimes.

This is just the crime issues he will be hit with as he runs for President.  If he is smart, he will not run and wait till 2028, hoping people forget the disaster he caused in the former Golden State.

He OWNS It: Gov. Newsom’s S-Hole Cities, Sanctuary, Crime, Drugs, Homelessness, Corruption

Gavin is running away from California after participating in its demise since 1997

By Katy Grimes, California Globe,  9/15/23   https://californiaglobe.com/articles/he-owns-it-gov-newsoms-s-hole-cities-sanctuary-crime-drugs-homelessness-corruption/

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a little public relations problem: the state he governs is a dangerous shithole and an albatross around the neck of all Democrat politicians.

Newsom, who fancies himself presidential material, is on a media PR tour to distance himself from the repercussions of his COVID orders locking down the entire state, “nonessential businesses,” churches, and schools for over two years. Newsom cut off access to Capitol media, holding solo “press briefings” with only a pre-authorized television camera to record.

Newsom is also trying to feign anger about the filth, degradation and destruction to his home city of San Francisco, of the world’s most beautiful cities. But all of the state’s large cities – Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno, Redding… suffer the same fate under Newson’s governorship.

At Dreamforce this week, Newsom announced that his office will file an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court over a recent court order from a U.S. Magistrate limiting San Francisco’s recent desire to clear homeless encampments. “That’s a hell of a statement coming from a progressive Democrat from California that says we need help from the Supreme Court,” Newsom told Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff in a Dreamforce interview Wednesday, boasting about his new found sense of law and order.

“We own it,” Newsom said.


While Newsom appeared positively angry about the filth and homeless camps and would conditions in San Francisco, he’s a little late to this party. The people of San Francisco have been absolutely discouraged by his and San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s lack of interest in the city’s degradation, as well as the failing businesses, and the filth residents are forced to deal with daily.

Gain Newsom has always vocalized concern for the homeless, but his actions never meet his claims. In 2020, Newsom said California homeless have been “failed by the country’s leaders. There’s nothing compassionate about allowing Californians to living on the street or in makeshift encampments.” His answer was to spend billions on “housing.”


“…despite spending nearly $23 Billion ($23,000,000,000) on California’s homeless housing, homelessness continues to grow in California,” the Globe reported in March. “According to the Public Policy Institute of California, ‘nationally, California has topped the list for the state with the largest homeless population for more than a decade. As of 2022, 30% of all people in the United States experiencing homelessness resided in California, including half of all unsheltered people (115,491 in California; 233,832 in the US).’” 

“This is a solvable problem made impossible by a corrupt government,” a Sacramento source told the Globe.

Another source of homelessness in California also can squarely be blamed on Gov. Newsom. The governor has eagerly facilitated the prison early release program, letting thousands of violent felons and violent sex offenders out of California prisons. “California Gov. Gavin Newsom will be letting another 76,000 prisoners out of state prisons – on his own authority through Executive Order – violent crime is spiking in California’s cities,” the Globe reported May 2021. The CDCR expanded “good time credits” without criteria to justify early release of dangerous inmates. And out of prison they have gone, back onto the streets.

Gavin Newsom owns it – all of it – and remember, he wanted so desperately to be Governor of California that he challenged Jerry Brown in 2010, but had to settle for Lt. Governor.  Newsom just wasn’t interested in having to deal with all of the state’s baggage.

Here’s a taste of the “garbage” under Newsom:

The Governor, who claims to run a “California for All,” says “the California Dream — the idea that every person can achieve a better life, regardless of where they start out — is central to who we are as Californians.”

Who are we as Californians? We are fed up with this narcissistic governor who has failed up his entire career, never having been properly vetted or challenged because of the state Democrat supermajority. And now Newsom is trying to distance himself from his own and his party’s policies destroying our state.

The grossly tone deaf Newsom thinks Tweets and soundbites are meaningful:

Newsom said:

“California’s economy continues to grow—especially in the Bay Area—thanks to our talent, innovation, and values. San Francisco’s 10 biggest firms have a market value of $1.2 trillion—greater than Saudi Arabia’s entire 2022 GDP,” Newsom tweeted.

Really? Is that his observation from the back of a party limousine?

Newsom bragged Wednesday he is “sending over $267 million to 55 cities and counties across the state to hire more police, make more arrests, and secure more felony charges against suspects.”

…because spending billions has worked so well in shithole cities which have defunded or cut police. This is how the Democrat grift works.

Rather than face California’s very serious problems, Gov. Newsom just announced “on Sunday, as part of his trip to New York for Climate Week, Governor Gavin Newsom will participate in the Climate Week NYC Opening Ceremony. Speaking with David Gelles of The New York Times for a discussion entitled, “Approaching the Climate Crisis Differently,” the Governor will announce new climate efforts the state is taking.”

Because the “new climate efforts the state is taking” will mitigate the filth, drugs, homeless, crime, crumbling infrastructure, gang-on-gang murders, and rampant corruption in California’s shithole cities.

Gavin is running away from California after participating in its demise since 1997. And it appears he can’t get away fast enough.

3 thoughts on “He OWNS It: Gov. Newsom’s S-Hole Cities, Sanctuary, Crime, Drugs, Homelessness, Corruption

  1. With all of that to his credit it is no wonder he is the obvious choice to replace the dementia patient on the communist democrat ticket in 2024.

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