Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 3/29/21


This is from the California Playbook of 3/31/21: 

“ON THE GOP ‘POWER GRAB’: “This is the crazy thing here, when they say it’s a ‘power grab’ of the Republicans. Let me tell you, the [California] Republicans couldn’t even get anyone elected. It’s ludicrous — the Republican Party doesn’t exist. These are the signatures of the ordinary folks that have signed on.”

“It had nothing to do then — and it has nothing to do today — with either party. People are dissatisfied. [The recall is] the people’s way of kind of letting off some steam, and then they decide: Do we want to follow through, or not follow through?”

So while CRP Chair Patterson is taking a victory lap in the media for the Recall—which she was forced to donate $185,000 and little else—out of over $3 million spent to qualify the Recall—Schwarzenegger speaks the truth.  We are down to 9 members of the State Senate, 19 members of the Assembly—one less than on January 1, 2019.  How bad is it?  We had the State Senate Minority Leader, at the time, advise a candidate for State Senate in San Jose to run as an NPP_-and forced GOP candidates out of the race.  In the recent Special Election for State Senate in L.A. County.  Leader Shannon Grove talked a registered Republican to run as an NPP instead—and gave her $4700—money donated to defeat Democrats and elect Republicans, instead used to defeat a Republican.

So, when Arnold says the GOP cannot elect anyone, was Shannon Grove listening to him?  The Recall is because of ordinary, fed up Californians, they organized, they sweated, they got over 1.2 million volunteer signatures.  How bad is it?  In the past two years the GOP registration has gone up .6%–and Democrat registration, on a bigger base, went up 2.9%.

Do you think Arnold is right on this?


Here is the latest registration figures from the Secretary of State, as of February 10, 2021, just published:

February 10, 2021

10,228,144  46.2%  Democrat

5,347,377  24.1%  Republican

5,258,223  23.7%  NPP

1,320,5606.   0%  Other

February 10, 2019

8,612,368  43.1% Democrats

4,709,8512  3.6%  Republican

5,645,665  28.3%  NPP

1,010,5655.1%  Other

Analysis:  In the past two years, with a “robust” voter registration program of the CRP, the GOP gained over 600,000 new registrants—the vast majority, over 500,000 were registered not by the CRP, Womens, Fed, GOP volunteers or independent GOP groups.  NOPE, over 500,000 were registered by Bill Clinton (not a typo) via his Motor Voter Act through the DMV.

The GOP gained .6% in past two years—Yeah!!

The Democrats gained 2.9% in past two years—with a real program.

Imagine a couple of more cycles with these results and the GOP will be

Senate Minority Leader Scott Wilk, a supporter of Kevin Faulconer for Gvoernor in 2022 reminds us of the facts: “Wilk is motivated to grow the number of Republicans in the state Senate, where he’s previously served with 14 and 11 Republican members during his four years in that chamber. 

“In the history of California, the fewest seats the Republicans have held in the Senate is eight. Right now, we’re at nine,” Wilk said, noting that historical low was in 1883. “I’m feeling pressure. I want to be the guy who brings it up.”   He is now down to NINE GOP State Senators—

In this Santa Clarita Signal newspaper he admits the truth: “Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, has led the Senate Republican Caucus for six weeks. He met with The Signal Monday to discuss the changes he’s initiated during that time to make Senate Republicans relevant in Sacramento.”

The GOP is not relevant.  In part because the CRP does not register voters—and in raw numbers the Democrats are doing their job and we are sitting on our hands. 


  1.  A few days ago I reported on the closing of the LAGOP—secret meetings, not open to the public, no voter registration program, a dozen districts without a GOP candidate—and in the Special Election for the 54th AD, they are continuing their efforts to not run GOP candidates.  No voter registration, closed, secret meetings, not running candidates—it is in preparation to be totally closed as a political operation.

Now the Ventura County Republican Party is following the example of the LAGOP—no voter registration programs, secret, closed meetings, registered Republicans not welcomed to attend or participate.   In the;last election volunteers financed GOP headquarters in both Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley—over the objections of the County Committee,  Closed meetings, no HQ’s, no voter registration—oh in Thousand Oaks in the last election one Republican was running for city council—a candidate that had been active with the Committee, donated a lot of money to the Committee—but they refused to endorse him.  Without their support he still beat an incumbent by 70 votes—the incumbent spent $80,000, the GOP candidate without Ventura County GOP support spent $15,000—and won, with a strong grass roots effort—something the Ventura County GOP does not have—no precinct operation, have not had one for years.

  •  More proof professional sports are about politics, not entertainment.  In this case they are trying to blackmail the State of Georgia for the crime of passing legislation to correct the corruption of the 2020 elections.  The PGA and major league baseball have come out in favor of corrupt, dishonest elections.  As for me, if I want to watch politicians play I will go to the local bar—not watch millionaires play a game while telling me dishonest elections are OK.

From Politico, 3/28/21

The Boston Globe reports that the state of Georgia could face a backlash that extends beyond skirmishing politicians into sports: “The 91st MLB All-Star Game is scheduled to be played in Atlanta this July. But on Thursday, in the wake of voting-restriction legislation signed into law by the Georgia governor, the executive director of the MLB Players Association said the players are ready to discuss moving their annual midsummer exhibition out of Georgia.

Players are very much aware” of the Georgia voting bill, which places restrictions on voting that some believe will make it particularly difficult for Black voters to reach the polls, said Tony Clark in an interview with the Globe. “As it relates to the All-Star Game, we have not had a conversation with the league on that issue. If there is an opportunity to, we would look forward to having that conversation.”

“Meanwhile, the National Black Justice Coalition … has urged the PGA to pull the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club next month. He also encouraged golfers to not play the event,” notes Newsweek.



 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)