Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views, 4/7/21


Last week we reported that the CRP chair, Jessica Patterson, was planning an Executive Committee meeting-of the 101 member group, she appoints 50, to endorse a candidate for Governor in the Special Recall election.  She was informed via phone calls, emails and direct conversations that such an action would explode the California Republican Party.  Remember she tried to get a by-law passed that would have allowed her, and her alone, to endorse, on behalf of the 1427 CRP delegates.  We exposed that and she withdrew the proposal.

Now that we have exposed this effort to endorse her candidate without benefit of a voice from the full 1427 delegates, once again, she has withdrawn that effort. 

More evidence that the delegates need to speak up and demand to be heard.  The good news is that conservative leaders are united, communicating, coordinating and constructively working together—that point was clearly made to the Chair.

This was another victory against the anointment of a candidate for Governor without the voice of Republicans.  This is what happens what conservatives work together for Republican values.


SPECIAL NOTE: Is Rick Grennell running for Governor? You can ask him at “Event Announcement: Costa Mesa RA Presents Ambassador Richard Grenell, April 25, 2021–at 4:00pm” Still do not know–but this appears to be the first known public presentation to volunteers and grassroots.

  1.  Another Republican is planning to run for Governor!!  This time it is a BIG Hollywood name!!!  Caitlin Jenner—formerly known as Bruce.  This is from Axios.  Oh, note Jenner is trying to be tied to President Trump!!!  Think the Kardashians will support Jenner?  Remember Kim Kardashian would not support her husband for President—instead supported Joe Biden.  Could that be the cause of the divorce? 
Scoop: Caitlyn Jenner explores run for California governor

Former reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner is talking with political consultants as she actively explores a run for governor of California, three sources with direct knowledge of her deliberations tell Axios.

Why it matters: Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, is facing a recall election. A challenge from Jenner, a high-profile Republican and previous Trump supporter, would draw heightened attention to the race to lead the nation’s most populous state.

  • Jenner is being assisted in her consideration by Caroline Wren, a longtime GOP fundraiser. Wren initially met Jenner through her work with the American Unity Fund, a GOP nonprofit focused on LGBT issues.
  • Wren previously worked at Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee for President Trump’s 2020 campaign, and also helped organize the rally he addressed immediately before the U.S. Capitol assault on Jan. 6.2, A friend sent me a bunch of puns.  One struck me as recognizing that in politics KARMA exists.

2. Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There’s no menu – you get what you deserve 

In 2018 Ronda Kennedy Baldwin had run with conservative support, told five conservatives who worked on her Assembly campaign, including myself, she would appoint us to the State GOP as delegates.  When the time came, after most spent money on registration and airfare, hotels, she informed us she would be appointing people supporting Jessica Patterson instead.  Apparently Jessica would help her on her next elections.

In 2020 no conservative would help her, due to her going back on her word.  But, she still had the support for her race for Congress from Jessica.  As expected the CRP and Jessica did not help Rhonda—but she is going to run again for Congress!  Again, she supported Jessica Patterson thinking THIS time she would help.

Now Rhonda is facing Matt James in her race for Congress and he is getting the full support of Jessica and her Team.  In fact, James will be a speaking at a Ventura County Womens Fed—instead of Jessica and her protégé, Lindsay Stetson.

KARMA may not be what Rhonda Kennedy Baldwin is going to eat, but we all expected it was just a matter of time she would get a serving.  How will we know this?  When the Ventura County GOP has to endorse a candidate for Congress—will it be the two time loser, Rhonda or the fresh face, the former U.S. prosecutor Matt James.

This is a lesson for those who think they made deals with the CRP leadership in exchange for their support in the last CRP election.  Watch as candidates do not have their phone calls or emails responded to in other than a perfunctory way.  Support?  Just ask Rhonda what her deal was worth.

  •  3. People in a Colorado bar and restaurant had enough of government mandating masks.  When the police show up to enforce the mask mandate, the patrons chanted “Get Out, get out” till the cops left.  This is how you handle, peacefully a totalitarian State—you stand up to it.


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)