Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/4/21

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash


There were three people running for 30th State Senate seat  that are registered as Republicans, how did they do in the March 2 special election?:

  1.  Tiffani Jones—supported by the grass roots and community organizations.  Got 1391 votes
  2. Joe Lisuzzo—endorsed by the LAGOP. Received 3814 votes
  3. Renita Duncan—a registered Republican who took the advice of State Senator Shannon Grove (who gave her $4900) and filed instead as an NPP  She came in last among the seven candidates—1047 votes.

The Winner, Sydney Kamlager, received 38.596 votes, 67.67% of the vote

All together the Republicans and the person running as an NPP (embarrassed),  received about 11% of the vote.


  1.  The mentally challenged Joe Biden is spreading the COVID-19 virus—ON PURPOSE.  As you know he is importing illegal aliens (he calls them “non citizens”) from Mexico.  How is their health?  This is from the Epoch Times:
“108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Tested Positive for COVID-19: Officials”
The bad news is that Gov. Newsom is REFUSING to tell us how many illegal aliens shipped to California by Biden has the virus.  We do know that Gavin is spending $28 million of your taxes to quarantine the illegal aliens for two weeks in hotels and provide them with “free” health care.  Can we be tolerate of a Governor and President that puts our lives at risk?
2.       San Diego Union Tribune reports that Mayor Kevin Faulconer and others removed portions of a report involving corruption with a building the Mayor demanded the city buy:
“Lawyer for NBC 7 journalist accuses San Diego city officials of withholding key Ash Street information

“Marlea Dell’Anno, who represents NBC 7 employee Dorian Hargrove in a claim against the city of San Diego, told council members that City Attorney Mara Elliott, former Mayor Kevin Faulconer and others removed sections of a city report into the 101 Ash Street purchase.

“We have emails from city staff showing that council, as well as members of the public, were given a forensic report that was missing vital information,” Dell’Anno said in a statement to the council.”

Imagine what Newsom and the Democrats are going to do with this information about corruption and removal of key information from a report!  This is not good for him—and for the rest of the Republicans running.  I hope they all demand he return and make public the information he removed.
3.       The Los Angeles Republican Party has become a secret society.  Unless you are a member or alternate, you may not attend any meeting.  So, if you want to see how it operates, you can’t.
Want to see if you would like to work on a project, you are not allowed to know of them.
Want to run for the Committee, but see how it operates first—you can’t.
While Republican elsewhere are fighting hard to get people involved, the LAGOP is working hard to keep people OUT.  This is from the notice for the February 27 meeting of the LAGOP:

“Dear Members,

Thank you for registering for our February 27th Central Committee Meeting.

Check-in will begin at 9:15 am, so please be sure to arrive on-time.

We are looking forward to your attendance.

Please note: Do not forward our RSVP links or zoom login information to non-members, unless you have received explicit approval to do so.”

The largest GOP county in the nation—and the governing body is a secret society.  No wonder the Party is in a spiral down—they do not want new participants

  • 4. Read this careful from Politico/  Note it DOES NOT open schools—just k-2 and special needs students.  Ten grades are NOT covered—those students will continue to get pretend education while the teachers get full pay.  This is a scandal.

“The new proposal would offer $2 billion in grants to schools that open transitional kindergarten through second grade by the end of March and bring back at-risk students in all grades. That includes districts in counties that are still in the state’s purple tier, with infection rates higher than what teachers unions previously said are too unsafe for reopening. Read the full story about the school deal here..”



 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)