Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/1/21


Tomorrow is the Special Election in the 30td Senate District.  As they say at a ball game, you can not tell the players without a program.

There are three people running for State Senate that are registered as Republicans:

  1.  Tiffani Jones—supported by the grass roots and community organizations.
  2. Joe Lisuzzo—endorsed by the LAGOP.
  3. Renita Duncan—a registered Republican who took the advice of State Senator Shannon Grove (who gave her $4900) and filed instead as an NPP


  1. Some have asked if I am going to stay in the fight for Freedom and the Republican Party.  You bet.  While some GOP State Senators are talking Republicans OUT of running for office—or having them run as an NPP—I am working, with others, to find GOP candidates—real Republicans to run in 2022.  My newsletter coms out at 3:00am each day and I am doing even more radio shows each week.  Importantly, I am speaking directly to the grassroots of the Party—the very folks ignored by the State Party.  As an example, here are a few of my speaking engagement over the next three weeks.

February 26  Womens Fed in San Gabriel Valley

March 1—Tea Party in Atascadero  in person

March 2—San Fernando Valley Republican Club

March 5—Silicon Valley Association of Republican Women

March 6.  South Placer County Republican Women’s Fed  in person

March 9   Liberty Forum in Silicon Valley

March 10  Encino Oaks Republican Womens Fed  in person

March 11  South Bay Republican Womens Fed

March 13  Chino Tea Party

March 20—Lake County  GOP Central Committee–in person—

You can always reach me at 805-795-1271 or at [email protected]

  • Life Without Petroleum:  This is the world Newsom, Biden and the Democrats want for us—humorous and devastating to the scam artists of the Left.

IS this funny or what?  JUST 56 SECONDS!  This is just part of the story, few people realize how much of their existence is intertwined with hydrocarbon petroleum based products from the paint and finishes in their homes to the synthetics in the clothes they wear to all the different plastic products they touch every day. 

Watch the attached and have a good chuckle; it is an amusing short clip illustrating the fallacy of a future without petroleum.  If anything, this is an understatement, since the house would lose its roof, appliances would fall apart, adhesives and paint and collapse in on itself, Prius & Tesla would be dismantled and your driveway and road would become dirt or mud – just like the Old West

Forward this to you lists—and the Democrats.

  •  WATCH OUT FOR PHONY SCHOOL “OPENINGS”:  The Oak Park school district, in Ventura County is touting that today they are “opening the schools”:.  This is a complete fraud and abuse of the students and taxpayers.  This is how the define “opening” the schools:  Only k-5 are allowed back on campus. For a shortened day—TWO DAYS A WEEK  Call that an opening?  If you are in grades 6-12—NO EDUCATION. Just a continuation of the couple of hours of pretend school via th Internet.  Yet, they are praised for opening the schools!!!  I call it corruption, fraud and a downright lie.  What do you call it?  Another reason to Recall Nuisance the Governor.
  • The Santa Monica-Malibu School Dsitrict proudly announced it was opening the campuses for the student.  That is an outright lie.  Only if you are a member of the chess club or play the flute do you get on campus—you do not go to a classroom, you continue to pretend to be in school by turning on your computer.  In fact, in this story about L.A. County, most of the schools are opening—those allowed on campus, in the five days of the week will get a total of TEN HOURS of school—averaging two hours a day.  That is NOT education, it is fraud.

From the L.A. Times, “Officials (Santa Monica-Malibu) this week announced a tentative agreement with their teachers union that would require vaccines to be available to school staff for 15 days prior to students returning. At that point, all K-12 students would gradually return to campus, if they wish, for enrichment activities, which might include club meetings or outdoor learning projects. Even while the county remains in the purple tier, elementary students are likely to have the option of up to two days of instruction on campus. District leaders say that allowing students to socialize and spend time together is of prime importance.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)