Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/8/21


At 7:00pm on Tuesday March 9, 2020 I will be giving a major presentation on the subject
Sacramento tests the waters with outrageous laws. Then other states follow suit.

This is free, before the LIBERTY FORUM OF THE SILICON VALLEY.  Just register at  https://co.clickandpledge.com/advanced/default.aspx?wid=126328

Not only will the issues be discussed, but WHO is responsible for the problems.  A hint, “TOLERANCE” is the base cause of the destruction of our American society.  To paraphrase the title of a book by Ayn Rand, “The Virtue of Intolerance”.

Please send this message to your friends, post it on social media, I believe this presentation will change the way you think of public policy and the death spiral as a State and nation, we are in.


  1.  The FRAUD of the CENTURT by Gavin Newsom:  On Friday he announced that he is opening professional sports to fans!!  That is great news.  Then you read the fine print.  Yup, only 100 fans in the stadium (built for 60,000.  Why should Newsom be Recalled?  Because he pretend to open the State—which has now been done by Texas, Arizona and Mississippi.

From the L.A. Daily News:

Dodger Stadium, Angel Stadium will begin 2021 season with fans in the stands

The new guidelines from the California Department of Public Health would allow at least 100 fans to attend Major League Baseball games beginning April 1.

  •  Silly time in Newsom’s California.  Friday night I took my wife to dinner at a nice steak house in Simi Valley.  Of course in 60 degree weather we were forced to eat outdoors.  Pneumonia anyone?  As we were eating I noticed that a waitress using a spryer was cleaning a table to disinfect it.  Then she did it again.  Yet, we were outdoors, next to a busy street, with cars and trucks.  The wind was blowing and leaves and other debris was being blown into the outdoor dining area.  Seriously, how “clean” was this table?  Then two couples were seated at the table—not wearing masks, similar to that about 30 other people in the eating area.  While we were socially distanced-ha ha, where is the data that sitting six feet apart, rather than three or twelve is “safe”.  Especially when so many people in a small space were not wearing masks.  This cleaning, distancing, masks are a joke.  In Texas, Iowa, Arizona and Mississippi that are using real science—hence no masks.  Guv Newsom using NO science now wants us to wear a double masks.  California is a joke—and a fascist State.
  • Dishonest headline of the week:  This is from the Daily News:

Surge in anti-Asian hate crimes raises fears in Southern California
Anti-Asian hate crime in the 16 largest U.S. cities increased 149% in 2020, coinciding with negative stereotyping that linked Asian people to the coronavirus pandemic, a new report finds.

Why is this dishonest?  Because on the November 3, 2020 ballot we had Prop. 16.  This was aimed out expelling Asian students from California government colleges and universities by using a quota system,. Not merit.  Who were the bigots that hated Asians so mych they wanted to make it State policy?  The same people that started the KKK—the Democrat Party.  Racism is their hallmark.  Stop ALL racism against Asian—and others.

  •  The Los Angeles Times is for sale.  To be accurate, the El Segundo Times is for sale—the Times moved 20 miles west when they could n longer afford to work in downtown Los Angeles.  Now the billionaire owner has found you can not make money by bashing freedom, America and lying about  President Trump, public policy or ignoring the fascist State it is promoting:

As Patrick Soon-Shiong comes under increased financial pressure, deals to sell the Los Angeles Times and his Tribune Publishing stake look more and more likely,” by Poynter’s Rick Edmonds: Alden Global Capital “appears to be — not a lock — but the most likely to win any bidding contest for the Los Angeles Times, along with The San Diego Union-Tribune and some real estate.”

  • Single family homes now considered RACIST.  So Hispanics, Asians, black Americans and white people that want to own a single family home are now considered racists.  Bet you did not know that in the New World Order home ownership is proof of bigotry and racism.  That is how sick Newsom and his Democrat friends have become.  He can own a series of mansions, yet you are a bad person.

From Politico:

HOUSING WATERSHED — “How Berkeley Beat Back NIMBYs,” by the NYT’s Farhad Manjoo: “Last week, Berkeley finally took a step in a new direction. The City Council adopted a measure that acknowledges the racist history of single-family zoning and begins a process to eliminate the restriction by 2022. … It wasn’t long ago that Berkeley could be counted on to reflexively oppose even the most moderate plans for building more housing.”


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)