Stephen Frank, California Political News and Views,5/4/21

Photo courtesy of kenteegardin, flickr


When you get a text message, you get the name of the person sending it and their phone number.  On April 26.2021 I received a text message from 94622.  When I tried calling it read “Call Management”.  What did the text message say?

“ALERT:  The RECALL has officially qualified enough signatures to qualify.  The campaign to remove Gov. Newsom has begun.  Contribute today  https://bit/ly/3sTbmaB” 

Very suspicious—a legitimate organization would not give its name.  A legitimate organization would have a phone number that went to their office or calling center.  In this case, a phony phone number and NO name..  I then did what smart people should not—I clicked on the https given.  Then I was shocked—it was the California Republican Party.  Now, in the early days of the Recall the CRP has raised over $100,000 to “remove” Newsom.  Not a dime of that money went to the Recall—and I said it at the time and it was NEVER denied.  Then the RNC gave $200,000 to the CRP for the Recall—but that money was actually going to pay salaries—again, though I said it many times, it was NEVER denied.

Because it was exposed, the CRP then gave a check for $125,000 to Rescue California for the ReCall and claimed $60,000 of in kind donations—actually that was for CRP overhead salaries—little went to Facebook ads and data collection.

Now we have this suspicious, secret effort, trying to hide that the CRP is raising money to remove Newsom.  Though it says the Recall qualified, note it says the money is going to remove Newsom—not to Recall him.  In others words the good works of the CRP could be construed as being in an effort to “remove” him—either by Recall or in 2022 if the Recall fails. 

There are only three organizations that were created to specifically Recall Gov. Newsom.  Their money actually goes to the Recall of Newsom.  They are:


Cal Revival

Rescue California.

When you give to these organizations you know where the money goes—you know previous monies collected went to the Recall, NOT the general fund of an organization.

I urge the Board of Directors to take a close look at the methods used to gain donations.  Of course, the method could be because of the financial realities:  The L.A. Times reported, per the FPPC,  that the California Republican Party had a little over $537,000 cash on hand.  The Californian Democrat Party, which gave $500,000 to stop the Recall, money THEY raised, and still had over $15.5 MILLION cash on hand.


  1. We now have three candidates for Attorney General—besides the incumbent Rob Bonta, appointed by Newsom—Gavin found out he could not appoint Vladimir Putin, because Putin is not an attorney—Bonta and Putin have the same basic views—totalitarian.

Then you have Nathan Hochman, an anti-Trump George Bush Republican who in the past has donated to Adam Schiff, Alan Cranston and Joe Lieberman.  NO donations to Trump.  He calls himself a moderate, just like the former Socialist Mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer.  The next candidate is the Sacramento DA, Shubert—a former Republican, left the Party due to President Trump and the concept of freedom for all.

The last candidate in the only active, Republican, conservative e supporter of the GOP—Judge Steven Bailey.

This is from the Playbook:  “BUENOS DÍAS, good Monday morning. Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert is making an announcement about “her future statewide plans” today. In other words, get ready for another contender to jump into the 2022 attorney general race and take on newly minted Attorney General Rob Bonta, as Schubert has already telegraphed she’s considering. Schubert’s expected announcement comes days after moderate Republican Nathan Hochman , former assistant U.S. attorney in the Bush administration and the former president of the Los Angeles Ethics Commission, announced his bid. Clearly, Republicans are signalling they think the AG’s spot is their best chance to win one statewide office back from the Dems

Note the bias—they do not mention Judge Bailey. They are playing Schubert as if she was still a Republican.  Schubert and Hochman will split the Bush/Schwarzenegger/Faulconer vote, allowing a Republican to be the GOP’er on the November ballot.

  •  People have turned off professional sports—which act like political rallies.  They have turned off the Oscars and movies—because they act like political rallies.  Now we find folks have turned off real political rallies—21 million LESS watched Biden in his first State of the Union address that watched Trump four years ago.  From the Politico Playbook:

“Joe Biden’s Address To Congress Snares 26.9M Viewers; Way Down From Trump,” Deadline: “An estimated 26.9 million people watched the president’s address across 16 broadcast and cable networks, according to Nielsen figures released this afternoon. That’s a steep drop from the 47.7 million who watched Donald Trump’s first speech to a joint session on February 28, 2017. Nielsen reported that the bulk of Biden’s audience — 18.5 million — were 55 and older.”

Political scientist MATT GROSSMAN: “More evidence Biden is lowering salience of presidency & politics.”

  •  This is why business and families are moving to Florida—they have a Governor that uses science, not politics to set policy.

Florida Gov. DeSantis suspends all remaining Covid restrictions: ‘We are no longer in a state
of emergency’

CNBC, by Amanda Macias Original Article

  •  Will Anthony (I am a liar) Fauci use this as an excuse to keep the nation closed, schools and churches closed?  Will Biden even understand what this means?

It’s unlikely America will reach
herd immunity, experts warn

The Week, by Brendan Morrow Original Article

  •  Seriously, Democrats are looking at ways to DEPROGRAM 75 million Americans that voted for Trump.  Isn’t that what they did in Germany in the 1930’s, in the Soviet Union, Cuba and China.  Are the Democrats admitting they are fascists and communists?

How Do You Like the Thought  of Being Deprogrammed?

American Thinker, by Bruce Deitrick Price Original Article


 (Periodically the California Political News and Views will publish tidbits of political news, to keep you in the loop of what the pooh bahs know.  The phrase “tom/tom’s” comes from my mentor, Lorelei Kinder who never passed a rumor, just called to tell me what she heard on the “Tom/Tom’s”.  This column is named in her honor.)